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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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^^ I agree with both previous posts. Although Nitro does seem to look in a state of disrepair, the majority of the ride is in the woods and would probably be more expensive than it'd be worth to re-paint the track. But the trains, station, and queue are in need of an overhaul.

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I'll agree Nitro could use some TLC (most notably Train C, the rust covered sign on the front of the station, and the broken metal railings along the queue) BUT the ironic thing about all of you who are making a huge deal about the paint job is that you cannot see any part of Nitro but the lift until you are riding it, and I highly doubt most people are noticing missing or chipped paint while flying through the course @ 80mph lol.


Personally I'm curious to know if Nitro's ridership has dwindled in the past few years that the park has "neglected" the ride. Considering its easily one of the top 3 most popular coasters in the park and the wait consistently proves that, I'm going with probably not. The park probably knows that people will continue to ride it paint job or not and they are right.


You're right this is Six Flags after all. As long as the ride is standing and operating with decent ridership, everything else comes second.

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All I can say is that I freaking love Nitro - its currently tied with El Toro as my favorite coaster, and being that I'm not a huge theme geek, how it looks does not affect my experience on the ride. Though I have not personally had an experience in Train C the coaster runs fantastic and its a great ride.

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Nitro's clamshell restraints have all been refreshed. I don't understand the comments on the "disrepair" of the station. The rusted "NITRO" sign always seemed more like a feature rather than a drawback.

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Did they replace the clamshells recently? I rode twice the last Sunday of June and on one of those rides it looked like someone took a bite out of my restraint.

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Did they replace the clamshells recently? I rode twice the last Sunday of June and on one of those rides it looked like someone took a bite out of my restraint.


Could have just been the train I rode, but they seemed to have a new yellow sealant/lacquer.

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Though I have not personally had an experience in Train C the coaster runs fantastic and its a great ride.

C Train is real bad. At first it was only the back row, but the last time I got on C (mid-May) the front row was the worst experience I ever had on Nitro. I now try to avoid C at all costs.

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Could have just been the train I rode, but they seemed to have a new yellow sealant/lacquer.


Well I'll be there this week so I'll try to see if its on all three trains.


C Train is real bad. At first it was only the back row, but the last time I got on C (mid-May) the front row was the worst experience I ever had on Nitro. I now try to avoid C at all costs.


Ive been aware of the Train C rattling for a while from folks on here and even joked on here that I want to ride it just to see how bad it is but I have just been lucky the last 2-3 times Ive been at the park and have happened to not get it every time when it was my turn to board.

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Nitro's clamshell restraints have all been refreshed. I don't understand the comments on the "disrepair" of the station. The rusted "NITRO" sign always seemed more like a feature rather than a drawback.


I don't think it's necessaily about the station itself (those rust stains have practically been there since the first rainfall after it opened in 2001), but the general state of it's queue / surrounding area. Tons of weeds, sparse gravel, general unkemptness. I don't agree with a lot of the comments accusing the park as being dirty with "cracked paths" everywhere, but the Nitro queue is in some serious need of TLC.

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Was at the park today at opening. Went straight to El Toro and waited from 10:30 - 10:50 for it to open. Rode 8 times without getting off the train, then two more time. Then to Bizarro for a walk-on. Then to Zumanjaro for a walk-on in the single rider line (around noon).


Walked to the other side of the park stopping for SkyScreamer (one cycle wait) before a Batman:The Ride walk-on. However, Nitro closed around 12:45 (sign at the entrance, and the attendant, told me so). I waited about 15 minutes but no movement of trains. Not sure if it was anything major as I left the park shortly thereafter.

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Went straight to El Toro and waited from 10:30 - 10:50 for it to open. Rode 8 times without getting off the train, then two more time..
Now THIS sounds like my kind of Monday morning.
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I was passing by the park today after work around 4 and was trying to hit a few rides. Well the weather didn't hold out. Got the the park at 4, and all major coasters were closed. Tried to see if the weather would pass, left at 8pm. The major coasters never opened while I was in the park.


Was nice chatting with a few of the employees hanging out by the lockers near kingda ka during the inclement weather. I did ask one of the operators how badly zumanjaro has cut down ka's capacity, He said they are only getting tops 30 launches a hr, down from the high 56-57 range. he said capacity has been cut in half. Very sad to hear how the state of NJ really screwed six flags on this one.

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Very sad to hear how the state of NJ really screwed six flags on this one.

Six Flags screwed themselves by not knowing this kinda stuff before opening or even building the ride. How do you not know your own state's regulations when youre in a business like that?

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Very sad to hear how the state of NJ really screwed six flags on this one.

Six Flags screwed themselves by not knowing this kinda stuff before opening or even building the ride. How do you not know your own state's regulations when youre in a business like that?


So True!


Even if the rules weren't clear you have the case of a specific ride that "flung" parts at 100MPH. Why would the park think that running the rides simultaneously with the potential of launching a loose article at 100MPH at someone be acceptable.

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I don't buy that there's any huge danger in running the rides together (there's always plenty of opportunity for people to throw things from roller coasters at non-riders but you wouldn't do that unless you were deliberately trying to hurt people and most people aren't psychopaths), and I also don't necessarily believe the park had any way of knowing the state would impose this ridiculous rule prior to building the ride. Six Flags screws stuff up but never THAT badly. Until more info emerges, I'm assuming the state is totally to blame for this.

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^^ What about Bizarro's cobra roll? El Toro's camel hills? Even on GL or Superman you have chances to throw stuff at people. Not making them run at the same time because of flying objects shouldn't be that much of a problem if it isn't in those other areas


Shouldn't Zumanjaro be up at the top of the tower anyway? If Ka is going at 128mph and it takes roughly three seconds to go up the tower, Zumanjaro should be at the top waiting if not close to it. It would be virtually impossible for someone to get hit from that angle

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Went straight to El Toro and waited from 10:30 - 10:50 for it to open. Rode 8 times without getting off the train, then two more time..
Now THIS sounds like my kind of Monday morning.

Oh how I agree. My first visit is on Monday Aug 11. Give me that!

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Now, I'm just speculating, but perhaps the reason the rides don't run simultaneously due to tower swaying as opposed to being due to the risk of loose articles being flung.


Well then they should look at SFMM, I really doubt this would sway nearly as much as SEFK and LL.

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Now, I'm just speculating, but perhaps the reason the rides don't run simultaneously due to tower swaying as opposed to being due to the risk of loose articles being flung.


Well then they should look at SFMM, I really doubt this would sway nearly as much as SEFK and LL.

I was just throwing out an alternative theory, but it is most likely due to the state putting its foot down.

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Headed out to the park today as I hadn't been back since Zumanjaro opened. It was very muggy, but a fun day.


Arrived around 11:30 and headed over to Zumanjaro. The ride only had what would have been a 20 minute wait, but it did break down for about 10-15 minutes. It looked like there was an issue with the retracting roof. During this time, KK did not send any trains out either. Does anyone know if Zumanjaro downtime affects KK? I'm hoping it was just because the roof wouldn't close.


Afterward Zumanjaro, we headed over to KK which only had a 30 minute line. I'm glad to see that Zumanjaro has not drastically reduced Kingda Ka's capacity, as the crew was still constantly loading and unloading trains, sending them out as quickly as possible. We rode in the 2nd row of car 2. A great ride as always.


Next we headed over to El Toro which was a 1 train station wait. The ride was running as great as always, rode in the 2nd row of car 6. No matter how many times I ride it, the air time always blows me away. I'm glad SFGAdv maintains it so well, as it is definitely one of the best in the US.


After El Toro, we rode Bizarro, which was running all 3 trains. The ride itself is great, however the operations were slow as usual. All three trains stacked every time, and the ops weren't moving as fast as the other rides. It was a walk-on and I'm glad to see them using all available trains.


Next we rode the sky ride and hit up Nitro. They were running 2 trains and it was only about a 5 minute wait. There was a short delay as someone pulled out their cell phone and the ride was stopped on the lift. Nitro was running great. We rode in Train C and didn't notice any unusual vibrations or roughness.


After Nitro was Batman. It was a walk-on and was a great intense ride. It's definitely running the best that I can remember, very smooth and intense.


At this point the storms started to move in, so we decided to ride Skull Mountain, as my friend had never been on it. The queue was moving very slowly and the hallway leading to the station was pretty unbearable as the ac was not working. They were only running one train, which due to the crowd levels I would assume was fine, however as the other rides closed and people started rushing it, a second train would have definitely helped.


I'm glad that both Zumanjaro and Kingda Ka capacities are not majorly affected by each other. Both rides seemed to get as many people possible through as best they could given that they can't operate together. As has been mentioned before, the Zumanjaro queue definitely has an unfinished feel to it. I wish they would have added plants to more than just in-between the queue and exit paths, though the new views of El Toro are nice. The ride crews seemed to be a little slower than normal, but I'll toss that up to low crowd levels and the absurd humidity today, however I'm hoping they're faster on a busy Saturday. Overall it was a great day cut short by some stormy weather. While the park has its ups and downs, I'll always be grateful to live so close to a park with such great rides.

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I don't buy that there's any huge danger in running the rides together.


Well then you might want to take your head out of the sand. If you combine the loose item incident that happened on Dueling Dragons at IOA with the Kingda Ka accident you could be looking at serious injuries. If you fail to see that as a "possibility", even if a remote possibility then I can not help your ignorance.


In this day and age even if the chance for severe injury is virtually impossible, municipalities and/or lawyers are going to legislate and suggest change to make it completely impossible.

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I don't buy that there's any huge danger in running the rides together.


Well then you might want to take your head out of the sand. If you combine the loose item incident that happened on Dueling Dragons at IOA with the Kingda Ka accident you could be looking at serious injuries. If you fail to see that as a "possibility", even if a remote possibility then I can not help your ignorance.


In this day and age even if the chance for severe injury is virtually impossible, municipalities and/or lawyers are going to legislate and suggest change to make it completely impossible.


I don't even really get what you're talking about. Ka's launch system could experience a catastrophic failure and riders of Zumanjaro might get hit by flying debris? Besides being incredibly unlikely, wouldn't that pose a danger to anybody in the Zumanjaro loading area as well? And what, something is going to fly out of someone's pockets on Ka and hit someone riding Zumanjaro? A) Ka never directly faces Zumanjaro, it would have to fly out and at the *perfect* angle (unlike on Dueling Dragons), B) wouldn't this also pose a threat to anyone in the Zumanjaro loading area? Maybe you can clarify. There's lots of remote possibilities in the world but like I said, I don't buy that there's any HUGE danger, and I fail to see how running the rides this way insures anybody's safety.


In any case call me ignorant all you want but I don't think you have any more information than I do, did you call up someone from the state and ask them why exactly that decision was made?


EDIT: I was thinking more about the flying cell phones problem and I've pretty much decided it's impossible. Think about it, a cellphone isn't going to fly FORWARDS from somebody's pocket as if it were shot from a gun, it's going to fall down and backwards (relative to the pocket it fell from). Even if it were to wrench itself free at exactly the right point during the pull-up to continue flying at the level of Zumanjaro, think about how far left it would have to fly, why would it do that? It would continue going straight ahead, the way the train was going. Anything coming out of anyone's pockets poses way more danger to people on the ground than people riding Zumanjaro. The only danger for those on the ride would be from above, and haven't they already put in protection from that?

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