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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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If roar was being rmc'd, they would've announced it by now, so I guess we can count that out *sigh*. A flat ride or two and a wild one repaint is most likely for 2017. All of the six flags parks seem kinda quiet this year, no teasers or anything.

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If roar was being rmc'd, they would've announced it by now, so I guess we can count that out *sigh*. A flat ride or two and a wild one repaint is most likely for 2017. All of the six flags parks seem kinda quiet this year, no teasers or anything.


A survey for Battle fo Metropolis came out recently, so who knows.

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I'm not sure if this is an everyday thing but last when I went a few weeks ago there was no VR from 2-5pm.


No mention of it on the website, maybe by September 4th they will be trying to phase it out.

For your sake I sure hope so


Honestly though, we tried Superman VR and it worked the first time and was actually really fun, so we came back again later to ride again and it didn't work at all, so we were allowed to walk up the flash pass line and again it didn't work. If you can get it with a short wait (less than three trains with 12-20 minute dispatches) it's fine to do once but it's a good ride without VR in the front and back seats.


It's nothing mind-blowing but it's my favorite in the park along with Wild One and the finale is really fun.

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Yes Im very excited for Wild One. I remember that being the best ride there alongside Superman.


Wild One is awesome but it may kick your A$$ in a wheel seat. You've been warned. Ride in the middle row of any car.


Will do. I remember the glorious painful airtime.

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Well someone just posted in the SFNE thread that Superman is only giving VR rides from 1 pm on now. I'm hoping Six Flags America follows suit.


1pm on. That's quite a few hours that they will have it. Yeah, 2-5 at SFA. Really hoping that they'll run it until 5 instead as the year goes on. I want quick lines on Superman as it gets darker earlier.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that Joker was the last Six Flags Iron Horse makeover for a while. The could still purchase from RMC (new wooden coasters, T-rex, etc.), but for some reason, I remember Iron Horse conversions being put on hold for a while since they've done 6 in the last 5 years.

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Was at the park today Roar is Closed worker said ongoing and now its listed as temp closed on the six flags website

Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come


Doubtful but I hope so. That ride absolutely blows.

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Was at the park today Roar is Closed worker said ongoing and now its listed as temp closed on the six flags website

Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come


Doubtful but I hope so. That ride absolutely blows.

I know they've supposedly done a lot of retracking this year but they have a far superior wooden coaster about 200 feet away and no amount of retracking is going to make Roar anywhere above extremely mediocre, even by GCI standards. RMC is the best way to go especially for the park as a whole because costs would stay low relative to building a new ride plus plaza, queue, etc.


That said, I feel like we would've heard a little more about the rides closure at this point so I'm skeptical.

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"Be sure to ride it first to start your day off in the best way possible".


Is this a joke? I feel like the person that wrote this was audibly laughing when they wrote it. I can't think of many worse ways to start my day than by riding f**king Apocalypse. That's right up there with "accidentally backing over a beloved family pet in the driveway in your haste to get to work in the morning" or "getting into a car wreck in the parking lot of the office and realizing the guy in the other car was your boss".


... okay maybe I'm exaggerating JUST a tad.

Edited by coasterbill
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