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West Coast Bash 2010! Register Now! See Page 1

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  Allanreid said:
Is there any chance that we'll know what will be the coasters for the Saturday Night ERT at Magic Mountain before the event?

Magic Mountain likes to keep it a surprise. I will tell you though in 2008 it was ALL coasters open. Then in 2009 it was ALL coasters open... IN THE DARK (no lights on the tracks) so let's see what they have in store for 2010?




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^ I don't think it will be that busy. It's not the busy spring break season yet and also remember that the park should have quite a few activities going on for WCB during the day.


And if you end up doing the evening additional dinner then you've only got a couple of hours between morning ERT and lunch, then a couple of hours between lunch and the presentation, then a couple of hours between the presentation and dinner, then a coulpe of hours until evening ERT.



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  robbalvey said:
Just want to let everyone know that for the Knott's Berry Farm day I can confirm we will have a backstage sneak peak inside the Calico Mine Ride and the Locomotive Roundhouse!


DUDE!!! I really need to get my friends to commit to go with me. That backstage tour sounds awesome! Expect to get a registration form from me here really soon.

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  robbalvey said:
Just want to let everyone know that for the Knott's Berry Farm day I can confirm we will have a backstage sneak peak inside the Calico Mine Ride and the Locomotive Roundhouse!


Oh my god. Oh my god.


This is awesome, two hobbies wrapped up into one weekend!

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I'm going to the WCB again and already have the KBF hotel for Sunday but was wondering what other folks recommend for a SFMM hotel. I've stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn before but was wondering if anyone has other, better, affordable places they like?

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We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express during the West Coast Trip. It's usually slightly cheaper than the Hilton and has free breakfast. It's on the other side of the freeway as SFMM and the Hilton, so a bit farther away, but no big deal if you have a car.

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