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Mountain/Alpine Coaster or Alpine Slide Discussion Thread

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^Yes he is Catholic, and he's down here right now, ironically he's having the big mass for 500,000 people at a race course.


My system is to count whatever is on coaster counter, I feel it kind of validates my count but like everyone says it's still a subjective thing with some "coasters".

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^If I was running coaster counter or rcdb I would include it on their sites personally, I think counting this one as a coaster is a matter of opinion and the arguments either way are both pretty valid.


Because I use coaster counter to keep track of things and they don't have it on, I don't count it. I just couldn't be bothered keeping a personal spreadsheet to keep track of things.

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^I had to stop using both Coaster Counter and Coaster Fanatics, because in traveling internationally there are a lot of parks missing and often times when I would email them to add a park, they never would respond or add the park to their list. Finally I gave up and started to track all of my new coasters on a spreadsheet.


I know, I am a nerd!

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^Do bears crap in the woods?

Is the pope catholic?






I have to agree with the people that mention the gravity railways. I would ride it, but not count it.


It's too much along the lines of an Alpine slide (which I do not count either!).




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^ It would seem to me that if someone is going to count the mountain coaster then you'd also count the alpine slide. IMO the only difference is the track. And if someone considers the alpine coaster same same as a real coaster, then shouldn't the alpine slide be the same is a full sized bobsled coaster?


How would they be different?


My rule of thumb is "If you have to question it, it's not a coaster..."



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"Finally I gave up and started to track all of my new coasters on a spreadsheet." (packfanlv)


I've always used a simple Excel spreadsheet. It's the easiest way and you can add columns for statistics, ratings, etc.


This ride looks like a lot of fun. It looks like something I'd count as a coaster, being on a track and all, and not apparently assisted by any means of power other than gravity.


Just curious...how many cars are hooked together, and are both tracks identical?



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This argument has gone on since the days of rec.roller.coaster. (if you don't know what that is, then you should be shot, hehehehe!)


Anyway, I call it a coaster, it has a "form" of lift, and has one undulating hill. Though be it the most uneventful, it's a coaster.


Wikipedia has a great definition of a roller coaster, and can be found @



This fits the definition.


P.S. my apologies, I'm drunk. hehehehehehee

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I would count it as a credit. You ride up a lift hill, and then coast down the mountain. Yeah it's like a alpine slide in a way, but you don't take a chair lift to the top and then place your own slide and go. You ride up the rails and just take a "Scenic" coast down the mountain.

Everyone considers the " Scenic Railway" as a coaster. It's about the same, both have a brakeman, and they coast through the course. The only difference is a "Scenic Railway" goes uphill also.

But that's just my opinion

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For those who think this is an alpine slide it is not. For one, it runs fixed on the track. Each car is attached via wheels that run on top and underneath the track like a coaster. While it probably fits into the mountain coaster genre, it certainly isn't an alpine slide. Here is a close up of the wheels sitting on the track. Again this car has no leeway at all, it simply uses gravity to run down a fixed track.


Of course as was said before, if you don't count mountain coasters than this probably isn't a credit for you. On the other hand,if you do than count it. I know that I will be counting it! I also have a much better video that I will try to post that gives a better idea of the ride since I was sitting directly behind the brake man. I also got some shots of the great wall in the video which gives a better idea of the awesome surroundings.


Thanks for responding everyone! I am enjoying reading all of the opinions and am honestly learning a lot.


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on here a few years ago i was looking through the list of parks, and came across one that was in like a resort high up some mountains/hills? There was maybe some shops or some other things there i cant remember

There was only one ride there i think and it was a massive alpine style ride that twisted between trees, through fields, through forests ect... it must have been about 4 miles long and the track was just like a long silver pipe?

Im sure there was POV video of the entire ride aswell, but ive looked everywhere and i cant find it!

any ideas of the name of the park/ride? would be appriecited

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I know exactly what you are talking about. I have seen the video of it several times on youtube, sadly I have forgotten the name of the place. I do know it's at a ski resort in Europe and they have a couple other rides there like a giant zipline and giant swing. I will keep looking for it and hopefully I will find it as it is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.


The ride itself is a single rail you ride down much like on Steeplechase at Alton Towers. This thing has about 4 tunnels all with decently sized drops and if you don't use the brakes too much, you can reach about 45-50 mph on it.

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Well, I just found one of what I was thinking of. I don't know if it's the same thing you were thinking of or not, but here's the video:



It's located in Mieders, Austria. I wish I could find the other one again though because the entire place it is at is pretty cool.

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