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In two hours we have hit 4 of the 6 mazes. I'll get Hotel Argento on my next visit. The scare zones in the park are awesome with very dense fog. If you don't want to wait in long lines, the upgrade to the fast pass is the way to go. Canyon Blaster is nicknamed Limb Blaster during Fright Dome and the ride couldn't be running better! A total blast in the dark!





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Pretty impressive to deal with the logistics of building it inside the dome and planning on having it open in December!


I don't know if I am excited, or disappointed because it means having to step foot in Circus Circus.

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ONLY reason I had to step foot into Circus, Circus was Canyon Blaster. Hopefully El Loco will add a second reason.


you missed out on one of the best Restaurants in Vegas (no really). . the Steak House in CircusCircus is worth it (both for the cost, and for having to go into this awful, awful place).

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I can't wait for this puppy to be completed. And I can't wait to ride it next year in March when I'm there getting sh*tfaced for my birthday! Nothing better than riding an El Loco after several beers, am I right?


Jimmy "New credit next year!" Bo

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Just a heads up for everyone -


I'm going to be live tweeting Fright Dome all night tonight. I'm just about to head over. Follow me on Twitter @DrMambo85 for the updates. Otherwise, check back later tonight for my full report with photos!

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Im really really interested to see how the final layout of this ends up coming out. With the lastest photos i think It will end up going over the station before doing a final drop down into the brake run and station. We will see tho, really keeping an eye on this rides construction.

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Alrighty, here's my Fright Dome trip report!


FYI - Pictures are pretty crap due to to insane amount of fog and darkness inside of the dome. I tried, but this is the best you're gonna get. Also, obviously I wasn't able to take pictures inside of the houses, so we're stuck with pics from around the dome. No worries, though!


I left my apartment 20 minutes prior to opening because, well, I live 3 miles away and didn't think I'd have a problem getting there. I was wrong. Apparently there was a very minor fender bender on I-15 North that I managed to get stuck in. It took me 45 minutes to get to Circus Circus. 3 miles. 45 minutes. Thanks, rubbernecks!


Once parked and inside the hotel, I ran into another brick wall. There was one ticket booth open with two people working it. Between those two people and myself? A 6-deep family that was playing a game of 20 questions about the event. Usually that would take one person to assist them, yes? Well, it did. The other person just made eye contact with me and continued to act like I didn't exist.


5 minutes go by and the family finally gets their tickets and leaves. Guess who suddenly realizes I exist? Not the person helping the previous family. No, it was our eye-contact friend who suddenly chimed in and said she could help. I guess she ran out of Candy Crush lives. After buying my admission and Fast Pass, I was off and into the Fright Dome!


I just want to take a moment to remark on the employees. Many were great, friendly, and very helpful! A select few left me scratching my head as to how they managed to get hired. For instance, one of the greeters (the person who tells you to put your phone away) at Zombie Quarantine felt it was necessary to use excessively colorful language directly in front of guests waiting to go into the house. It wasn't under her breath, either. It was more or less shouted. I wish a supervisor had happened by at that moment, but it didn't happen. Ah, well. Looks like I need to get my Six Flags reminders somehow.


Anyways, let's get down to it and talk about the attractions!


TH13TEEN -One of the best haunts they have this year! It was also the first house I hit and there was nobody else in line, so I got to go through alone, save for the guide. The actors had a great time setting me up for multiple-person scares and I was jumping, shouting, and laughing myself silly the entire time. The theme is supposed to be a tour of a voodoo mansion, but it loses sight of it very quickly and ends up just being a mix of all kinds of things, ranging from devil worship to vampires. It was also one of the longest haunts and was on the second floor. I went through three or four times all night and had fun every time!


Camp Chainsaw - Another good haunt, and this one is outside! Don't let the name fool you, though. There is a serious lack of chainsaws until the end, and even then it's lacking. This is themed around some backwoods camp where the chainsaw people got in a fight with the lumberjacks. Or miners. Or something. I don't really know. All I know is that the guide I had the second time around was hilarious and there were some good scares scattered about. There was one room that was so thick with fog that you wouldn't know someone was in front of you until you ran into them!


Zombie Quarantine - Good concept, poor execution. I'm sure that this haunt could be excellent if they invest more live actors in it. There were a bunch of rooms that had dummies in them rather than humans. However, the scares were good when they happened. I went through twice and both times it felt like half of the cast was on lunch break.


Clownaphobia 3-D - Absolute worst haunt I have been through in YEARS! It was slow, boring, cheap, and excessively long. Aside from the actor who introduces you to the maze, the actors were dreadful! Nobody cared. Actors would go back to having their side conversations with each other before you even left the room. Not character side conversations. No, full on Valley-girl "OMG Pete posted on Facebook that blah blah blah" conversations. Horrible. It's the longest haunt on site and is sucking up space that could be used for something so much better! Just skip it.


The Collector - One of the best here. The sets were very well done, and I was surprised they put so much effort into the opening facade! Every other house had been a black tarp curtain. This was modeled to be the front porch/door of a country house! Very well done and plenty of scares, as well as some very cool effects throughout! I went through this one three times and never got bored.


Hotel Argento - Ah, the one everyone's been talking about. You go through alone! Sure, it's a good marketing tool, but I've been through a bunch of haunts alone before. This is just the first one that was designed for it. That being said, they did a damn good job. The scenery throughout is basically the same and the length leaves something to be desired, but I sure had fun and screamed my head off. Unfortunately I only had the opportunity to go through once as the line grew a bit behind me. Due to the whole "going through alone" aspect, the line CRAWLS. I'm fairly certain they let one person in, then wait for them to get to the exit before the next person is allow in. I was in line for 15 minutes with only 4 people in front of me. When I came back later and saw a line of at least 30, I laughed and walked away. It's a great house with a great concept, but they need to make it much longer and pace people through it better than they are currently doing. Since this is the first year I'll give them a pass and chalk it up to growing pains. This must absolutely be hit first unless you want to waste most of your night waiting.


I had a great time and I'm looking forward to the fun again next year! Now, though, I need to visit the rest of the Vegas area haunts and pick which one is best, haha. On with the pictures and videos!


Vine Videos -


[vine]https://vine.co/v/hHOa3rZ9MUF[/vine] - The scene by the main entrance.


[vine]https://vine.co/v/hHOaz3tmUKU[/vine] - Limb Blaster (Canyon Blaster) flying by.


[vine]https://vine.co/v/hHMljlPdQj6[/vine] - More Limb Blaster



[/vine] - Zombies!



[/vine] - Lights over Massacreade.



[/vine] - Scareactor stalking the entrance area to Hotel Argento.


[vine]https://vine.co/v/hHMeaiBX250[/vine] - Themeing



[/vine] - Hotel Argento's entrance.


Hotel Argento's facade


The stage by the entrance


Random scareactor that honked at me.


Pretty lasers!


Hotel Argento's facade again. That TV screen has the IR Camera feeds from inside.


The Collector's sign.


A little extra touch. There were faces like this over all of the ambient lighting.


It was Panic House 4D but still had all of the Spongebob art. I think it made it creepier.

Edited by KBrylczyk
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The below artwork was from a Vegas blog page and it was shared on the Adventuredome's Facebook Page.

I'm looking at the concept art right now and comparing the picture to the installed piece of track, but I cannot seem to figure out which section of track is installed. Does anybody want to help identify which portion of the ride it is? It is only concept art, so it's extremely possible that the design is different from the regular El Loco as they have in the concept art.

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