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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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^How'd you score that? Man, I'd love to play hooky from work (aka take leave because I'm not sure The Man appreciates me ditching) and get up there for the announcement and some coasters!


I work in the IT Department for Hershey Entertainment & Resorts. All departments were invited - but I'm pretty sure it's just for set-up/tear-down/making sure everything runs smoothly for the conference itself. But, WHILE I'm making sure everything runs smoothly, I will also be paying close attention to the conference

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^How'd you score that? Man, I'd love to play hooky from work (aka take leave because I'm not sure The Man appreciates me ditching) and get up there for the announcement and some coasters!


I work in the IT Department for Hershey Entertainment & Resorts. All departments were invited - but I'm pretty sure it's just for set-up/tear-down/making sure everything runs smoothly for the conference itself. But, WHILE I'm making sure everything runs smoothly, I will also be paying close attention to the conference


I like the way you think!

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Jeez, what is it with Hershey coasters and cobra rolls? Anybody else remember Fahrenheit getting stuck in its cobra roll for the first half of its opening day?


Anyways, I've been following this game for way too long to not post anything, and it feels pretty good to finally do it. Heres my best guess as to what it is:

I'm positive its intamin, but I don't think its a wing rider. Whatever it is, I really hope it has lap bars. Today I compared the figure-8 layout that's been floating around to an odd group of footers from a Keystone Thrills construction update and could easily find the same group on the blueprints (I'd post the pictures, but I dont want to break any rules). Anyways, theres my two cents. We'll see if any of that's right in 11 days !

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Jeez, what is it with Hershey coasters and cobra rolls? Anybody else remember Fahrenheit getting stuck in its cobra roll for the first half of its opening day?


Anyways, I've been following this game for way too long to not post anything, and it feels pretty good to finally do it. Heres my best guess as to what it is:

I'm positive its intamin, but I don't think its a wing rider. Whatever it is, I really hope it has lap bars. Today I compared the figure-8 layout that's been floating around to an odd group of footers from a Keystone Thrills construction update and could easily find the same group on the blueprints (I'd post the pictures, but I dont want to break any rules). Anyways, theres my two cents. We'll see if any of that's right in 11 days !


Which pictures are you speaking of from Keystone Thrills? The ones that are also posted in this thread, too?

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That doesn't make sense because there are brakes in the station and at the base of the second lift that stay closed until the train is high enough up the lift that it will make it through the course when released, this is true on both lifts. So if for some reason the train is released too early the brakes will stop it in the station or the bottom of the loop to prevent this from happening, unless somehow this system has totally failed. So because of that I'm wondering if this was train/wheel related.

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It's possible that one of the lift spikes released the train too early.


EDIT: Thermal expansion of heat can cause an increase in friction as well.

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It's possible that one of the lift spikes released the train too early.


Like I was explaining, if that happened the brakes should have stopped the train at the bottom, so if so why didn't they?


The brakes will not open until the train has passed a sensor on the lift telling the PLC it is high enough up to make it through the course, unless that system has failed. So I think the train being released too early is probably not it.


Depending on the condition of the train, if it was really hot there that may have caused this. What was the weather like that day?

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Was the train full? It looks like it would be a pretty awkward climb out of the train for anyone in the first and last cars. I don't know how these evacuations works though


For me never a good time for that ride (not on my to do list), especially getting stuck in the heat.

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