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Halloween Horror Nights, MNSSHP & Florida Weekend Meet

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^As for PacMan Cafe, it was really kind of crappy. We didn't eat there but we walked around and played some games.


I think we'll stick with eating at Disney and Universal places on this trip!


Ok, this is the first review I had of the cafe. No problem then. At least I know not to waste my time and money going there then. Is there a favorite spot to eat at Epcot?

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^I may just be dumb here, but why in the world would you have a 2 seat van?? Thats an oxymoron just like the "family sports car".


^^Have you looked into the SeaWorld/BGT shuttle? I think they still run it, and it will get you to and from Busch.


LOL! Its my work van. Since I have to be working in Ocala up until Thursday afternoon, I will have to bring the work van with us on our trip in order to save an hour and a half of travel time. Otherwise we would be quite late for HHN. The work van is mostly empty inside other than the two seats and a small console. As Elissa calls its...its my "scary van".

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Hey everyone! I have turned the 1st post of this thread into the roll call and final itinerary for the meet(s).


If you are planning on joining us in Florida and your name is NOT on the list(s) and should be, please respond to this thread!


See you all in Florida in a few weeks!



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Hey guys, I'm pretty sure (98.9%) I will be going on the 20th all day and night . As you may or may not know I will be in O-town and Tampa on the 12th - 17th and was supposed to return to work on the 20th. But I took care of work and it pretty much depends on my piece o' car and if I have any $$ left after my other trip. So put me down for the 20th and if I can't go I will let you know when it gets a little closer. Oh and just to let everyone know I will have the "crunchy" hair covered , at least for HHN.




P All "love ya, bye,bye!"

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Hi, I'm new here, but I'd like to meet up with you guys.


I'm about 98% certain that I can make BGT, considering I have a season pass, and live right down the road.


The other parks I'm not so sure about, but I can probably manage to go to at least one, for at least the day.


I'll have to check though...

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