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Google Chrome


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one thing I found out and might use it, is that say in FF or IE, a page you are on freezes, you loose everything. In Chrome, you only close that one tab that is froozen.


Firefox saves your browser state when it crashes.


So if Firefox closes without being specifically shutdown, on re-starting it prompts you to check if you want to restore your previous session. Saying yes to that reloads all your tabs to where they were before the crash.

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So I'm using it now. It feels much faster than firefox.


My only problem so far is that when I use my little scrolly thingy ma-jig on the right section of my touch pad on my laptop, it only scrolls down. And it does it extremely fast, any way to fix/change this, because I use it a lot.

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Dealbreaker: No AdBlock Pro


If any of you have not tried firefox with the adblock add-on, you are missing out. It is the best out there by far.


I gave Chrome a test drive today, and as soon as I saw that "smiley face" banner at the top of a page, it was a no brainer.

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Dealbreaker: No AdBlock Pro


If any of you have not tried firefox with the adblock add-on, you are missing out. It is the best out there by far.


Yeah, Adblock is the single greatest add-on you can possibly get for Firefox.


I've heard that any content you post with Google Chrome essentially becomes property of Google...

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