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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Thanks for the update, Chuck. As always, great pictures!


Does anyone have a guesstimate on how long the lines will be for Verbolten on opening weekend and Memorial Day weekend? I am trying to decide if I should take a day off of work and hit the park on a weekday in late May or early June hoping for shorter lines on Verbolten.





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Does anyone have a guesstimate on how long the lines will be for Verbolten on opening weekend and Memorial Day weekend? I am trying to decide if I should take a day off of work and hit the park on a weekday in late May or early June hoping for shorter lines on Verbolten.

Very little if you have Quick Queue.

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Does anyone have a guesstimate on how long the lines will be for Verbolten on opening weekend and Memorial Day weekend? I am trying to decide if I should take a day off of work and hit the park on a weekday in late May or early June hoping for shorter lines on Verbolten.

Very little if you have Quick Queue.


Based on what I've gleaned from BGW's Web site, you'll have to buy "Quick Queue Unlimited Plus," which will include one "priority boarding" per day for Verbolten. My guess is that this will change after the ride loses its "new car smell" and lines become a bit more manageable (probably after its first season of operation).

Edited by cfc
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I didn't realize that Mach Tower was so close to Verbolten! I guess I just never paid attention to where its exact location was in the park.

Y'know, there's about 1% inside of me that believes you posted that picture again just for BeemerBoy.

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Does anyone have a guesstimate on how long the lines will be for Verbolten on opening weekend and Memorial Day weekend? I am trying to decide if I should take a day off of work and hit the park on a weekday in late May or early June hoping for shorter lines on Verbolten.


Line should be about 3-5 hours depending on how early you arrive/how many people beat you to the punch. I don't think QQ will be implemented for the first few weekends because that's when everyone wants to ride. The lines should be a bit more reasonable the following Sunday (since Sundays aren't too bad with crowds).


Lines should be reasonable (if not a little long) during June weekdays. Around mid-July, the lines shouldn't be bad at all.

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^Here's what the park Web site says concerning "Unlimited Quick Queue Plus": "provides single time priority boarding for Verbolten" and "unlimited priority boarding" for other Quick Queue attractions. The cost is $49.99 to 59.99 (probably the difference between a weekday and the weekend).

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Great idea, unfortunately, only the Quick Queue Unlimited Plus includes Verbolten and that is only, "single time priority boarding for Verbolten," which I assume means one time use on Verbolten. At $59.99 on weekends, $49.99 during the week, its a pretty expensive option. Also, the Quick Queue Unlimited Plus is not available on BGW's website until dates starting after June 1. I don't know if that means it is sold out May 18 - May 31, or if the park just decided not to offer it until after June 1.





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All I got to say been along time since I been to BG and I don't care if I get to ride the Verbolten coaster as long as I get to see the park I be Happy. Ever since 1980's when My Mom and Dad took me and Bro down there for the first time I have always loved the park. Nessy was my first looping coaster and Drchen Fire was the first coaster to make me bleed. Can't wait to go down later in May...

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Great update with some great photos, Chuck! The more finishing touches they add, the more I like the entire package that is Verbolten. It really looks like a perfect addition to their coaster collection. That final bridge drop looks sweet as well. Can't wait to go back to the park anyway, so these added rides are just a bonus!

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It is SO GREAT to see how much fun the creative team evidently had, putting together the "story" for this attraction, and how much detail they've embellished the whole area with, to tell that story. Standing ovation, baby!

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^Well, I'll be damned. Maybe it's some sort of "clip art." The park does seem to be going through a "bad shirt" phase at the moment.

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^Well, I'll be damned. Maybe it's some sort of "clip art." The park does seem to be going through a "bad shirt" phase at the moment.

I doubt it. I mean this was the official poster for that movie. I hope the studio doesn't see that.

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