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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Really the only thing I'd want to see from here on out at this park is maybe a bonafide woodie like Mystic Timbers (GCI return of Grizzly maybe?).


The park has FOUR woodies and one of them is currently being RMC'd. But one more woodie? What makes the other three "non-bonafide" woodies? The definition of bonafide is "real". Is this like when enthusiasts complain about El Toro - the completely wooden coaster made entirely out of wood - is not reeeaaaallly a wooden coaster?

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Really the only thing I'd want to see from here on out at this park is maybe a bonafide woodie like Mystic Timbers (GCI return of Grizzly maybe?).


The park has FOUR woodies and one of them is currently being RMC'd. But one more woodie? What makes the other three "non-bonafide" woodies? The definition of bonafide is "real". Is this like when enthusiasts complain about El Toro - the completely wooden coaster made entirely out of wood - is not reeeaaaallly a wooden coaster?


Really it has two because Iron Hurler will not be wooden and Woodstock Express is a kids coaster (albeit a very good one). I mean a GG or GCI woodie like Prowler or Mystic Timbers. And like I said I can live with a refurbish of Grizzly too.

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Really the only thing I'd want to see from here on out at this park is maybe a bonafide woodie like Mystic Timbers (GCI return of Grizzly maybe?).


The park has FOUR woodies and one of them is currently being RMC'd. But one more woodie? What makes the other three "non-bonafide" woodies? The definition of bonafide is "real". Is this like when enthusiasts complain about El Toro - the completely wooden coaster made entirely out of wood - is not reeeaaaallly a wooden coaster?


Really it has two because Iron Hurler will not be wooden and Woodstock Express is a kids coaster (albeit a very good one). I mean a GG or GCI woodie like Prowler or Mystic Timbers. And like I said I can live with a refurbish of Grizzly too.


I do not believe that Boldikus counted Hurler.

1. Grizzly

2. Woodstock Express

3. Rebel Yell A

4. Rebel Yell B


All ARE bonafide wooden coasters. So what if they're on the older, or less thrilling side? Do I think the park could benefit from a modern woodie? Yes. But it's not necessary right now.

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Good point, I guess you could technically count Rebel as two. We'll count them for the credit whores.


So that's FIVE woodies. FIVE!!!


Keep dreamin, you ain't gettin' a GCI.

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Really the only thing I'd want to see from here on out at this park is maybe a bonafide woodie like Mystic Timbers (GCI return of Grizzly maybe?).


The park has FOUR woodies and one of them is currently being RMC'd. But one more woodie? What makes the other three "non-bonafide" woodies? The definition of bonafide is "real". Is this like when enthusiasts complain about El Toro - the completely wooden coaster made entirely out of wood - is not reeeaaaallly a wooden coaster?


Really it has two because Iron Hurler will not be wooden and Woodstock Express is a kids coaster (albeit a very good one). I mean a GG or GCI woodie like Prowler or Mystic Timbers. And like I said I can live with a refurbish of Grizzly too.


I do not believe that Boldikus counted Hurler.

1. Grizzly

2. Woodstock Express

3. Rebel Yell A

4. Rebel Yell B


All ARE bonafide wooden coasters. So what if they're on the older, or less thrilling side? Do I think the park could benefit from a modern woodie? Yes. But it's not necessary right now.


If not then Grizzly should get a refurbishment of some sort, either by GCI like Ghostrider or in house like Thunderhawk. I like it but it could be better if it was less brutally shaky.

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The only thing a GCI does that an RMC doesn't is close an imaginary hole created by enthusiasts. Apart from going upside down, I find their experiences to be fairly similar.


Is this like when enthusiasts complain about El Toro - the completely wooden coaster made entirely out of wood - is not reeeaaaallly a wooden coaster?


I don't understand what goes on in the minds of those people.

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^^ It's an old wooden coaster. It tried to eat my rib and I still thought Grizzly was pretty great. Old woodies are not supposed to ride like new B&Ms. Man up or stop holding up the line!

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If not then Grizzly should get a refurbishment of some sort, either by GCI like Ghostrider or in house like Thunderhawk. I like it but it could be better if it was less brutally shaky.


Grizzly was a great ride when I rode it in 2015. If it was fine after 33 years it should be fine after another 2.

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I do not believe that Boldikus counted Hurler.

1. Grizzly

2. Woodstock Express

3. Rebel Yell A

4. Rebel Yell B


All ARE bonafide wooden coasters. So what if they're on the older, or less thrilling side? Do I think the park could benefit from a modern woodie? Yes. But it's not necessary right now.


If not then Grizzly should get a refurbishment of some sort, either by GCI like Ghostrider or in house like Thunderhawk. I like it but it could be better if it was less brutally shaky.


Good point, I guess you could technically count Rebel as two. We'll count them for the credit whores.


So that's FIVE woodies. FIVE!!!


Keep dreamin, you ain't gettin' a GCI.


I mean we were told we'd never get an RMC either. Cedar Fair really likes the company so it would not surprise me to see KD get a product from them sometime in the future.


The only thing a GCI does that an RMC doesn't is close an imaginary hole created by enthusiasts. Apart from going upside down, I find their experiences to be fairly similar.


LOL wut? GCIs and RMCs are nothing alike. One feels like a wooden coaster and the other feels like a steel coaster.


Otherwise Discovery Kingdom would have kept Roar instead of converting it into The Joker.

Edited by AstrumSpark
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Good point, I guess you could technically count Rebel as two. We'll count them for the credit whores.


So that's FIVE woodies. FIVE!!!


Keep dreamin, you ain't gettin' a GCI.


I mean we were told we'd never get an RMC either. Cedar Fair really likes the company so it would not surprise me to see KD get a product from them sometime in the future.


How far in the future we talkin?


Go on...

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Really the only thing I'd want to see from here on out at this park is maybe a bonafide woodie like Mystic Timbers (GCI return of Grizzly maybe?).


The park has FOUR woodies and one of them is currently being RMC'd. But one more woodie? What makes the other three "non-bonafide" woodies? The definition of bonafide is "real". Is this like when enthusiasts complain about El Toro - the completely wooden coaster made entirely out of wood - is not reeeaaaallly a wooden coaster?


Really it has two because Iron Hurler will not be wooden and Woodstock Express is a kids coaster (albeit a very good one). I mean a GG or GCI woodie like Prowler or Mystic Timbers. And like I said I can live with a refurbish of Grizzly too.


I do not believe that Boldikus counted Hurler.

1. Grizzly

2. Woodstock Express

3. Rebel Yell A

4. Rebel Yell B


All ARE bonafide wooden coasters. So what if they're on the older, or less thrilling side? Do I think the park could benefit from a modern woodie? Yes. But it's not necessary right now.


If not then Grizzly should get a refurbishment of some sort, either by GCI like Ghostrider or in house like Thunderhawk. I like it but it could be better if it was less brutally shaky.


Good point, I guess you could technically count Rebel as two. We'll count them for the credit whores.


So that's FIVE woodies. FIVE!!!


Keep dreamin, you ain't gettin' a GCI.


I mean we were told we'd never get an RMC either. Cedar Fair really likes the company so it would not surprise me to see KD get a product from them sometime in the future.


The only thing a GCI does that an RMC doesn't is close an imaginary hole created by enthusiasts. Apart from going upside down and shaking less, I find their experiences to be fairly similar.


LOL wut? GCIs and RMCs are nothing alike. One feels like a wooden coaster and the other feels like a steel coaster.


Is that better?

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Good point, I guess you could technically count Rebel as two. We'll count them for the credit whores.


So that's FIVE woodies. FIVE!!!


Keep dreamin, you ain't gettin' a GCI.


I mean we were told we'd never get an RMC either. Cedar Fair really likes the company so it would not surprise me to see KD get a product from them sometime in the future.


How far in the future we talkin?


Go on...


I don't know, maybe 2022 or 2023. I think the RMC will improve the park's ROI enough.

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What's ironic is you wanting a GCI at all when a better park an hour southeast is opening a watered down version in like two days.


Fixed it for you.


So I assume you've ridden it to have formed that opinion? Can you give us a more detailed review since you know what it rides like?

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What's ironic is you wanting a GCI at all when a better park an hour southeast is opening a watered down version in like two days.


Fixed it for you.


So I assume you've ridden it to have formed that opinion? Can you give us a more detailed review since you know what it rides like?


Yes. It has no shed.

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Granted, I haven't ridden Grizzly since 2002, but I quite enjoyed it then, as well as being surprised by how much I liked Rebel Yell as well! The only woodie I thought was a blistering pile of trash, even back then, was Hurler! Now that it'll be gone, I feel it'll be safe to return to KD in 2018!

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