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Any ideas of how I could support it some more than how it currently looks? I've tried different structures on the outside to hold it up but just doesn't look good, makes the station more of a mess than it is




previous image




Edit: Finally a picture without rain!

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It looks really good.


Everything is amazing except the bold colors of the station and those objects in the corners.


Also the waterfall. It looks too.. Clinical and cold. Try to make it serene and showy by adding a few jagged rocks and sepearting the part where the water actually... falls!


Try to use the slanted base blocks for the stairs.


Everything else looks AMAZING


Give me sum more!

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I need everyone's opinion here...I have several projects I could work on, I would like to know which ones interest you all the most:


-Carlsbad Gardens: Final Expansion


-Skypier Park and Amusements VS Carlsbad Gardens


-Lego Mindstroms NXT Drop/Launch Tower (can perform both launch and drop programs)


And, a project of amazingly never before attempted awesomeness...


-Lego Mindstorms NXT Indiana Jones Ride multi motion ride vehicle AND ride show scenes with possible effects provided by a second NXT module. I would need to acquire another NXT module to achive the show effects.


The icons show my interest in each project...PLEASE help me decide, I am at a loss...

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Well... as interesting as Lego Mindstorm NXT Indiana Jones sounds I am going to say push that one back almost to the end of the line. I would like to see the Lego Mindstorm NXT Drop/Launch Tower get started with some Skypier Park tossed in to give you a break from time to time. When your about done with the Tower project get Indiana Jones going. Given time to take breaks and work on Skypier should give you a good long "TIME OFF" from Carlsbad Gardens so once the Tower project is 100% complete get in there and finish off Carlsbad. This time using Indiana Jones to give you breaks from the larger parks.


Hope that made since. I know what it is like to have several projects going and hitting dead ends for ideas in large projects like Carlsbad Gardens but not really wanting to stop the park, so drop it for the time being and save it until later. Work on one of the fun one's for a bit and then Carlsbad's competition started.

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