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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Family inverted coaster announced for 2025!

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I guess the reason I am mostly upset about the removal of BBW is that I have never gotten the chance to ride it...


Almost a decade ago, I remember watching footage of it on America's Greatest Roller Coaster Thrills. I was instantly fascinated with it. The way those cars swung way out over the Rhine River was just amazing to me, and I was determined to ride it one day.


A couple months ago, I finally convinced my parents to take me to BGE on our next trip, which would be next spring. Soon afterwords, BBW's removal was announced, so needless to say...that put a damper on my plans. We are now going to stop at KD and ride the new giga coaster on our way to Virginia Beach.


You know that saying, "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all?" I'm thinking that applies to coasters, as well.

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I went to Busch Gardens last night, 8/1/09 and had some amazing night rides on Big Bad Wolf.


It was nice seeing how small kids can be and still ride Big Bad Wolf. It is unfortunate that most of them will come back next year and not be able to ride any of the "big" coasters.

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Count me amongst the (very) few who don't really see what the fuss is about. While it'd certainly be nice if parks could hold on to all there coasters, only expand and never demolish... that's just not reasonable.


When it comes to BBW, its an old coaster that really didn't offer much in my opinion. Finally got down to Busch Gardens on Thursday while visiting some friends who live in Virginia, and I was pretty disappointed in the ride.


To me, BBW offered an awesome swing down over the river and that was about it. The ride offers no momentum, constantly being broken up by brakes and lift hills. And, outside of the big drop and swing over the river, I can't say that I felt the ride was all that forceful.


The best thing BBW had going for it was the height requirement and the way it allowed families to ride together. It was the only coaster my wife and I were in line for all day that wasn't filled with endless teenagers and twenty-somethings. It was great to see a coaster that allowed the 4 and 5 year old kids to ride with mom and dad.


I think Busch Gardens should definitely replace one coaster with another, but I think those that feel it should be something that carries a 42 or 48" height requirement are right on the money. The last thing the park needs is another B&M that's going to turn away most children and their parents.

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Honestly, i'd love to see a Phantoms revenge style coaster (Like BBW) take the wolfs place


Something big, fast, and hilariously fun, but still keeping the low height requirement


Heck, they could keep the riverdive and make it like PR's Ravine dive, just to keep the "Big finish"

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^ Exactly what I was thinking. A sequel or what have you that pays homage to the original ride but adds some new elements and new technology would be the perfect answer for the park.


Riding Hood's Revenge?

Revenge of Little Red?

Grandma's Vengeance?

Flight of the Three Pigs?

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So I guess SFMM is going to trash Goldrusher, Ninja, and Revolution? I don't think so! WHat about all those Arrow runaway trains out there? Many of them over 25 years old. I think it depends on the popularity of the ride, and if it has history (Revolution).

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I ambled over to the park this afternoon for a little lunch and few rides, but thunderstorms put a damper on things.


But be sure to step right up for your last chance at Big Bad Wolf merchandise, folks!


Here's what the weather was like earlier today. It's calmed down some now.


Or maybe a frame for your favorite BBW photo.


There's always a mug.


Or perhaps you'd prefer this somewhat classier, less "redneckish" hat.


Don't forget the shredded camo hat. (Actually, if this came in black and not camo, I might've bought one.)


How about a Big Bad Wolf for each member of the family? Here we have Baby Big Bad, Uncle Stoner Big Bad, and Cousin Psycho Red-Eyed Howlin' Big Bad.


How about an official 25th Anniversary sign for a mere $19.99 (marked down from $24.99 today)? Yeah, I was a sucker and bought one of these big pieces of laminated cardboard.


Noted. And just what sort of stuff, besides t-shirts, are we talking about here?

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I will be visiting the weekend of the thirteenth of August, just to ride the Big Bad Wolf (and to see my auntie who lives in VA ^_^)


The fact that its end is near still hasn't hit me yet. This was my second favorite roller coaster. I'm looking very forward to riding it one (or 50) last time(s) before I'll never be able to again.


I hope there are some shirts left by the time I get there.

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^Judging by how few park guests know it's closing, I'd expect there to be plenty left.. if not check eBay?


Yesterday as my friend and I got off 2 ladies asked if it was any good, we told them it was closing soon and it was lots of fun and one said "Oh whatever I bet it's not that good I wanna go ride the yellow one with 18 loops"

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For some reason I keep thinking a B&M Flyer will take BBW's place. Since BG seems to really love B&M, and a flyer seems to be the B&M to get with Tatsu coming out in '06 and Manta in '09. Just have to wait and see...

I know, if they add a B&M flyer, 4/6 coasters (including the kiddie) will be B&M. Now I love B&M as much as the next guy, but I think that's a little overboard.

I would take BBW over a flyer any day, honestly. But that's me. I know a lot of people really love them. Tatsu was great, but I just don't see what the fuss is about.

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I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but the day BBW was confirmed to be removed, Screamscape (not always correct) mentioned this:


"From what I’ve been told (off the record) it is because that when they do get around to announcing the unimpressive lackluster plan that is in place, they would rather have the Wolf be only a memory and a non-issue, rather than face the negative feedback from park guests."


That doesn't sound good.


Also Screamscape had a pretty large BBW update today talking about petitions to save BBW and this:


"I’m also happy to announce that with all the love and support shown for the Big Bad Wolf, the Behind the Thrills staff is planning to hold a very small “protest” in front of the ride this Thursday when they will broadcast live from the park. They invite everyone to come on out to the park or call in to show their support for Big Bad Wolf. The will then be sending a copy of it all to Busch Gardens in an effort to show them how much the Wolf is still loved by most people. Read up on all the official details on how to meet up or call in."


I think that's taking it too far. Though, I really love BBW. It's one of my all time favorites (due to the theming and the last drop). I trust whatever Busch Gardens' future plans are, they will keep the park as beautiful as ever. I just hope if they build a new coaster on the spot of BBW, they keep the village theming.

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I don't think it is a good idea for anyone to protest the removal of Big Bad Wolf, it is old, and will cost a whole lot of cash to refurbish. On top of that, many steel coasters from that era (70s and 80s) will be gone soon as well for the same reason. Rather than wasting time protesting the inevitable, just ride Wolf as many times as you can before it is gone. I also have a problem with the "Behind the Thrills" people, who are protesting IN PARK about the removal of Big Bad Wolf. Think about it, they are paying the same company they are protesting to enter the park!

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I don't think it is a good idea for anyone to protest the removal of Big Bad Wolf, it is old, and will cost a whole lot of cash to refurbish. On top of that, many steel coasters from that era (70s and 80s) will be gone soon as well for the same reason. Rather than wasting time protesting the inevitable, just ride Wolf as many times as you can before it is gone. I also have a problem with the "Behind the Thrills" people, who are protesting IN PARK about the removal of Big Bad Wolf. Think about it, they are paying the same company they are protesting to enter the park!


Sorry, but this is a selling point to not protest the ride removal? Although I personally wouldn't waste my time doing such a thing, I have nothing but respect for the people who love a ride so much they are willing to dedicate their time doing the only thing they feel they can do. I think anyone who says they are against "protesting" the removal of a classic ride is taking the term itself out of context. There are good and bad forms of protest. One way is meant to hurt an individual or group by attempting to convince other people into your beliefs. The other form is simply a statement that has no one-sided opinion or negative motive. I don't think a couple of people standing outside of BBW's entrance with "Save BBW" and "Big Bad Wolf is leaving" signs is an attempt to do any bit of harm to the park at all. If the park doesn't want them there, they will let them know and if they follow the park's wishes (which they prob. would) the event would be nothing more than a sign of gratitude to the park for providing a ride that people feel this deeply about in the first place. If anything good is to come out of this, it's to let people know that other great rides and parks are in danger of the same fate. Raising public awareness about the current state of the industry is important so that more people spend more of their money supporting their favorite park they owe some of the best times of their lives to. All the great traditional parks that have kept their rides restored since the 1900s-1950s era are an excellent example of what must be done to preserve the history of rides from the last 40 years. Like you said, "many steel coasters from the 70s-80s era will soon be gone" and when they are, and you we are all old folks, we will wish that there was an initiative or at least a general consensus among the public to preserve them. Our grandparents cared about restoring their past and so should we.


Now here's an example of BAD park protest:


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For some reason I keep thinking a B&M Flyer will take BBW's place. Since BG seems to really love B&M, and a flyer seems to be the B&M to get with Tatsu coming out in '06 and Manta in '09. Just have to wait and see...

I know, if they add a B&M flyer, 4/6 coasters (including the kiddie) will be B&M. Now I love B&M as much as the next guy, but I think that's a little overboard.

I would take BBW over a flyer any day, honestly. But that's me. I know a lot of people really love them. Tatsu was great, but I just don't see what the fuss is about.


Yeah, well maybe it will be a woodie... who knows. But assuming from BE's love for B&M's and 2 Flyers coming out a few years apart, is why I think a flyer will take BBW's place. Maybe it like the big daddy of flyers like Alpengeist is of Inverts.

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Well I rode this ride in 1998 and I found myself riding it more than any other ride in the park. I just KNEW that this ride would never be removed. This will be a big mistake on BGE to let this one go. There are hundreds of rides that have been around for centuries. Hell its steel. Dont tell me that they cant find a company to make parts. It isn't like lift chains are obsolete and no one is making them anymore. Busch Gardens Europe seems to be a park of nostalgia and continuity. I can see if the ride didn't provide an element of thrill and surprise, but since it does, it STILL is in my top 10 of coasters. If parks keep removing and replacing, it will never grow. There is no such thing as you CANT keep this coaster, There was a guy on television who made it into the guinness book of world records. His Volvo made it to 2 million miles and it still looked good and ran well. I am sure it took time and money to keep it running and thats fine if you want to preserve something, but don't think for a minute that they CAN'T keep this coaster due to lack of parts and maintenance. Magic Mountain keeps Ninja running very well.

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^I don't think it's a matter of it being impossible to keep BBW running, but rather that the park has made a business decision to take it down. We've been given very little information as to why they made the decision.


I'm a little sad to see the ride go and all, but it won't keep me from returning to BGE some day.

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^^The question becomes not "can we keep this ride running?" but "should we keep this ride running?" While I'll miss the Big Bad Wolf too, I'm sure the park has made this decision for a good reason.


BBW has been in service for 25 years--that's a pretty good run.

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For some reason I keep thinking a B&M Flyer will take BBW's place. Since BG seems to really love B&M, and a flyer seems to be the B&M to get with Tatsu coming out in '06 and Manta in '09. Just have to wait and see...

I know, if they add a B&M flyer, 4/6 coasters (including the kiddie) will be B&M. Now I love B&M as much as the next guy, but I think that's a little overboard.

I would take BBW over a flyer any day, honestly. But that's me. I know a lot of people really love them. Tatsu was great, but I just don't see what the fuss is about.


Yeah, well maybe it will be a woodie... who knows. But assuming from BE's love for B&M's and 2 Flyers coming out a few years apart, is why I think a flyer will take BBW's place. Maybe it like the big daddy of flyers like Alpengeist is of Inverts.


Another B&M ...Especially a flyer

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