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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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This is a chance for T2 to become what it was always meant for - a parts donor for the rest of Six Flags parks with SLC's!


As for the other coasters, Thunder Run and Twisted Twins will (pretty much guaranteed) be smashed to pieces. Greezed Lightnin will most likely be scrap since it is so old. Roadrunner Express should be able to find a good home. As for the Roller Skater, well looks like we have another one of those on the market again.


Maybe Deluge can go to SFMM. There have been rumors about a ride like that for this year.

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^That and their carousel. The international carousel is a work of art and amazing. Also sad to see the wonderfully theme rapids ride go. I wonder how many rides SF STL and SF Great America end up as they are the closest parks.


I enjoyed my visit their last year and was planning to hit the park again on opening day this year (and get their $29.95 season pass.) Oh well, what can you do.

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Hopefully the shuttle loop is saved. That's the only thing I really care about as far as the park closing goes.

I would not put money on the shuttle loop being saved.


There is already the Astroworld one that has been sitting around for years, and that one actually had quite a bit of refurbishment done to it.


IMO, I think you may see the Wild Mouse and the Roller Skater moved to another park, but I'm not sure about much else.


I'd even think the SLC has a shot of getting re-located over a 34 year old shuttle loop.

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It will be pretty funny if SFMM gets Deluge. Great for Hurricane Harbor but kind of funny that one of the 'flagship' Six Flags parks gets two hand me down rides!


So what park is going to get the next Mr. Six's Dance Party Coaster now that they all of a sudden have an extra Roller Skater!?

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IMO, I think you may see the Wild Mouse and the Roller Skater moved to another park, but I'm not sure about much else.

Well, we are already getting a Roller Skater. Hmmm .... SFMM 2011 - Wild Mouse?


Of course, I keed.


Shame to see SFKK close. I never did make it out there. It's especially bad for those locals. From the sounds of it, this will end up being another Astroworld and not a Darien Lake

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Although its still a bit early into the announcement, it really feels like Astroworld all over again. It really is kind of sad that the park won't open for one last season. I hope that Great Adventure gains something from this loss like a new flat ride or two.


I kind of had a feeling that this was coming, but then again, a lot of us did.

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^^I don't really think it's that bad for the locals. They can go to three better parks in the area: Beech Bend, Holiday World, Kings Island. Not like when Astroland shut and the closest 'real' park was four hours away!


^No more flat rides for SFGAd!!!! They just end up breaking them and shipping them away to other parks!

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So what park is going to get the next Mr. Six's Dance Party Coaster now that they all of a sudden have an extra Roller Skater!?

Six Flags St. Louis would be a perfect location. Right now the park has the mine train and Tony Hawk's Big Spin as their "small" coasters. Would be nice to see them add the roller skater. Plus it would only be a 4 or so hour move for the ride.

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I'd love to see THunder Run relocated rather than smashed to bits. I think it's a nice, underrated ride that could find some fans with a new name at a more popular park. Of course, I understand, that it all comes down to whether or not SF considers the cost of relocating/refurbing an old woodie to be a viable financial move (Is it worth it).


-Mr. Bebe

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Unless some Mexican or South American park is looking for a new flagship attraction, that Shuttle Loop is most likely doomed.


I have a really good day there back in 2007 when I visited. This was when Jay Thomas was in charge, just before he took up his post at Magic Mountain.


But if the park is not going to be economically viable for a company which is still in a bucketload of debt in a weakened market, then this outcome would have been on the cards for some time. With the benefit of hindsight, the closure of the Twisted Twins area and the removal of Chang were some pretty big hints.

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I'd love to see THunder Run relocated rather than smashed to bits. I think it's a nice, underrated ride that could find some fans with a new name at a more popular park. Of course, I understand, that it all comes down to whether or not SF considers the cost of relocating/refurbing an old woodie to be a viable financial move (Is it worth it).

I'm assuming the following coasters will be "smashed to bits:"


- Thunder Run

- Both Twisted Sisters/Twins

- Shuttle Loop


I would think that T2 may also finally meet it's maker, but let's face it, we just saw Six Flags put up a Vekoma SLC at a park that already has a Batman clone so I wouldn't rule it out.



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Thunder Run was the only decent Dinn/Summers woodie still around. My question is since there still letting people still keep their season/play pass if they choose to do so instead of getting a refund, can I go tomorrow and get a play pass? I was planning on trying to buy one tomorrow or sometime this month anyway. If i can't, that would make this closing 100% upsetting instead of 70% upsetting!

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^^From the Six Flags website


I have family members who bought season passes to Kentucky Kingdom. What happens now?

Costs for pre-purchased 2010 Season Passes will be 100% refunded. Notices will go out to Season

Pass holders shortly. We also invite those Season Pass holders to remain so, as their Passes will be valid at all other Six Flags Theme Parks throughout the 2010 Season. For those guests who choose to keep their Kentucky Kingdom Season Passes, we will be sending them four Bring-A-Friend Free Passes that will be valid at any of our other Six Flags parks as well.

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