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The Cruise Ship and Cruise Line Discussion Thread!

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^Well, that solves that! Can't be much left. At least the family has something left to bury.


New World's Largest Cruise Ship Coming! Yay!


From Cruise Critic: http://www.cruisecritic.com/news/news.cfm?ID=5540


Royal Caribbean International kicked off the building of the world's largest cruise ship today with a steel cutting ceremony at the STX France shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France.


Richard D. Fain, chairman and CEO of the line's parent company Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., Royal Caribbean president and CEO Adam Goldstein and STX France CEO Laurent Castaing attended the event.


At 227,000-gross tons, the ship, which will be the third in the line's Oasis-class, will be larger than its sister ships Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas, which are 225,282-gross tons. The as-yet-unnamed ship is scheduled for delivery in mid-2016. Royal Caribbean has an option with STX France for a fourth Oasis-class ship to be delivered in mid-2018, but has not exercised the option yet.


I love that they're building another Oasis Class ship, they're just awesome! I'll be on this in either 2016 or early 2017 for sure! Curious to see if we can see the difference 2000 tons makes or if it's just a tiny drop in the bucket.


I definitely will be going on that ship! I'm dying missing the cruise this month.

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Its amazing how far the world has progressed in ship-building technology. I mean they used to think Titanic was big. Now look, the Oasis class ships are now 4 times the tonnage of Titanic.


Its amazing how far technology has progressed in a little over 100 years. Like you said, the Oasis class ships are ridiculously huge. Even from a plane they look massive!

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Divers have found that what they believe are human remains on the wrecked Costa Concordia cruise ship, the Italian Civil Protection agency announced Tuesday.


The bodies of two people from the 2012 wreck have never been found: Russel Rebello of India and Maria Grazia Trecarichi of Sicily have been missing but presumed dead. Their bodies have long been believed to be either trapped beneath or inside the ship.


Italian authorities also said two weeks ago that divers found what they thought were human remains on the ship's Deck 4. But they later determined that the remains were animal.


The cruise liner capsized after it struck rocks off Italy's Giglio Island in the Tyrrhenian Sea in January 2012, killing 32 of 4,200 people on board. The toll includes Rebello and Trecarichi.


Rebello, 33, was a cruise waiter who was last seen helping passengers off the ship. Trecarichi was on the cruise to celebrate her 50th birthday with her 17-year-old daughter, who survived.


The new discovery of remains comes about three weeks after engineers managed to rotate the ship back to vertical. Before that, the ship rested 20 months on its side, hindering a full examination.


Authorities say the ship struck the rocks off Giglio Island after the captain, Francesco Schettino, ordered the liner to veer more than four miles off course to salute a former sea captain who had retired on Giglio.


Schettino faces charges of manslaughter, causing a maritime disaster and abandoning ship with passengers still on board. His trial, which began with preliminary hearings in March, resumed last month.


The trial is expected to last through the fall with a string of witnesses, including passengers, crew members and islanders, who say they saw the captain on shore looking for dry socks before all the passengers had been safely evacuated.


Schettino argues that he is a hero who saved the lives of more than 4,000 people, not a villain whose negligence led to the deaths of 32. His defense is trying to prove, among other things, that the ship's watertight doors did not function properly, and that is the reason the ship sank, leading to all 32 deaths during evacuation.


Schettino also has told the court that the ship would not have crashed had his helmsman turned it in the direction that Schettino told him to 13 seconds before impact.


The helmsman, Jacob Rusli Bin, and four others were convicted in a plea deal in July for their role in the disaster. A Florence court is considering the validity of those plea bargain agreements.

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Schettino also has told the court that the ship would not have crashed had his helmsman turned it in the direction that Schettino told him to 13 seconds before impact.


That's like being the person who paid the hitman to commit a murder, and then saying you're not responsible because he didn't carry the hit out as planned---he ordered the guy off course, but it's all that guys fault because the helmsman did it wrong. The audacity of that defense is crazy...

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Schettino also has told the court that the ship would not have crashed had his helmsman turned it in the direction that Schettino told him to 13 seconds before impact.


That's like being the person who paid the hitman to commit a murder, and then saying you're not responsible because he didn't carry the hit out as planned---he ordered the guy off course, but it's all that guys fault because the helmsman did it wrong. The audacity of that defense is crazy...


The guy is a snake. I can't believe his defense. He ordered the ship off course and abandoned the ship. He's guilty.

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Schettino also has told the court that the ship would not have crashed had his helmsman turned it in the direction that Schettino told him to 13 seconds before impact.


That's like being the person who paid the hitman to commit a murder, and then saying you're not responsible because he didn't carry the hit out as planned---he ordered the guy off course, but it's all that guys fault because the helmsman did it wrong. The audacity of that defense is crazy...


The guy is a snake. I can't believe his defense. He ordered the ship off course and abandoned the ship. He's guilty.


Yeah, totally agree. I can't believe his defense. He must be the most arrogant person in the world to honestly believe that his defense is legit.

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Schettino also has told the court that the ship would not have crashed had his helmsman turned it in the direction that Schettino told him to 13 seconds before impact.


That's like being the person who paid the hitman to commit a murder, and then saying you're not responsible because he didn't carry the hit out as planned---he ordered the guy off course, but it's all that guys fault because the helmsman did it wrong. The audacity of that defense is crazy...


It sounds like the old schoolyard "I know you are but what am I?" ploy. Maybe his lawyer is Pee Wee Herman.

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Carnival Cruise Drowning Accidental, Boy, 6, Dies On Ship


Carnival Cruise Lines confirmed the drowning death of a six-year-old boy aboard one of its ships over the weekend, in one of the Carnival Victory’s pools.


The child was vacationing on the Carnival ship with his family, and has been identified as Qwentyn Hunter of Winter Garden, Florida.


Hunter was swimming with his brother, 10, at approximately 4:45 PM Sunday, when the accident occurred. Fellow passenger Debi Ciavarella recalls the incident:


“I was sitting at the pool and we heard the DJ say ‘get the, there’s a child in the pool,’ and then a guy jumped in and picked him up and then they were doing chest compressions and stuff on him… It was all so devastating.”


A local news source reports:


“According to Detective Javier Baez of the Miami-Dade Police Department, the 6-year-old boy was playing with his older brother, possibly in a pool on board the Carnival Cruise Ship Victory on Sunday when he took water in… People tried to rescue him, according to Baez, but he died on the ship.”


Another person claiming to have witnessed the Carnival drowning spoke with a friend, who posted to a Cruise board:


“DJ Alex spotted something floating in the pool. A passenger dove in and got child out. Paramedics, crew and one passenger worked on this child for 30 minutes as passengers looked on in horror.”


Carnival Cruises addressed the drowning in a statement, no mention of which was made on the brand’s social accounts including Twitter and Facebook. The statement was equally difficult to pin down on the web, where it did not appear on the Carnival Cruise Lines press release pages.


In the statement regarding the onboard fatality, Carnival Cruises said:


“Carnival extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family during this very difficult time. The company’s CareTeam is providing assistance and support.”


Carnival Victory docked in Miami Monday morning, and crime scene tape surrounded the site of the fatal incident.


Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/991998/carnival-cruise-drowning-accidental-boy-6-dies-on-ship/#ISeWsSyB8MOJZUgB.99





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^ Looks like this article answers that question. I wonder if other cruise lines do.


"We do not have lifeguards on duty at our pools," Carnival spokeswoman Jayme Weber told the Los Angeles Times on Monday morning. "Parental supervision is required for children under 13."




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Yeah, and Carnival should know better and provide a lifeguard given that they should be familiar with their average clientele. I would not group the average Carnival customer with the most responsible people on the planet. If they are going to cater to that clientele, then they should be picking up some of the slack.

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I understand not seeing the necessity of a lifeguard if it was one of the "Adults only" cruises however when the majority of the clientele is families, a lifeguard should be mandatory! I'm still dumbfounded there's absolutely no mention of the parents anywhere in a few articles that I've read.


^After this lawsuit you might see some lifeguards popping up on their cruises. Do the other cruise lines have Lifeguards?

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^Yes I agree, however adults are in less danger of drowning VS a 6 year-old child. As a parent this is heartbreaking. I can't even fathom having a 10 year-old watch the 6 year-old. Outright stupidity. I sincerely hope the parents get charged with criminal negligence.

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I don't know of any cruise line that has full-time life guards at the ship's pools. Disney and Royal Caribbean don't, and they advertise to families with young children way more than carnival does.

Edited by ahecht
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^Also keep in mind when blaming the parents that most people don't know what drowning actually looks like, especially with children (hint: it doesn't involve yelling and hand waving). Of the approximately 750 children who will drown each year, about half of them will do so within 25 yards of a parent or other adult. In ten percent of those drownings, the adult will actually watch them do it, having no idea it is happening.

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