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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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Mt last Mind Eraser ride was in the back and much more comfortable than the front. And actually the forces -- not necessarily the shaking like a nervous little dog -- are mildest in the middle, for the same reason enthusiasts usually want the ends on most coasters. Of course my last ride was also with a hat and hood in December, so more comfortable than any ride in the summer.


The woodies are OK anywhere but a wheel seat. Don't be lulled into false security on your first Wild One ride though, it lives up to its name about 2/3ths of the way through. A couple months ago someone said front and back on Superman are about the same. Yeah right. I rode back when they had VR in the back and it was a good thing I knew the layout. It can throw you into the lap bar recovering from the hills, especially the one between the helices.


I really like Renegade Rapids there too. Some actual rapids and you don't get hardly wet unless someone pays to soak you with the water cannons. I've seen better raft rides on this forum, but it's different than most.

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I wonder what they could be trying to tell us. The logo is from a pontiac firebird and the calendar has august 16th (National Rollercoaster day) circled. I'm gonna go with the wild guess of a Brand new coaster with a firebird themed train.


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...I'm gonna go with the wild guess of a Brand new coaster with a firebird themed train.


I'm going with the wild guess of... no.


Idk... I just don't see SFA getting a new coaster right now. Do they need one? HECK YES!!! Do I foresee it happening, no.


That being said... If I am wrong, and it is going to be a coaster... I foresee it being an RMC conversion of Roar with a Firebird theme?

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^ I politely disagree. I believe they are putting the skywarps in parks with minimal space and space is no issue at SFA.


Skywarps are going to be everywhere, it has nothing to do it with space. It's that they cost 2M and SF can call them a coaster. They will be the new superloop of the chain. With 3 variants hopefully SF mixes up the models.


The small indy parks should jump all over buyung Skywarps, as well as RMC Raptors. Getting both over a 3 or so year period would be a nice 1,2 for places like KK, HW, Compounce, etc..

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If you put your real age in that may be a factor because I don't get them either but here's the link:https://feedback.sixflags.com/advisorypanel/startsurvey.aspx?s=heroes&cid=%%cid%%&e=sjackson%40son.umaryland.edu&utm_source=surveyemails&utm_medium=email&utm_content=subscriber_id:&utm_campaign=2018-01%20Heroes%20and%20Villains%20Survey%20-%20Wave%209

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^Thanks! Interesting that they included Marvel characters, I wonder what they're trying to achieve with that since SF has never mad a marvel-character themed ride (to my knowledge). Plus, I'd assume that obtaining the rights to use a Marvel character would be pretty expensive.

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^It was pretty much all of the Major ones give or take a few characters.


I took a brief visit to the park today and it was pretty crowded. It happened to be a company day for Lindsay automotive. To make maters worse Halfpipe, Zoomazon Falls, Bonzai Pipelines and the slides at the pool were all closed. The wave pool was also closed for an extended period of time due to someone getting sick. Around 5:30 a very weak storm rolled in and drove a decent portion of the crowd out of the park. This led to the dry park being much more manageable. Outside of atrocious single train ops on ROAR, everything was fine in the dry park.


BTW, the electric work seems to be done.

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^ I politely disagree. I believe they are putting the skywarps in parks with minimal space and space is no issue at SFA.


Who knows what the real thought process is in reality. Think about it... These are small flat rides that only have one train. The capacity is low. So these may do better at smaller parks like a Discovery Kingdom or America. Also, lets keep in mind the Skywarp added to Discovery Kingdom is one of the first in the USA. They may want to see if the public is even going to be interested. They may since its new.


Also, this park may have a lot of land but how much of that land is actually available for turning into midway? That is something that most of us do not know.

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