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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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I cannot wait until ECB. The alternate ride stories is a pretty awesome concept. I'll have to ride it several times to make sure I get to experience each one.

sounds pretty darn incredible. I wonder if their are projectings of the wolfs running after you as you zoom through the sets.

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So it turns out the only day I'll be able to hit BGW before my summer internship starts is Friday the 25th. I know that's the beginning of Memorial Day weekend, and I think I remember schools actually being out that day (it was also opening day for Griffon) a few years ago. Does anyone have experience with going that Friday? The county schools are in session that day according to the calendar online, so that's good. I'm just curious as to how bad of lines we're looking at!

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I had no idea that multiple storylines were planned--that's great! As for the audio, I was at the park for a while last Sunday while they were testing. They were using the sound of an engine revving up as the trains were dispatched, and you could hear all sorts of rumbling coming from the show building.

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So it turns out the only day I'll be able to hit BGW before my summer internship starts is Friday the 25th. I know that's the beginning of Memorial Day weekend, and I think I remember schools actually being out that day (it was also opening day for Griffon) a few years ago. Does anyone have experience with going that Friday? The county schools are in session that day according to the calendar online, so that's good. I'm just curious as to how bad of lines we're looking at!


I've gone on Fridays before Memorial Day before. The mornings aren't bad but it can get a bit busy in the late afternoon to evening hours. It's still nowhere as crowded as Saturday and Sunday that weekend. And I'm not sure how Verbolten will impact attendance that day.

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I remember one of you saying Busch Gardens never did soft openings...? Well they also soft-opened Griffon 2 weeks before its opening weekend... So this is no surprise here... I did not get to ride, but my friend who sent me these pictures said it was AMAZING! I'm stoked to go ride!


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It was said that, as a general rule, BGw doesn't "soft open" rides, but management and policies change.


I don't recall Griffon "soft opening," by the way. I'm not saying that it didn't happen, I just don't recall hearing about it. (There was an ACE media event before Griffon's debut, though.)

Edited by cfc
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Just regular guests. I guess there was bad weather that day so the park was basically empty. And Griffon did have one soft-opening all day 1 1/2 weeks before the ACE event. I was there that day I rode it 4 times. That was a day where the weather too, was also bad.

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Just regular guests. I guess there was bad weather that day so the park was basically empty.


What day was this--do you know? I'm just curious.

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It was said that, as a general rule, BGw doesn't "soft open" rides, but management and policies change.


I don't recall Griffon "soft opening," by the way. I'm not saying that it didn't happen, I just don't recall hearing about it. (There was an ACE media event before Griffon's debut, though.)


I went to BGW for Griffon's opening day, and I remember finding out a week or two before that people were already riding. It definitely did a preview or two, call them soft-openings or not at your leisure!


Either way I'm so jealous!

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