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Blizzard Beach- Do you like it, or not?

Blizzard Beach- Do you like it, or not?  

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This park is a highly attended water park. I have been to this park, and I didn't care for it. Why do people like this park so much? Is it just for the reason it's a Disney affiliated park, or is it something more?


I admit that I didn't go on the big dropping slide. I don't usually care for body slides. The family raft ride was very unexciting to me. The lazy river was really really slow and lazy, and there all this stuff in there from the trees. This is probably just during that season. The wave pool in my opinion had really bad waves. They weren't raising up enough. You can't just go on the chairlift ride to just go on it. You only can go up the mountain to go on it, but they let you come down on it.


There is a tube slide (tan ride) that you go up up this really steep mountain to ride, and it was just slow going down it. It was bad to me. Another thing they have is these kids tube slides. I think these might have been more fun the tube slide and family raft slide I was talking about. That's pretty bad.


Lastly, the great ride I think the park had was the Double Downs (or Dipper) ride. There are two tube slides, and they race down to see who wins. It takes forever to start the ride though, and their only two people sent down at a time. It's first enclosed, and than it's an open tube, and there dips in the slide. They put up this blockage thing before the you are able to go down, and than you are able to go down when they release it. This ride is going to get a long time to get on though as it's very low capacity.


Yes, I do think the theme is quite cool, but this park just didn't do it for me at all. Do you like this park if you have been to it, and most importantly why or why not? I haven't tried Typhoon Lagoon. Is it any better in your opinion, or do you think Blizzard Beach is the better one?


These two waterparks could be getting high attendence because they are Disney parks, and they are really cheap to get into. When you have a hopper, you can add a 5 day thing for the waterparks, and Disney Quest for what I thought was maybe $20 extra. It was a cheap deal! Is it so cheap, that people can't refuse to go to it? It does get hot (People are in the sweating heat.), and it does have some waterslides. People could go to the waterpark, and than go to a Disney amusement park too (Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios) so it inflates admission (With the park hopper, people can increase 2 or 3 places attendance instead of just 1.).

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I love Blizzard Beach. It is probably my favorite all-time water park. It's easily the best "themed" water park I've ever been to and I love how a lot of the attractions carry the theme. For example the "freezing water" section of the lazy river where the snow is supposed to be melting.


I also love how you don't have to carry a tube or mat in any lines at the park. Every ride has a conveyor.


Downhill Double Dipper is one of my favorite airtime slides, and it doesn't get much better than Summit Plummet.


The chairlift is a nice touch and the family raft ride is one of the best in it's class.


So overall, I love it. It's a great park. I would strongly reccomend anyone who is into water parks to visit Blizzard Beach!



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^^I haven't been to Blizzard Beach yet, but I was lucky enough to hit Typhoon Lagoon in January. Yes, we visited a water park in January!


Typhoon Lagoon is a very solid water park. The wave pool was excellent and they have a very good master blaster. The park is designed in a very clever fashion with several slides coming down from the same big concrete structure. They do have a few meh slides, but overall it's a great place.

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I'm the exact opposite of Robb. I like Typhoon Lagoon tens times better. The slides aren't as great, and the theming is rather lax, but I just love the atmosphere. That, and everytime I go to Blizzard Beach, the sun is made a hundred times more intense by all the fake snow.

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As far as the Disney Waterparks are concerned if I want to ride stuff I go to Blizzard Beach. If I want to pretend I'm on a highly themed nice tropical island with a couple of slides here and there, I go to Typhoon Lagoon. Before they got the master blasters, there really wasn't a bit reason for me to go to that park.


If you like relaxing on a beach, or big waves, then certainly hit up Typhoon Lagoon. But it sounds like the original poster is looking for rides and doesn't really care about unique stuff or interesting theming so I doubt they'd like Typhoon Lagoon any better.

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I 100% agree with Robb. I'm not really a huge fan of most waterparks, but Blizzard Beach is far and away my favorite. Despite giving me a mega wedgie, Summit Plummet is my favorite slide and one of the few rides at a water or dry park that has legitimately scared me (the others being the StarFlyer on a windy day and Acrophobia).


BB has a great atmosphere (bonus points for being ironic) and it has an overall great mix of water slides.

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Personally, I think I would much rather hit up the Wisconsin dells if given the option between the two. I live an hour away and I still never get bored there. The Disney Water parks were very uninteresting to me. (That's also assuming there were no extra costs associated with going to Disney)

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I wasn't that impressed with Blizzard Beach. There aren't that many slides, and I agree about Downhill Double Dipper. Such a long line (this was on a weekday in May) and it was over in less than 7 seconds.


The only slide I really liked was the mat racer one, but not that one with a lot of hills, the one that had a lot of turns.

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I much prefer Typhoon Lagoon. I think the themeing there is just amazing, I love it. Plus, the Master Blasters are awesome and I love the enclosed body slides.


With Blizzard Beach I will admit I didn't get the chance to do Summit Plummet because the line was about two hours, so I didn't bother. But, there's just something about it that sort of... annoyed me. I'd like to go back though because the day was just packed and I think that had an effect on how I didn't really care for the place. I REALLY like Slusher Gusher (or whatever it's called...) and the Family Raft though, those two are great.

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The family raft ride at Blizzard Beach can't be beat! Maybe it's just the Canadian in me too, but I absolutely LOVE the idea of a water park being themed after a ski resort! I think there's a great selection of slides and they all tie into the theming of the park perfectly. I agree that the wave pool isn't the best, and that the sun can get pretty bad, but they hardly detract from the park as a whole. I've been to BB many times and I'm yet to walk away unsatisfied.


Typhoon Lagoon is pretty cool too, just less to do there. I haven't been since they added the Master Blasters, but none of the slides before wowed me in any way. Humunga Cowabunga (sp?) actually tore up my back pretty badly and turned me off of body slides for awhile. The lazy river and wave pool are awesome though, and snorkeling with the sharks is a fun distraction too. There are plenty of sandy beach areas to relax in, and the whole tropical theming is done very well also.


I'm in exactly the same boat as Elissa. I can have a great time at either park, it just depends on what I'm in the mood for. If you want to relax like you're at the beach and hit the waves, then go to Typhoon Lagoon, but if you're more into slides and action then Blizzard Beach is a great option too!


I'm hoping to check out Aquatica when I go to Orlando again in October this year, so it'll be neat to see how it stacks up against the Disney offerings.

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I personally like this park a lot. Not only for its great theming, and not because it's a Disney park, but I genuinely like the rides. To be honest, it's been a while since I've been there, but still remember the slides, especially Summit Plummet (the really tall body slide). That was an amazing rush that no other water park offers. Typhoon Lagoon, Wet n' Wild, nor the new Aquatica water parks have a ride like that that's that tall. I definitely recommend it!

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For me, Blizzard Beach is probably the best water park I've ever been to. Sure I haven't gone to Schlitterbahn but I still Love BB. Summit Plummet is the best speed slide out there, and nothing beats head-first mat slides.

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I agree about Downhill Double Dipper. Such a long line (this was on a weekday in May) and it was over in less than 7 seconds.

Get there when the park opens and head to DDD first. There won't be a line. We can usually get it at least a half dozen rides before the public even realizes it's there. The line will get to be about 45 minutes in less than an hour.


After you do DDD a few times, head right to Summit Plummet. The line, if there is any, will only be about 15 minutes. Again, the public won't have figured out where it is yet.


Those two attractions are easily the most popular with the lowest capacity, so hit them first and the rest of the day you won't have a problem with lines.


As always our most common piece of park advice is get there prior to park opening...for any park! Most people don't arrive until noon or 1pm (hence the peak hours for theme parks being 1pm to 4pm.)


If you beat the crowd to the park, and stay ahead of the crowd the whole day, you'll never wait in very long lines.


--Robb "My random tidbit of advice for the day!" Alvey

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I love Blizzard Beach but I think I prefer Typhoon lagoon by just a bit.I pretty much like everything at Blizzard Beach except how every time you go down a slide you basically have to come up the same 2 stairs over and over or wait in line for the chairlift,I prefer how attractions are spaced out in Typhoon Lagoon and even a Wet n Wild,which in my opinion isn't far behind either of the 2 Disney waterparks as far as my favorites,it's probably because I'm addicted to the Knee-Ski attraction there.Also anybody ever go to BB early in the morning and notice a poo smell,I think it probably has to do with them having trees that aren't exactly native to Florida and need some special smelly fertilizer,just my theory!!!

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I also am a big fan of Blizzard Beach. Myself and 3 of my friends went there for the first time in September of '06 and loved it! I had been to Typhoon Lagoon twice before and although I enjoyed it, we never spent more than about 3-4 hours there and we easily spent 6-8 at Blizzard Beach. Take away the roller coaster slides and the swimming with sharks at Typhoon Lagoon and you really aren't left with much more than a regular waterpark. It is enough to make me want to plan my next trip when I for sure know that BB is open.


We went on pretty much everything at BB, loved the chair lifts, the mat racing slides and the lazy river. We were probably in that lazy river for 2 hours.

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I actually think I would like Typhoon Lagoon better because they have a water coaster, and they have a wavepool that should have more action than Blizzard Beach. Heck, I can spend 30 minutes in the wavepool alone at a time, or even longer because to me it's just fun.


For the lazy river, I do think it is slow, but that's not the only thing I find wrong with it. It doesn't have a lot of gadgets. It's just one river with a couple of gadgets here and there. There aren't many sprinklers, waterfalls, or traps you want to get out of (Some lazy rivers have two areas. One is the really slow area, and the other goes faster. There is nothing to really do in the slow area, and it's hard to get out of.)

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