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Rye Playland Discussion Thread

P. 14: Standard Amusements seeks to terminate operating agreement

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The Westchester County Board of Legislators is going to consider leasing the county-owned Playland to a partnership between Central Amusements and Standard Amusements, the two remaining companies that had responded to a request for proposals to operate the facilities.


The move comes after Sustainable Playland, Inc., the non-profit organization selected to run it, exercised its right to terminate its asset management agreement.


County Legislator Kenneth Jenkins, who had filed a lawsuit challenging the agreement with Sustainable Playland, announced he ended the legal action.


“The combined talents of these two world-class amusement operators and their confirmed investment of $25 million into Playland with a guaranteed minimum payment to Westchester County is a win-win-win situation for this great park’s future and the county’s taxpayers,” said Jenkins.


He said he hopes legislation approving the new partnership group can be considered and adopted in time to positively impact the 2015 county budget.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just visited Playland for the first time yesterday, and actually really loved the park. I do have a soft spot for little, traditional parks like this one; I usually enjoy them far more than big corporate parks, really, even without any major coasters. Playland definitely needs TLC and the crowds were...not exactly classy...but the actual rides seem to be in good condition beneath the faded paint, and run quite well. Derby Racer is absolutely awesome, the dark rides are charming, and the Dragon coaster was quite a bit better than I expected...no world class woodie but definitely worth riding. Even the Volare's not really that bad. The flats seem to to be run at pretty serious speeds, too, so even the common stuff compares pretty well to other similar rides.


The park definitely needs some work in places, but it seemed like it has real potential, if it just gets an owner that actually cares about it a little bit. If the partnership with Central Amusements and Standard Amusements works out, I'm really looking forward to seeing where the place goes. I'll definitely be going back myself.


Sadly no pictures since their bag policy meant my phone stayed in a locker all day.

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  • 5 months later...



Bummer, I was hoping Central would take over since they have done well with Coney Island. Though having Jack Falfas is a smart idea.

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This is exciting, I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do. Sustainable Playland was a terrible idea, this is much better.

I thought that it was a fantastic idea, but at too much expense to the amusement zone in that particular case.

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I was hoping for Central to win the bid, but this is still far,far than Sustainable, or leaving the park is is. I'm sure it's going to see some major improvements soon.


Wonder what the odds are of Derby Racer's forward-and-back slot motion restored?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm swinging by Rye Playland next month to ride the Dragon Coaster. If you are going with the Metro from NYC what is the best stop to get off? Harrison or Rye Metro North Train Station?

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I'm swinging by Rye Playland next month to ride the Dragon Coaster. If you are going with the Metro from NYC what is the best stop to get off? Harrison or Rye Metro North Train Station?



Directions should be on the MTA website, mta.info

They also offer a ticket that includes transportation and all rides.

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I'm swinging by Rye Playland next month to ride the Dragon Coaster. If you are going with the Metro from NYC what is the best stop to get off? Harrison or Rye Metro North Train Station?



Directions should be on the MTA website, mta.info

They also offer a ticket that includes transportation and all rides.


Thank you so much for that piece of information good sir! That's quite the discount.


EDIT: Was looking at the 2011 prices at first, haha. Still, a better deal than paying everything separately.

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^^^ Unless they modernized it and had it built by GCI, nobody would want to ride it.


And why would that be? That thing hauled ass if you watch old footage. No need to have it "modernized" but by all means, have GCI build it according to the old blueprints.


7 minutes in:


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Visited the park last night to take advantage of its $15 twilight admission. I had high hopes for the place because I enjoyed it so much as a kid, but upon entering they were all dashed.


I hadn't been to the park in 10 years, and the only noticable change was the POP admission instead of pay as you go, which was nice. The park just had a depressing aura surrounding it. That, coupled with a poor ride selection and rude employees led to a bummer of a time.


I remembered loving the Dragon as a kid, but it was an awful ride yesterday. No speed, no air, no laterals, and a lot of shuffling and jack hammering = trash. The wild mouse looks like it's ready to topple over, but it's the best coaster in the park. Their volare is a flying death machine. I knew I was in for a bad time when I could feel pressure on my shoulders before the train left the station.


On the plus side, their S&S tower, log flume, and derby racer are all great. My first time ever on a derby racer because my parents wouldn't let me ride it as a kid; now I know why. Didn't bother with any of the other flats besides the Whip, which felt like what I imagine a car accident would feel like.


All told, my friend and I drove over an hour up to Rye just to spend two hours, but for only $15 to get in, we certainly got our monies worth. That being said, I can't see myself returning. I want to wish their new owners/management luck, because they have a lot of work to do

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Nice report,


You pretty much echo my sentiments... the only rides in the park that are any good are the Derby Racer, the Flume, the S&S tower and the Old Mill. It's sad because I basically grew up at Playland but they really let the place go. The Dragon coaster is one of the most ridiculously boring adult size coasters in the world, probably thanks in part to that awful Morgan train.

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Unfortunately, it sounds like you missed some of the better stuff at the park. It's not one to go to for coasters right now. Their dark rides are charming and with the exception of the old mill, in uncommonly good condition. Also, their bumper cars are nearly as good as Knoebels! They don't hit as hard but they're probably the fastest I've ever been on.


I do agree that the place needs a lot of help though; hoping it gets plenty of it from the new owners.

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Nice report,


You pretty much echo my sentiments... the only rides in the park that are any good are the Derby Racer, the Flume, the S&S tower and the Old Mill. It's sad because I basically grew up at Playland but they really let the place go. The Dragon coaster is one of the most ridiculously boring adult size coasters in the world, probably thanks in part to that awful Morgan train.


I accompanied him there and all I have to say is the place is a tragedy. I probably enjoyed it 10 years ago cause I was a kid. The S&S an the flume are stellar, but besides that the place looks like it is in despair. The Dragon coaster could be so much better than it is, I think due large in part to the trains as well.

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Unfortunately, it sounds like you missed some of the better stuff at the park. It's not one to go to for coasters right now. Their dark rides are charming and with the exception of the old mill, in uncommonly good condition. Also, their bumper cars are nearly as good as Knoebels! They don't hit as hard but they're probably the fastest I've ever been on.


We rode the Old Mill, and yes it certainly wasn't in the best of shape. However, nothing else there really appealed to me. I don't like spinning, nor do I like haunted houses. That lopped off about half the rides there.


I am kicking myself for skipping the bumper cars though. I saw the sign and wanted to ride them, but after we (unfortunately) chose to ride the Dragon again, we just high tailed it out of the place.

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Also, their bumper cars are nearly as good as Knoebels! They don't hit as hard but they're probably the fastest I've ever been on.


Rye Playland's bumper cars are good (probably the best non-Lusse in the US), but not in the same class as Knoebels

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  • 6 months later...

Does anyone have any update on the park's current situation with Standard Amusements? I know their proposed deal included investing $23 million within the first five years. If the deal did in fact go through and get approved, then 2016 would be the first of that five year period. What do you think the park could receive in terms of large attraction additions?

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