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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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  CrazedZooChimp said:
So has anyone ever been the only person on Flight Deck/Top Gun before? And, does anyone know what the deal is with this new policy of not letting people wait for the front of flight deck? I understood it for Gold Striker last season because it was brand new and so crowded, but now Flight Deck too? And with the front row empty??? Lame. I should send an email to management, along with my regular complaint of "Rue le Dodge" being turned into a lame, boring, worthless, one-way non-bumping bumper car ride...


Not on Flight Deck (I've never even been to CGA), but I got to do it on Batman at SFMM once. It was during ERT at WCB 2010, and they were running two trains. I got to the station as they were sending out the first train empty (because no one was there, and I got to the gates after they were closed already), and then the people on the 2nd train all got off! And on top of that, it was my birthday haha! So that was my most memorable ride on Batman...cool to hear that you got to do the same thing on Flight Deck!


As for the weird policy, I'd send an email.

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  CrazedZooChimp said:

So has anyone ever been the only person on Flight Deck/Top Gun before? And, does anyone know what the deal is with this new policy of not letting people wait for the front of flight deck? I understood it for Gold Striker last season because it was brand new and so crowded, but now Flight Deck too? And with the front row empty??? Lame. I should send an email to management, along with my regular complaint of "Rue le Dodge" being turned into a lame, boring, worthless, one-way non-bumping bumper car ride...


Flight Deck frequently had a huge line for the front row, it even spilled down past the station occasionally, so it doesn't surprise me that they no longer accept requests for the front.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sigh...Prudential was spotted on the roof with decibel meters again today. More tunnels probably upcoming...just enclose the whole coaster and get it over with. Better yet lets enclose Prudential in one of those giant domes like from that Under The Dome show.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Tmcdllr said:
This is already becoming a really bad joke. The solution is simple, Prudential can just move.


How dare they ask CGA to adhere to the terms of their agreement. Walking away from a multi million dollar real estate investment is not "simple," which is why CGA, the city of Santa Clara, and Prudential reached an agreement in the first place.

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  c0sterfreek said:
With the park closing at 10pm, does anyone know if kidZville and planet snoopy stay open till closing?


I was at the park until closing last night, and both Kidzville and Planet Snoopy were open until the park closed at 10pm.

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It seems like the worst case scenario now is the addition of more tunnels, which I something I have absolutely no problem with. If this could delay the development of future attractions, then that could be irritating, but I really do not care about the potential for the addition of more tunnels. In fact, I actually like the addition of some of the tunnels and walls, as close objects do seem to enhance the feeling of speed. I do somewhat dislike the first drop tunnel, but that is probably the most important tunnel on the ride. At this point in time, I will not be losing any sleep over new tunnels.

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  MrSum1_55 said:
It seems like the worst case scenario now is the addition of more tunnels, which I something I have absolutely no problem with. If this could delay the development of future attractions, then that could be irritating, but I really do not care about the potential for the addition of more tunnels. In fact, I actually like the addition of some of the tunnels and walls, as close objects do seem to enhance the feeling of speed. I do somewhat dislike the first drop tunnel, but that is probably the most important tunnel on the ride. At this point in time, I will not be losing any sleep over new tunnels.



Still waiting to the point where it's entirely enclosed. Would maybe reduce maintenance.

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  RandallDuell said:
What happened to the usual crew of folks that would post Photo TRs for CGA? This thread is bizarrely quiet...

For some reason that is still unknown to us, they have decided to start posting disparaging and rude comments about TPR on other sites, and they were banned. It's a real shame as they posted some very good update for us and TPR gave them access to events at the park they normally would not have been invited to. It's unfortunately another reason why it becomes more difficult for us to trust people that we do not know personally.


If anyone else reading this thread would like to start posting more regular updates, we would welcome it.





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Ah man that's too bad, they posted some good stuff.


I would love to do updates and stuff as I am not that far from the park but due to my work schedule it would be nearly impossible. I haven't even been able to visit yet at all so far.

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  Tmcdllr said:
I would love to do updates and stuff as I am not that far from the park but due to my work schedule it would be nearly impossible. I haven't even been able to visit yet at all so far.

If you want to, let me know. Perhaps we can work something out.

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Ok, if it's possible I will. Thank you Robb.


And I understand about the banning, you have to do what needs to be done to protect yourself and the integrity of this community, it's unfortunate but that's really their own fault.

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  Tmcdllr said:

I would love to do updates and stuff as I am not that far from the park but due to my work schedule it would be nearly impossible. I haven't even been able to visit yet at all so far.


Myself as well. I work nights, but always have Thursdays-Saturdays off. I could probably get some park time in considering I've just renewed my gold pass.

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I don't live close enough (Im 2 hrs away) to do *regular* updates, but I will certainly post when I can, such as this tidbit I just got from the park via email:


Saturday Early Ride Times!

Every Saturday from June 14-August 22, Season Pass holders can enjoy Early Ride Time from 9-10 am. Gold Striker, Columbia Carousel, Celebrations Swings, Vortex and Star Tower will be open, along with other rides that will vary with the schedule.

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  robbalvey said:
  RandallDuell said:
What happened to the usual crew of folks that would post Photo TRs for CGA? This thread is bizarrely quiet...

For some reason that is still unknown to us, they have decided to start posting disparaging and rude comments about TPR on other sites, and they were banned. It's a real shame as they posted some very good update for us and TPR gave them access to events at the park they normally would not have been invited to. It's unfortunately another reason why it becomes more difficult for us to trust people that we do not know personally.


If anyone else reading this thread would like to start posting more regular updates, we would welcome it.





Hmmmm.... ?


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  singemfrc said:
I don't live close enough (Im 2 hrs away) to do *regular* updates, but I will certainly post when I can, such as this tidbit I just got from the park via email:


Saturday Early Ride Times!

Every Saturday from June 14-August 22, Season Pass holders can enjoy Early Ride Time from 9-10 am. Gold Striker, Columbia Carousel, Celebrations Swings, Vortex and Star Tower will be open, along with other rides that will vary with the schedule.


I recommend going on Vortex if you see nobody on it (which is very likely since passholders avoid the ride). From my experiences at Thank You Thursdays last year, the coaster is much smoother and is actually enjoyable if you are the only one on the train.

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