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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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Roar is my favorite in the park. Most people think its too rough but I do not think so at all. I love the first drop and how it curves to the left. I do not like how as you are coming down the hill you see all that crap Six Flags has laying behind it, I cringe when I see that.

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Last year we rode Superman in the back and thought it was a really dull coaster. This year we waited the extra half hour (5 train wait...lol) and rode it in the front. It was much better, riding in the front makes the long straightaways a lot more fun because you can really appreciate the speed of the coaster.


As far as Roar is concerned, I thought it was a terrible ride. I hurt in places I didn't even know could hurt after one ride on it.


BTW I'm really starting to think the term "ejector airtime" is seriously overused.


I agree completely. I used to think the Superman coasters had ejector air but El Toro re-wrote the rules of airtime for me. lol.

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That's nothing. In 2006, I saw Dark Blue and Green Togo Ultra Twister track from Superman or Penguins.


What's your point? That slab behind Batwing is where they store track, and they stored Ultra Twister there for a few years until they decided it wasn't getting built. Nobody complains when parks store new things right in their parking lots, I'm not sure why it's suddenly laziness when Six Flags stores them where nobody (unless they're looking) can even see?

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To each their own. I think it looks tacky.


When you're paying $50 for unlimited visits all year you're not going to get the quality that $90 for one day at Disney is going to get you. Nobody other than those Orlando parks gives much thought to maintaining 'face', being able to see a boneyard or some backstage areas is just what you're going to get out of a generic theme park without a mouse at the front gate.

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Being able to see a boneyard or some backstage areas is just what you're going to get out of a generic theme park


While you can see "backstage areas" at most parks, most of them do a better job at keeping these areas from being complete eyesores. Six Flags doesn't care at all. While I've seen boneyards and backstage areas at Cedar Fair parks, they're usually not overly ugly and in the case of boneyards they're hard to see if you don't know exactly where to look.

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It's like that with Nitro's lifthill too. You can see log flume boats, rafts from the rapids, some of the old Looney Tunes Seaport figures, a Glow in the Park parade float and some other stuff. I don't mind it too much but I hated seeing the parade float out there all rusty since I was disappointed when the got rid of the parade.

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^^I really don't see how some Fright Fest props only able to be seen from 90 feet in the air or some ride track stored back by the forest that you can more or less only notice from Batwing's barrel rolls are eyesores. How many people on a ride do you think even notice those things? They're hidden from plain sight when you're on the ground, I'm not sure what you're expecting them to do to hide them from you when you should be more concerned with the hypercoaster or whatnot that you're on.


Sidenote, if you've ever been on Matterhorn at Disneyland, you'll notice that you can see the entire city of Anaheim from up there. They should probably raze the entire thing because it's an eyesore...(or just because it sucks, your choice).

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^^I really don't see how some Fright Fest props only able to be seen from 90 feet in the air or some ride track stored back by the forest that you can more or less only notice from Batwing's barrel rolls are eyesores. How many people on a ride do you think even notice those things? They're hidden from plain sight when you're on the ground, I'm not sure what you're expecting them to do to hide them from you when you should be more concerned with the hypercoaster or whatnot that you're on.


Sidenote, if you've ever been on Matterhorn at Disneyland, you'll notice that you can see the entire city of Anaheim from up there. They should probably raze the entire thing because it's an eyesore...(or just because it sucks, your choice).



Or they could just enclose the rest of the Matterhorn?

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I just think its funny that Six Flags stands out the most with the back stage areas.


Either way... I am exited to see what they do with the area around the new rides that are putting in for next summer. Lets hope they start at a decent time so they can be open for opening weekend.... but wait a min this is SFA... Probably wont open till in the middle of the summer.

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I just think its funny that Six Flags stands out the most with the back stage areas.


Either way... I am exited to see what they do with the area around the new rides that are putting in for next summer. Lets hope they start at a decent time so they can be open for opening weekend.... but wait a min this is SFA... Probably wont open till in the middle of the summer.



That's what I don't like about this regime. Full Throttle, Superman, King Cobra, Boomerang, Green Lantern (both), and Apocalypse have all opened late.

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I hope the new coaster is ready for opening day but am not expecting it. I have never been to SFA but seeing that Great Adventure is opening 3 weeks later next season compared to this past season and SF's website still says SFA is opening in March I am considering taking a trip to SFA for opening weekend so my coaster season can start early.

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