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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Isnt terra the denomination for 400 feet or higher coaster?




Terra - 400


As in, megabyte-gigabyte-terrabye (orders of magnitude?)


I'd wager busch gardens will never build a taller ride than griffon, but a low-flying terrain launched intamin would be super tasty. The BBW area could even use one of those launched "cars to the side of the track" intamin rides, though I've heard the one that exists is terrible. Having said that, the B&M flyer seems most likely, although I bet all eyes in the entertainment world are on cedar fair to see if their intimdator investments will pay off. If not, I foresee a dark 2010's for coasters. (Quick everyone, visit carowinds and KD)

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You know what would be an awesome fit at a park like BGW?


Furius Baco!

And you never know... You guys are only focusing on coaster types that are "common" right now, but keep in mind it was Busch Gardens that re-introduced us to Dive Machines!


Think outside the box as to what their next coaster might be!



Edited by robbalvey
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The BBW area could even use one of those launched "cars to the side of the track" intamin rides


Look at me thinking outside of the box!

Ha! I didn't even see that. And no, the one that exists is not terrible. It's amazing!



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Is it a bad thing that my hopes for a new coaster just got escalated when Robb told us to think outside the box? Almost as if he knows whats up (probably does) and is just waiting for one of us to strike gold. Hmmmm. The trickery.


Ha--well, he was at BGW recently...


I'm still holding out small hope for a woodie, Kings Mill dwellers be damned (except for my Aunt and Uncle, of course)!

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And you never know... You guys are only focusing on coaster types that are "common" right now, but keep in mind it was Busch Gardens that re-introduced us to Dive Machines!


Think outside the box as to what their next coaster might be!


Oh no, could it be... a stand-up?


Personally I think an Intamin Wingrider like Baco could fit in, and it's a concept that I was hoping to see again. That would be Busch's first Intamin I believe, and I think B&M's strong track record in Busch parks makes a Wingrider or any Intamin sort of unlikely. Whatever it is, I definitely hope it uses the terrain and fits well in BBW's space, and based off Busch's past rides it will.

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And you never know... You guys are only focusing on coaster types that are "common" right now, but keep in mind it was Busch Gardens that re-introduced us to Dive Machines!


Think outside the box as to what their next coaster might be!


I would like to see a Powder Keg type of ride. I haven't been to SDC yet, but it looks like an incredible ride that interacts with the landscape.


Wouldn't mind an Intmain Prefab terrain coaster either...

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^400+ is "Strata." "Terra" refers to the ground, as in a coaster that hugs the ground. I think we could almost call I305 a terracoaster, but I'm pretty sure Maverick is the only one that's been officially deemed one.

Cedar Point's TTD is a Strata Coaster. The Stratacoster is included in RCT3 and there are various recreations of TTD for RCT3!!

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^ I dont think anyones arguing that TTDs a stratta, its over 400 feet tall, it is a stratta.



Anyone else think the rumored B&M may eventually end up at Busch? Robb said Backo would be a good fit, which lance says this coaster will be similar to, and Busch and B&M have a very strong relationship. I would have posted any other info if there was any on the rumored coaster type, but its happening at Gardaland so I linked it to there. This coaster makes some sense to me so far... it would be very unique and could be advertised as the first of its kind in the US, it is like Backo, and B&M has a good track record and a good relationship with Busch.

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Is it a bad thing that my hopes for a new coaster just got escalated when Robb told us to think outside the box? Almost as if he knows whats up (probably does) and is just waiting for one of us to strike gold. Hmmmm. The trickery.


Ha--well, he was at BGW recently...


I'm still holding out small hope for a woodie, Kings Mill dwellers be damned (except for my Aunt and Uncle, of course)!


This Kingsmill resident would love to see a woodie come to BGW... Perhaps an Evel Knievel/Terminator Salvation-style woodie to fill in the void left behind by BBW.


As for the strata vs. terra coaster debate

I kinda feel this whole "world's first terra coaster" deal is just another marketing ploy by CF to attract visitors through the gate. There have been plenty of ground-hugging coasters built in the past, so Maverick wasn't really the first. And I doubt Maverick was the first Intamin terrain coaster...


So it's a terra coaster, but so is BBW...

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The drachen fire and BBW ride areas are connected. I'd prefer an intamin launcher, but I think BGW has a unique opportunity to build one of the greatest Wooden coasters on earth. If the drachen fire area was to be used as an el toro style lift, the hills and trees of the BBW land could be taken at huge speeds, and a drop when BBW's second drop was would be epic at high speeds.

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BGW already has enough B&M's (I actually said it!) and an Intamin just wouldn't seem in the mix due to the fact that neither Busch Gardens have an Intamin coaster. A racing woodie would fit perfectly fine to match Tampa's Gwazi. A 180 foot Intamin would KICK ASS too, though.

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I saw you guys a few times on Saturday, but I didn't have a chance to say "hi" without lots of crazed shouting and waving. I didn't get a Quick Queue pass, and while the park was busy, the lines moved quickly. My waits were all under 30 minutes (though I left around 5pm, and the lines were only getting longer). Griffon had the longest line I've experienced for it, looping over toward the splashdown, but it never took more than 15 minutes. The operators announced that they were sending through about 40 trains an hour, so they were close to capacity.


Also, in a slightly relevant bit of news, the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg just changed their mascot to a Griffin.

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Amusement park enthusiasts are touting Busch Gardens in Virginia as the country's most beautiful amusement park.


Busch Gardens Europe in James City County earned the honor for the 20th consecutive year based on an annual survey by the National Amusement Park Historical Association. The group is dedicated to preserving and documenting the heritage of amusement parks.


The survey is the oldest of its type and highly regarded within the park industry and enthusiasts' circle.


Busch Gardens beat out Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., for the fifth straight year for the honor. The park also nabbed the second place spot for favorite theme park, which was topped by Walt Disney World.


Information from: Daily Press, http://www.dailypress.com



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Busch Gardens Williamsburg has sent us a new press release about the return of the Pretzel Coaster Contest.


A competition of steady hands and artistic engineering returns to Busch Gardens this summer for the 2nd annual “Pretzel Coaster Build-Off Contest” with Snyder’s of Hanover.


In the competition’s second year, people around the country are invited to build a roller coaster model out of Snyder’s of Hanover pretzels and submit pictures of their pretzel-coaster creations to http://www.snydersofhanover.com. Entries must be submitted before June 15. The builders of the five best creations will win a family trip to Busch Gardens in Virginia for the final round of competition. Working with only glue guns and an unlimited number of pretzels, the final-round participants will compete against each other and the clock by building a replica of the theme park’s floorless dive coaster, Griffon.


Last year’s winner, 22-year-old Gregory Stanton from Maryland, will return to defend his title. Last year, his pretzel replica of the park’s hypercoaster, Apollo’s Chariot, earned praise from judges for its detail, accuracy and overall presentation.


The winner of the in-park competition on July 15 will be awarded a four pack of two-year, 2-Park passes for Busch Gardens and Water Country USA, and a year’s supply of Snyder’s of Hanover pretzels. The estimated retail value of the grand prize is more than $1,200. For full contest rules, visit http://www.snydersofhanover.com.


I don't know about you all, but it looks like I'm going to be busting out the pretzels to give this contest a try. After my last visit to Busch Gardens Williamsburg, I've been waiting patiently to return.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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I have new updates about Europe in the Air, Busch Gardens’ newest attraction opening later this spring. Plans are coming to life and the ride is shaping up. I was able to take a tour to check things out and learned that we are steadily pressing along.


It’s not always easy changing out a simulator from one theme to another. For 2010, the maintenance team and programmers are working hard to enhance the total experience and are making major changes with programming, theming, projectors, screens and even seating.


Europe in the Air consists of two units or bays. Most of the work on the left bay is nearly complete. Six new high-volume fans have been added to each bay, three on each side. Scent-o-meters will be added near the fans to blow scents to our guests as they glide over certain areas of Europe. For instance, riders will smell chocolate as they glide over Paris. The framework for the new screen has been put in place, and the installation of the screen should be next (larger, concave screen). New seatbelts have been added to make it less complicated for guests and also make it easier for the team members.


The computer system that runs the ride is being upgraded and reprogrammed as we speak. Now we’re just waiting for finishing touches and the movie and movement to come together.


The walls inside have all been painted, with a fresh airy design to make it seem as if you are in the air. I’m looking forward to sharing updates over the next few weeks, and sharing the ride experience once Europe in the Air spreads its wings and takes flight.


Here’s a first look at our new ride, Europe in the Air.


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^"Scent-o-meters"? Is that pronounced "sent oh meeters" or "sent tom eters"? (Holy "Soarin'," Batman--they're using smells!)


I'm looking forward to this ride. Corkscrew Hill had its day.

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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has sent us a press release about an upcoming awareness event taking place at Water Country USA.


Water Country USA is holding an Electronic Hazardous Waste Recycling Day Saturday, April 24 to help raise awareness about conservation and recycling. The public is invited to bring broken and unwanted electronic equipment to the Water Country USA parking lot from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


This year, every person who donates an item will be registered to win a Water Country USA Prize Package. Two lucky winners will win four-single day admission tickets to the mid-Atlantic’s largest water park, and the Grand Prize winner will win a complementary Cabana for a day at Water Country USA, along with four-single day admission tickets to the park.


Electronic equipment can contain lead, mercury and other potentially hazardous materials that could harm the environment if disposed of improperly.


“Environmental conservation is a cornerstone of our business,” said John Reilly, park president at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA. “This important ‘go-green’ initiative works to both raise awareness and promote environmental safety.”


Unwanted electronic equipment that plugs into a wall electrical socket or runs on batteries, even rechargeable batteries, are acceptable. Usable computer parts will be refurbished and donated to Virginia Public Schools or non-profit education organizations.


Donation of most electronics is free, $5 for computer monitors and $15 for any size TV. All fees go to Computer Recycling of Virginia. The recycling organization does not accept refrigeration equipment or large appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines.

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