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The Cruise Ship and Cruise Line Discussion Thread!

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Parbuckling of the Costa Concordia is happening right now.


Live Feed: http://live.reuters.com/Event/Raising_the_Costa_Concordia


I've been watching this for a couple of hours now. So slow and tedious but interesting. The ship is going to look like Two Face when it is finally upright! And the smell!??! I can only imagine what it must smell like out there, terrible!


I thought the same thing about the smell. Like everything imaginable mixed together, yikes!!

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Parbuckling of the Costa Concordia is happening right now.


Live Feed: http://live.reuters.com/Event/Raising_the_Costa_Concordia


I've been watching this for a couple of hours now. So slow and tedious but interesting. The ship is going to look like Two Face when it is finally upright! And the smell!??! I can only imagine what it must smell like out there, terrible!


I thought the same thing about the smell. Like everything imaginable mixed together, yikes!!


Just wait until all the unfound dead bodies and food start to dry out. Then a massive ass stink will surface with deadly repercussions!

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Just wait until all the unfound dead bodies and food start to dry out. Then a massive A$$ stink will surface with deadly repercussions!


I wonder if there are bodies still in there. There were only two people missing, after a year in the water I think there is a chance that they've managed to wash out to sea.

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In related news, I spent hours watching paint dry today and then trying to see if I could legally bet on the success of the ship being parbuckled and re-floated. Really cool that it seems like after taking twice as long as planned (20 months) it is all working out today..




-chris "I love it when a plan comes together" con

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If the ship wasn't in such bad shape I wouldn't be surprised at Carnival making it disappear for a couple of years and voila! New sister ship to the Splendor.


Edit: I could've sworn that I saw another cruise ship in the background of the live feed! I'm sure it was my imagination because surely no cruise line would be so stupid.

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^Like another Carnival ship comes too close to check out what's going on and crashes into it!?? Or is that just what I'm hoping for?


I'm surprised that this hasn't been part of their cruise itineraries since this happened. They could even rename one of their ships "Carnival It Could Be Worse" or "Costa At Least We're Not on that Tub."

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