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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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^not to be rude but what does "Manufacturing defects such as wrinkles in the mainframe of the vehicles, misaligned tracks, and faulty wheel assemblies" have to do with the length of the station being long enough to accommodate the length of the train?


I don't see the the relation to one another.


No offense taken. It was supposed to represent that engineers make mistakes too, even though they are professinals at what they do, doesn't mean that they won't have mishaps now and then.


Albeit it was supposed to be in humorous nature, I think the intent of my post was just, the delivery could have benn better.

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No offense taken. It was supposed to represent that engineers make mistakes too, even though they are professinals at what they do, doesn't mean that they won't have mishaps now and then.


Albeit it was supposed to be in humorous nature, I think the intent of my post was just, the delivery could have benn better.


Coolies. People get so bent out of shape on this site sometimes.


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^There was an ACE event at Kings Dominion yesterday? I was at the park from about 4:00-10:30 (checking out Haunt) and didn't notice any signs of an "event" (for example, people with wristbands).


Was it a construction tour of Intimidator?

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