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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Hey guys!


Next Sunday (8/7), I'm planning on heading down from Boston to this park, after years of it being on my bucket list! I just have a couple questions for the park regulars before I make my plans final.


Will I be able to everything in the parks without a Flash Pass? Since I'm coming from Boston it takes around 4 hours to get there, so I'm planning on leaving my house after 5:30 so I can get there for when they open, and then leave at around 6, so I can get home at a decent hour.


I've heard this park is always busy, even on weekdays or Sundays, is this true?


Last question, does anyone have any suggestions on the order I should ride the rides in? I have a pretty rough idea of what I should ride first, but I just wanna see what other peoples opinions are first!



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^ Fair warning, bud, about timing. I grew up 10 miles from the park and had relatives in Boston that we visited at least once a year. That drive is 5 hours on a good day. Luckily you won't run into the hell that is NYC traffic on a weekday but it still won't be a walk in the park. You may want to think about driving down on Saturday evening and grabbing a hotel.

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Definitely, definitely try to drive down Saturday night and stay at a hotel. Otherwise leave even earlier to ensure you're there for park opening. From Boston myself and the couple times I've gone down this year I've stayed the night before. It'll never take you only 4 hours. My sisters left on a Saturday morning at 6 and got there at 12 and with security, as you've said it is an extremely busy park, every day I've gone at least, security alone can take a while to get through. And if you want to hit up everything without a flash pass it's doable but I would plan on staying the whole day.


My suggestion would be drive Down Friday night and spend a whole Saturday at the park. Also, skull mountain back row. You won't regret it.

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Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone! I had a 13 hour ride home from NYC, so why not yanno write a bible-sized story?

Nice report! I loved my visit to SFGAdv as well. Aside from Green Lantern, I don't think I rode a single "bad" ride there.

I didn't actually hate this ride! It didn't headbang or anything. Probably because I kept my head forward. But either way, I didn't find it rough really or anything. Just painfully on the legs, but that's all stand ups.

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Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone! I had a 13 hour ride home from NYC, so why not yanno write a bible-sized story?
Nice report! I loved my visit to SFGAdv as well. Aside from Green Lantern, I don't think I rode a single "bad" ride there.

I didn't actually hate this ride! It didn't headbang or anything. Probably because I kept my head forward. But either way, I didn't find it rough really or anything. Just painfully on the legs, but that's all stand ups.


Nice report. If you get a chance to go back check out Kingda Ka row one. It's worth the extra wait time.


Will I be able to everything in the parks without a Flash Pass?


No guarantees on this but probably not. We went Friday night for a few hours and got on Flume, Skyway, Nitro, Batman, Joker, El Toro twice and Kingda Ka row one all in 2 1/2 hours. About a month ago we went on a Sunday and got on 5 rides in 12 hours. Crowds are unpredictable but generally large and if I were a betting man I'd say you'd miss some things.


I won't even guarantee you'll get on all the coasters but what rides besides those rides are a priority?

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I won't even guarantee you'll get on all the coasters but what rides besides those rides are a priority?


The priority rides are:

El Toro

Kinda Ka

Green Lantern




The Joker

Skull Mountain

The Dark Knight Coaster


Superman: Ultimate Flight and Batman: The Ride I have already ridden at SFOG, so if I didn't ride those, I wouldn't feel bad.


Which one has the longest lines?


^ Fair warning, bud, about timing. I grew up 10 miles from the park and had relatives in Boston that we visited at least once a year. That drive is 5 hours on a good day. Luckily you won't run into the hell that is NYC traffic on a weekday but it still won't be a walk in the park. You may want to think about driving down on Saturday evening and grabbing a hotel.
Definitely, definitely try to drive down Saturday night and stay at a hotel. Otherwise leave even earlier to ensure you're there for park opening.


Okay, thanks guys!

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Alright so if you're okay with skipping credits then you can make due with one day.


Let me say this. If you haven't ridden Dragster either and it's your first rocket coaster don't settle for any row on Kingda Ka but row one. The ride goes from rough in the back few cars to "wow that was fun" in row 2 to "OMFG WTF JUST HAPPENED!?!?!?!? in row one. I know you won't want to listen because you'll be in a hurry and you'll see a long like for row one but just to for it. When full the front row queue adds less than 30 minutes and it's entirely worth it.


I'd head there first thing and then ride Zumanjaro because it's line will be totally manageable.



Other tips are to obviously ride El Toro one row from the back which won't add to your wait time at all because everyone crowds the front of the station even though the back is better. Ride Skull in the absolute last row, ride Bizarro in the absolute last row. On Nitro sit sort of near the back but go for the shortest line.


Green Lantern is a terrible coaster. If you're okay with skipping coasters then skip this one and ride Batman even though you've ridden it before because Batman is great and Lantern is sh*t. Batman's line is usually manageable.


As far as Joker. Don't make this a priority unless you get a Flash Pass Platinum. It's fun but if you miss it the world won't end. If you do something like skip the front of Kingda Ka to save time for Joker you're doing it wrong.


Finally. I love Safari and think it's one of the best rides in the park but I won't bother since you don't have time for that at all. I would however suggest the parachute drop. It's not going to change your life but it'll have a 5 minute wait or less and it's the only ride of it's kind in the country.


Also, if the line is manageable don't underestimate Runaway Mine Train. It's a fun ride, much better than say Dark Knight (but ride Dark Knight because it never has a line).


You're not wrong for skipping Supermn. It's fun but it generates huge lines.


Have fun. Hopefully the crowds are manageable.

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Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone! I had a 13 hour ride home from NYC, so why not yanno write a bible-sized story?
Nice report! I loved my visit to SFGAdv as well. Aside from Green Lantern, I don't think I rode a single "bad" ride there.

I didn't actually hate this ride! It didn't headbang or anything. Probably because I kept my head forward. But either way, I didn't find it rough really or anything. Just painfully on the legs, but that's all stand ups.


Nice report. If you get a chance to go back check out Kingda Ka row one. It's worth the extra wait time.

Thank you! I doubt I'll get the chance to go back, but I might be going back to CP soon, so I could ride front of dragster. Those rockets are some of the only coasters that legitimately scare me. I can't even imagine what it would be like in the front then. You're making me regret it for real now.

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^^^If you couldn't tell coasterbill doesn't like Green Lantern. Ride in row 1, stand the proper way and you might enjoy the ride. I have never had a issue with Green Lantern, unless I ride near the back with an empty train.

Edited by larrygator
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^^ This. You can't sit like its a seat, you have to stand. It should barely be touching you. If you sit on it, expect to never have kids again. In the end, your legs should hurt more from standing up than your crotch. Also, try your best giraffe impression and stick your head out in front of the restraint. This obviously prevents headbanging. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

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The best way to ride Green Lantern is to not ride it. I've tried all the tricks and tips people suggest and I stand in the seat properly and it still slaps me around like a step-child.


Yeah standups are really all about body types and heights. There's no full proof strategy. Your mileage may vary but unlike other standups where there seems to be a difference of opinion it's almost a universally accepted fact that Green Lantern blows.

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We stopped by on our way home from NYC Friday (7/29) and it must have been our lucky day (had stopped raining when we got there). Joker had a 15 minute wait when we got there and everything else was a walk-on or 5 minute wait. They were giving rerides on Kingda Ka to fill the train. I'm glad we stopped in when we did.

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Yeah standups are really all about body types and heights. There's no full proof strategy. Your mileage may vary but unlike other standups where there seems to be a difference of opinion it's almost a universally accepted fact that Green Lantern blows.


It is not logical to say the suckiness is universally accepted when the ride continues to have a line on mildly busy days.

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Yeah standups are really all about body types and heights. There's no full proof strategy. Your mileage may vary but unlike other standups where there seems to be a difference of opinion it's almost a universally accepted fact that Green Lantern blows.


It is not logical to say the suckiness is universally accepted when the ride continues to have a line on mildly busy days.


I should have specified that I was talking about within the enthusiast community. Very few people have anything good to say about it. As far as regular guests between the fact that some people's minds are blown by the idea of standing up on a coaster, the fact that many guests are first time guests and the fact that the capacity is very low given the fact that they sent the third train back to Magic Mountain and don't staff the ride properly it's not a surprise that it gets some type of line.

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Anyone see the video of the "flooding" that occurred at Great Adventure a few days ago? A good portion of Adventure Alley was in ankle-to-knee high water.


I say "flooding" because Knoebels laughs at this and says enjoy splashing in your new puddle.

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