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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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Didn't I already mention a few pages back that this kind of tweaking and changes for a ride of this size is totaly NORMAL?


Why won't people listen to me?


I totally agreed with what you said.


If more time for testing had happened in the offseason, this "trial and error" period were going through would had already happened.


Do I think they will ever take the trims off the first drop? No, not all of them. I think over the next few weeks we'll see the maintenance crews moving trims from the first drop back to the third hill and back to find the right combination for rider safety and comfort.

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The "official" speed is always going to be 94 mph which obviously isn't the case anymore. KD doesn't want to give up the "fastest gravity powered coaster in North America" record. However a certain person in Sandusky could want the new speed so Millennium Force could regain that record.

The ride was clocking at higher speeds than 94mph on media day. It's completely possible that the trim has slowed it down to 94mph. Unless you are out there with a radar gun, you really can't say for sure and any posts about how fast the ride is currently going is just made-up, fictional, fabricated information pulled right out of someone's a$$ and posted to the internet.

I never heard that it was going over 94 mph and just assumed that the park would go with the highest speed they clocked. That would be great if I305 was still going 94 mph.


Whatever happens, I can't wait to ride it in July.

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^ It's not really a petition for the coaster. If you peel off the top of the page they are actually signing a mass suicide note and they are going to blow themselves up in a school auditorium...or...at least one can only hope.

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I REALLY hope somebody makes t-shirts to "Save Intimidator 305." It would just be like a helpful marker for "people to stay away from."


I think it'll be interesting to see exactly how/if this testing process between trims, lift speed, and restraints happens. Cedar Fair has always seemed like a really heavy-handed business to me, so I wonder how long this'll last, and if they'll ever get it just right (obviously though, they'll never please everyone).

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I really think people are making a much bigger deal out of this than they should. Yes, I would have preferred to ride it without trims when I visit in August, but how much does it really matter? I305 looks like a good ride and I'm sure that a difference of a few miles per hour won't make it horrible. It may be more GP friendly but what is the point of a park installing a ride if half the people visiting the park won't want to ride it or complain about it?


I do not know what will happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do some testing of it this week while the park is closed and try to get it just right before Memorial Day weekend. If people are going to complain about the ride, they should either avoid the ride or just not visit the park and make the line shorter for the people who don't really care if it has a trim brake. To be honest, I might actually enjoy the ride better if you don't black out.

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To be honest, I might actually enjoy the ride better if you don't black out.

If you check the description of the video atem posted a couple pages back it says that you still grey out, so I'm not quite sure that fixing that was what KD was aiming for.

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To be honest, I might actually enjoy the ride better if you don't black out.

If you check the description of the video atem posted a couple pages back it says that you still grey out, so I'm not quite sure that fixing that was what KD was aiming for.


I blacked out each time I rode it.

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I rode it 8X in April and grayed out every time. Honestly, I doubt I would ride it again next time I am at the park. It's just not re-rideable for me. And I LOVE coasters!


If they could find someway to modify the turn after the drop to avoid the gray out, sign me up! In my opinion, a great coaster is one which I would love to ride over and over. Fast, smooth, fun....i305 has the first 2 but the sickening feeling after the drop just didn't agree with me.


Anyway, we'll see what happens over the next several weeks.

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Wow, just when you think you've seen just about about as many incredibly stupid people in the world as you can...along comes more of them!


The thing that impresses me the most is that these people (what, like 1- 2 hundred of them) think that KD is gonna bow down to their "demands". I think KD is more likely to try and please the few million that will more than likely pass through those turnstiles instead! Maybe they really need to start a cult like Robb said about a few pages back and go jump off a cliff nekked or something!

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All these people should really be glad they have I305 at all. They complain for years about not having a "great" coaster and how KD has no airtime. They finally get a ride that fits those complaints and what do they do? Complain even more. They really need to be thankful for having a ride that is one of the tallest and fastest coasters in the world, and will most likely be a top ten coaster.


On a side note, it's too bad KD didn't put in I3.5, which would probably have much less complaining and be about $24 million cheaper.

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If they could find someway to modify the turn after the drop to avoid the gray out, sign me up! In my opinion, a great coaster is one which I would love to ride over and over. Fast, smooth, fun....i305 has the first 2 but the sickening feeling after the drop just didn't agree with me.

I actually have to agree with this somewhat. I mean, I rode it 50+ times during media day mainly because I was WORKING that day shooting the media footage. BUT... had I not been working, I'm not sure I would have ridden it as many times as I did.


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely *loved* the ride and the gray-out didn't bother me as much as it did John, but I will say that it really took me off guard and kind of "scared" me a little bit! Like in that sense of "This might actually be a little too much for me" kind of way.


I'd be really happy if they came up with a nice balance to make the first drop and turn a *little* less intense, but keep the majority of the airtime on that 2nd hill. My gut feeling is that we will continue to see tweaks and changes to the trims that have been installed and I'm looking forward to seeing what they decide is the final version.



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I think they should take the over the head restraints off and put lap bars if they are going to keep the trims on the first drop.

You do realize that would require a complete redesign of the current trains and probably cost a ton of money?


I rode I305 over 50 times and while, yes, there were a couple of moments where it did throw you around, I didn't have any problems with the restraints. I've certainly been on MUCH WORSE!


Anaconda bangs you around more...and anyone want to remember the restraints that used to be on Outer Limits?


And I'm sure that just about every Vekoma SLC I've been on has been far worse.


IMO, the restraints are fine as is. There is MUCH WORSE out there!




I've heard of these restraints... even been told that I rode Flight of Fear many times with the OTSRs. And yet, I remember nothing about them.


Presumably because of what they did to my brain.

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Went today and got some pics & video


I went w/ my Sister who is not a very big coaster rider but she likes them. She rode I305 last month and did not like the blackout or the transitions very much at all. She really did not want to ride it again ( I told her they changed something on the ride and you should give it a second chance) She thought it was much smoother and better but she still blacked out. She did not notice a difference in speed or the slower first drop. It is odd as coaster fans that we are so sensitive to these things but about 99% of people who rode it before in after will probably never know anything has been done to the ride.


I found the ride more enjoyable today and I did get air in the back on the small hop before the twisty's and the 75ft hill is very good now but sadly the 2nd hill is just too drawn out to get anything more than mild floater in the front.







Here are some pics from doswell road of the trims.


they span a long distance


I wonder if different colors mean different strengths



much less trims here make for a better ending


some happy pics




Edited by pkdcoaster
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Wouldn't it make more sense to just slow down the lift hill? I think it would considering it's going 20 miles an hour.

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