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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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Screamscape said that they would be getting an RMC I-Box conversion on Roar. So I can think we can all agree, Screamscape is wrong again...


Not completely. It's still very possible but considering they have been working on it this season, It would be very impractical for them to do that just to have it close and be converted.

I am literally SO TIRED of people who say this without doing their research. Remember Medusa at Six Flags Mexico? Remember how Rocky Mountain came in and put topper track on it for the 2012 season? Remember how the very next year Six Flags announced that it would be closed to be converted? No? Shocker.


Seriously. There's absolutely precedent for doing work on a ride before you convert it. Just because it could get RMC'ed in 2017 doesn't mean that they're going to let it fall to pieces up until then. You all know literally nothing about what Six Flags is planning, stop pretending like you're wiretapping eight conference calls a day.


Now, back to ignoring the forums until speculation season is over...


To piggyback a little, Cyclone at SFNE had a ton of topper track installed before the conversion also. Almost the entire first half was topper track by the time it was finally converted.


Pretty sure they also re-tracked one or two of the last hills a year prior to closing. I would love to see an RMC at SFA so it gives me a reason to go back.

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Hurler at KD is rumored to get rmc'd, so it's unlikely roar will also be rmc'd this year also, but time will tell. But, if they did both receive the treatment, then I can bet roar will be better due to it's twisted layout.

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Hurler at KD is rumored to get rmc'd, so it's unlikely roar will also be rmc'd this year also, but time will tell. But, if they did both receive the treatment, then I can bet roar will be better due to it's twisted layout.


I doubt that cedar fair will rmc something at Kd before it happens at Cedar Point.

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Hurler at KD is rumored to get rmc'd, so it's unlikely roar will also be rmc'd this year also, but time will tell. But, if they did both receive the treatment, then I can bet roar will be better due to it's twisted layout.


I doubt that cedar fair will rmc something at Kd before it happens at Cedar Point.


I disagree... I still think RMC is Hurler's destination, for next year. The RMC Streak will be a much bigger project than this will be, and the two parks operate independently of each other anyway. I just don't see them holding off on a much needed refurbishment for Hurler, just because they haven't unleashed the biggest and best at CP yet.

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I think hurler would be better off with a gci retrack or what would be cool is if gravity group came in a retracked it. The gci retrack seems the most likely to me. But why are we talking about KD in a SFA thread.
I brought up KD because it's about 1 and 1/2 hours away from SFA, I doubt both will receive rmcs in the same year.
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Hi, me and my girlfriend are about to visit for first time Six Flags, I just want to know if some of you have one or two tips that we can use to make our experience the best, thanks!


In before Bill tells you to go to Kings Dominion instead.

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Hi, me and my girlfriend are about to visit for first time Six Flags, I just want to know if some of you have one or two tips that we can use to make our experience the best, thanks!
















Edit: Dammit he beat me

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Hi, me and my girlfriend are about to visit for first time Six Flags, I just want to know if some of you have one or two tips that we can use to make our experience the best, thanks!


If your visiting on a weekday the only crowd you'll run into is maybe some summer camps. On weekends it's a little busier. Longest line you might see is about 1 hour and thirty minutes. You should hit The water park and get that done in the morning. After that head to Jokers Jinx and Batwing by around 2 but no later than 5 go to Superman it will have the shortest lines then because no VR. After that Head to Mardi Gras do FireBall, Voodoo drop, and Wild One. Rajin Cajun tends to have longer lines. So if it fills the queue Just forget it. It's not worth more than 15 minute wait. After that the rest of the coasters are pretty much walk-ons at most 10 minute waits. Eating wise I suggest chop six and the sit down restaraunt in Coyote Creek across from Mind Eraser.

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Hi, me and my girlfriend are about to visit for first time Six Flags, I just want to know if some of you have one or two tips that we can use to make our experience the best, thanks!


In before Bill tells you to go to Kings Dominion instead.


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Lol,..here's a record. Only took 4 min. 13 seconds to dispatch my train (superman) Usually takes 10-12 minutes. Don't have to worry about it next year. The marketing director said that it wouldn't be on Superman next year, though there are plans to use it. My daughter and I finished #4 and 5 in the coaster race! We weren't even first in the park, just had a good strategy. Happy Coaster Day everyone!

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Lol,..here's a record. Only took 4 min. 13 seconds to dispatch my train (superman) Usually takes 10-12 minutes. Don't have to worry about it next year. The marketing director said that it wouldn't be on Superman next year, though there are plans to use it. My daughter and I finished #4 and 5 in the coaster race! We weren't even first in the park, just had a good strategy. Happy Coaster Day everyone!

Thank God they are getting rid of it. Superman was definitely the wrong coaster for that. They should've done New Revolution or Rage of the gargoyles on apocalypse.

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Lol,..here's a record. Only took 4 min. 13 seconds to dispatch my train (superman) Usually takes 10-12 minutes. Don't have to worry about it next year. The marketing director said that it wouldn't be on Superman next year, though there are plans to use it. My daughter and I finished #4 and 5 in the coaster race! We weren't even first in the park, just had a good strategy. Happy Coaster Day everyone!

Thank God they are getting rid of it. Superman was definitely the wrong coaster for that. They should've done New Revolution or Rage of the gargoyles on apocalypse.


JJ would be good too.

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I would imagine Jokers Jinx would be hard to do as the elements aren't very spaced out and the ride is just fast paced. It would be unique though. In the Launch your in the bat cave launching out of it in the batmobile or batwing and for the rest your chasing Joker through Gotham.

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