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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Did they do something to the trough on the log flume?I saw Reon alluding to it being painful in a different thread.I also read a similar statement on a different board.If they did,was it just the turnaround after the drop?I have never noticed anything out of the ordinary in prior years.Also, it looks like the elephant was removed,I for one am glad to see it gone.

Edited by teebone
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  teebone said:
Did they do something to the trough on the log flume?I saw in a different thread, Reon alluding to it being painful.I also read a similar statement on a different board.If they did,was it just the turnaround after the drop?I have never noticed anything out of the ordinary in prior years.Also, it looks like the elephant was removed,I for one am glad to see it gone.


Be on the look out for Snoopy. ;)

Edited by scruffy
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  PKIDelirium said:
Looked to me that the water level at that part might be lower than normal, could make that turn a little dicey since you'd be riding the trough instead of fully floating.


As long as I can remember, this log flume pretty much rides on the wheels most of the time. It hardly does any floating at all. This results in a bumpy, slow ride....doesn't really feel much like a log flume.


Oh, and Hurler at Carowinds is one of the roughest coasters I've ever been on.

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To answer questions on the flume, the trough looked a bit deeper than usual, but I dont know how that affected anything. It seemed to glide mostly over the track and hit the turn at a moderate speed. I didn't feel a forceful jolt, but by just watching it go, you could definately tell it was slamming into the wall violently.

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  PKI JizzMan said:
From what I hear, the Son of Beast "box" is gone now, and a small garden is in place.


Seems like they are slowly taking this ride off the map!




Wow really? I wish they would just come out and say what they have planned for this ride/area. It's like they're trying to do it behind our backs.

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Also note on the right side of that pic that they removed the fencing that made up the queue entrance along the Flight Deck exit path. Can't even tell the ride exists from the midway now, aside from the lift hill looming over you.

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