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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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The theming in the line still mostly works, but I wish they brought back the fog. The operators costumes were pretty cool also. You can see the parks defunct railway just to the left just before the coaster enters the brake run in the P.O.V. This is without a doubt a very cool video.

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I found this cool video on Youtube that shows Top Gun/Flight Deck themeing and when the fog used to work when the train would dispatch.





Ahhhhhhh....brings back so many wonderful memories! If onlt the park could have ever built on the potential created the year this ride opened. It was like nothing I've experienced since (at least in California). The year Ghostrider opened probably comes the closes.

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^^I still have that video on VHS it was the first one in the coaster thrills series.


If CGA were to go the way of GL I call dibs on FD & perhaps vortex to replace shockwave as well as delerium.


Vortex woulld more than likely get torn down and not be rebuilt. I'm going to keep it at that.

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I got to thinking about this earlier when we were making a trip down towards San Jose to pick up some goods from a Craigslist offer. Anyway, I began thinking as to what else could be the potential delay for seeing anything new (as in having the money to even spend) and immediately reminded myself that Invertigo went under some major work. Not sure how costly it was to get the components replaced but I am pretty sure it wasn't cheap (not like the ride's under a service plan like you would buy for your PC). Maybe 2012, we may start to see something new as they can build up their cash. Just a guess though.


I do wish that they did the fog for Flight Deck's dispatch. Little things like this can make a ride go a long way or enhance it that much more in my opinion. And I really hope that Vortex gets some major TLC within the next 60 days if it hasn't already. I kind of neglect Vortex or ride it once per visit as it smashes you around....which leads me into thinking that the reason why Vortex's second train has been absent this past season. They pulled it off with Demon's red train that was missing during the 2009 season and ran butter smooth (almost) last season while the yellow train hurt like mad! Also some new paint on Vortex would be nice (miss the green/black combo we had in the 1990's).

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I agree with you 100% the green and black was awesome. I wonder if they have ever considered re-inventing the Vortex or if it would even be possible to just say screw the stand up thing and get a set of floorless or even a sit down train for it. It is still a good powerful coaster and a change in the trains could help it out quite a bit and add something to a park that could benefit from any changes for the better at this point

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^I've had those thoughts too, I've even had dreams where Vortex got a nice set of new sit down trains and some special effects. Personally, I think that the easiest switch would be a sitdown...if a floorless train were to be added, then the whole floor mechanism would need to be worked in as well. Again, I really need to tell myself to stop dreaming and there is no chance of this happening. I do agree, Vortex is quite a powerful compact ride. But with the way it keeps running (rough, that is), less people are going to even want to ride it. My cousin is nearly impossible to get to ride it due to the jerkiness. I've talked her into riding maybe once last season otherwise, she sits it out and waits in the arcade for me.


Yes, I'm still baffled at the fact that CGA has a Rough B&M and a Smooth Vekoma - 2 oxymorons in 1 park!

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^For being the shortest B & M invert it still packs a punch. Sadly, I have a feeling it may get scrapped if the park gets bulldozed.

Then again, Valleyfair does need an Invert.


In regards to Invertigo, it's not a lemon.......it's a Vekoma and that's a fruit that's in a class of it's own. LOL

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^For being the shortest B & M invert it still packs a punch. Sadly, I have a feeling it may get scrapped if the park gets bulldozed.

Then again, Valleyfair does need an Invert.


In regards to Invertigo, it's not a lemon.......it's a Vekoma and that's a fruit that's in a class of it's own. LOL


Hey Invertigo is a smooth ride when compared to an SLC...too bad SFA sold two face. Sure VF could use an invert but voclano sucks rocks & if la ronde can get away with having two inverts in one park then why not KD?

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Actually, I'm not going to lie here. Demon can be much rougher than Invertigo to being as smooth as Invertigo...really depends on its mood and train you decide to ride. Vortex has had it's smoother moments from time to time...but for the most part, it is one ticked off ride that will kick your butt!

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Yeah I never understood how that ended up happening either, I noticed that Flight Deck is also "rough" when compared to other B&M Inverts. I have no clue what happened with Invertigo it must be a lemon.

Flight Deck? Rough? It's the smoothest ride in NorCal IMO. The forces are extreme, but it's still a very smooth ride. Also, Demon isn't rough aside from the drop at the corkscrew, it's very smooth. If you're looking for a smooth ride then take the fifth or sixth car. Invertigo is very smooth as well. Grizzly is smooth for a woodie. Vortex is the hell of all B&M's. That's what I think from my experiences.

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Yea, I wouldn't really call Flight Deck rough...but more intense and forceful. It is not buttery smooth like Medusa but that is because Flight Deck actually has some pretty strong forces while Medusa tends to feel a little more gentle about the forces it dishes out (as well as many of the newer B&Ms.)

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Yeah I never understood how that ended up happening either, I noticed that Flight Deck is also "rough" when compared to other B&M Inverts. I have no clue what happened with Invertigo it must be a lemon.

Flight Deck? Rough? It's the smoothest ride in NorCal IMO. The forces are extreme, but it's still a very smooth ride. Also, Demon isn't rough aside from the drop at the corkscrew, it's very smooth. If you're looking for a smooth ride then take the fifth or sixth car. Invertigo is very smooth as well. Grizzly is smooth for a woodie. Vortex is the hell of all B&M's. That's what I think from my experiences.


I'm not saying Flight Deck is rough I am just saying it is the roughest of any of the B&M inverts I have ridden, the transition out of the inline twist has quite the jolt in it at times. I disagree about the corkscrew drop being the only rough point on the Demon those loops have beat the hell out of me many times

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It's sad to say that Great America, Discovery Kingdom and Santa Cruz are all that Northern California has to offer! I really enjoy the Drop Tower, Invertigo and Flight Deck, but after visiting the park twice, I was very underwhelmed. It might have had to do with the apathetic staff, the suburban gangster wannabes roaming the park, or the lack of attention the rides were getting!


I wouldn't mind seeing this park pull an Elitch Gardens and relocating their rides that matter (Flight Deck, Invertigo, Drop Tower, some flats..) to a location nearby to set aside the stadium drama and get some more people to the park! I was there on a Saturday and the place was deserted! Come on Great America. You have potential to be the Knott's of NorCal!

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Scott Brown wrote

Of course my favorite Flight Deck weird transition is the wobble coming out of the corkscrew I don't know why but I love that weird back and forth sensation it provides.
haha! and I will never forget, I can remember watching that wobble with you over and over again, watching the train shake it's A$$, you've been fascinated with it ever since the coaster was built! (and I never understood why it wasn't a smoother transition)
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Scott Brown wrote
Of course my favorite Flight Deck weird transition is the wobble coming out of the corkscrew I don't know why but I love that weird back and forth sensation it provides.
haha! and I will never forget, I can remember watching that wobble with you over and over again, watching the train shake it's A$$, you've been fascinated with it ever since the coaster was built! (and I never understood why it wasn't a smoother transition)


I think it adds such a unique quality to the coaster, I would imagine it is like it is because B&M was still learning the ropes and mastering the perfect transition at the time and at that point all they had done was Batman and if you think about it it is just a Batman corkscrew with an elongated exit to drop down to the water

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^ Agreed! for a B&M invert, I thinks it is the most unique one out there, maybe short and sweet, but never duplicated. Batman is my Favorite invert, out of the few I have ridden (Montu, Dueling Dragons, Silver Bullet and Top Gun). But I think Top Gun...errr, Flight Deck is the most unique, and still great despite its age!

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That jolt is there because of track formation. The train has no choice but to jolt you out of the heartline roll. It's just like Raptor, on the very last turn into the brake run there's twisted track right before that jolts the train back and forth just for added effect. People think that the trains are just shaking because it's just rough there, but actually it has twisted track that was there on purpose. The same goes for Fligh Deck. Also, Medusa is just forceless aside from the Zero-G-Roll. Therefore it's just a butter smooth ride.

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It's fun to see on the video a few things, beyond what has already been said:


1.) How CLEAN everything looked


2.) The ORIGINAL support structure over the lake (It's not sinking, don't nobody panic)


3.) The LACK of spot welds on the track! The camera angle really made it easy to see the rails themselves.


So why is it a bit rougher than we remember? Well, it's amazingly been 17 years since it debuted and most* steel coasters have operational lives around 25 years. So to say this coaster has see nit's golden days is a fair statement. Now, being B&M, it should last...but maybe not age as gracefully as we could hope? Waiting for B&M fanboy hate in 3...2...1....go!


On Invertigo, the reason behind it's "Vekoma Smoothness" some would say, "SMOOTH AS GLASS!" (Thank you very much) is due to the manufacturer. Vekoma designs most of their rides, but contracts (outsources) the fabrication of the track to other companies, usually Fabriweld. (Which makes them the "bargain" steel manufacturer.) Except they didn't do this for the first two Invertigo's. (Mostly because they were originally designed to use LIMS and not chains. The ensuing delay made it faster to just rebuild the damn things by themselves.) The first two Invertigo's were designed AND manufactured by Vekoma. Stealth, on the other hand, was fabricated by Fabriweld and it didn't age too well!

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