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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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They said it's very family friendly, so wondering if they'll be bringing back a Flying Scooters or something else, possibly bringing back or building new Cadillac Cars.


Was not expecting them to get another new possible ride this year, even though they're already spending a lot of money on Banshee and the whole Action Zone revitalization, but considering the massive budget Cedar Fair has for capital expenses this year, not surprised if there are still more announcements coming down the pipeline.

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They said it's very family friendly, so wondering if they'll be bringing back a Flying Scooters or something else, possibly bringing back or building new Cadillac Cars.


Was not expecting them to get another new possible ride this year, even though they're already spending a lot of money on Banshee and the whole Action Zone revitalization, but considering the massive budget Cedar Fair has for capital expenses this year, not surprised if there are still more announcements coming down the pipeline.


Anything saying it's going to be a ride? Could be new dining options or entertainment.

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An attraction can mean ANYTHING. I think they are using their words carefully here.




An attraction can be a magic show, remote control boats, a museum, a ride, etc.




I doubt it will be a new ride. Why would they take the "New ride" focus off Banshee?

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KI tweeted "Banshee is not the only thing new that our guests will be excited about this year. Detals TBA tomorrow at 4 p.m. on our FB page"


I'm gonna say it will be a cool new show or some sort of ride like a flying scooters. But thats about all that I think it will be. One of those two.

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Remember, the post says "All Ages", so I think a ride is out of the question. I would suspect a new movie or show of some sort.


"Banshee is not the only new attraction that our guests will be excited about this year. Be sure to check back tomorrow at 4:00pm for an announcement on something else that’s new this year that will appeal to guests of all ages!"

Edited by John Peck
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Huh. I never even saw those. Thats weird because in an inteview with Don, he said that they currently have no more plans for action zone. I imagine its just a show or something. Maybe an all wheel sports! thats always fun!


You know this is probably why they haven't revealed their 2014 park map yet. Its cuz there is gonna be something else at the park that would be seen, so they reveal the map after the announcement is made.

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