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Who do you want to die next?  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to die next?

    • Wes
    • mmousefan
    • CTU Agent
    • socalMAN123
    • mcjaco
    • coasterfreak101
    • Carnage
    • Natatomic

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There's absolutely no way I am going to "win". I'm honestly surprised I haven't been voted out yet, and that it's even close this week. I have enough people who dislike my posting/moderating style on here, I was sure I'd be gone in the first week or so. Looking at who voted for me, it's a lot of the same people each week who I've no doubt pissed off in the past by telling them they are bad posters.

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I have enough people who dislike my posting/moderating style on here


Oh Wes, we don't dislike it....we ABSOLUTELY DESPISE it!


Nah...I'm just messing with you, I'm just voting you out to support the cause. You eat like a pig and take all the tribes food before anyone else gets to it and then you slum around until theres more food that you can gobble up!

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Looking at who voted for me, it's a lot of the same people each week who I've no doubt pissed off in the past by telling them they are bad posters.


I just looked at the list. It's a menagerie of posters who belong on the Island of Misfit Toys.

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There's absolutely no way I am going to "win". I'm honestly surprised I haven't been voted out yet, and that it's even close this week. I have enough people who dislike my posting/moderating style on here, I was sure I'd be gone in the first week or so. Looking at who voted for me, it's a lot of the same people each week who I've no doubt pissed off in the past by telling them they are bad posters.


I still love you, Wes.

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Wes represents the embodiment of all that is Evil.


He is an impatient self-righteous megalomaniac.


Listen, and understand. That Wes is out there. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

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Fine. I switched my vote to Natalie. Did you think I would lose the fight for TPR sole in a voteoff against Wes? No. I needed an ace in the hole. Mine's Natalie. I took TPR's hot chick and brought her down to our level. It wasn't hard. As you know, madness is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!


WHAT?! I haven't voted for YOU yet. Oh, it's on now. As soon as Wes is out of the way YOU ARE GOING DOWN.

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