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The Ultimate thread

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So screwed up, it's awesome and it sucks at the same time. It tried to eat my knee (and almost succeeded) during one ride, so I'm not sure I'd ever get on it again. But it is something you should experience at least once.


My favorite part of our LV day was still Nicole saying "that doesn't smell like hamburger" when confronted with lunch. Still makes me laugh...




I don't know how it came to be that I really liked my hamburger there. Add that to Larry's distaste for the "rats with wings" I kept feeding and I had a great meal.

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^^ Bras? Do I want to know....?


Probably not, Jeff is a cross dresser and he liked to take off his bra and hang it on the 2nd lift hill.




When we were there in 2002, the entire approach to the second drop had about 10-15 bras draped over the railing. All we could think was WTF???


It's on the video that Robb did from the ACE ECO trip. Unfortunately, I didn't see it listed in the archives here. If he has time (which I doubt) maybe Robb can dig it up at some point and repost it.







BTW- Bob, DIE!!!

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"45 minutes ERT on the Ultimate" (mardy)


So, given the slow lift hills, you rode it, what, once?


I've never ridden The Ultimate, but have heard tales. Until I read the post about it having OTSRs, I'd forgotten that it originally did---and could never figure out why because there aren't any inversions.


Clearly, this ride was built simply for its record breaking length---and nothing else.



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6 times if I recall correctly. It's very rough when there's only 2 people on the train and they're both sat in the front! But, sit near the back when the train is empty (ish) and it's not too bad. As soon as the train is full it's a whole different ride.

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I havent ever been on this thing but I was watching a video of it, and on the first drop people were saying "go,go,go!" And on the second drop everyone started yelling "Shiz!shiz!shiz!" I was laughing so hard! But seriously that ride looks like something Id build in RCT that no one would ride. And on another note, after the second lift hill, your moving forward and theres a chain there, that pulls you along, thats how slow your going!



EDIT: Haha, you cant say the S word anymore or it turns out to be shit.


shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!


EDIT AGAIN: Haha it works~!

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I havent ever been on this thing but I was watching a video of it, and on the first drop people were saying "go,go,go!" And on the second drop everyone started yelling "Shiz!shiz!shiz!" I was laughing so hard! But seriously that ride looks like something Id build in RCT that no one would ride. And on another note, after the second lift hill, your moving forward and theres a chain there, that pulls you along, thats how slow your going!



EDIT: Haha, you cant say the S word anymore or it turns out to be poo-poo.


poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo!


EDIT AGAIN: Haha it works~!


Gee I have no idea why we have a sticky for our young posters.

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Holy crap, does anyone remember the Katies World scenario from RCT1? They had a mine train coaster that had 2 lifts, the first one built into the terrain, then a lift with a huge slow turn in the air and a crazy second half where it even does a pretzel through a bridge like this ride. That ride absolutely must have been modeled after this.


... the fact that I remember that is sad, but if anyone has it installed (I don't) go take a look at it and tell me if I'm way off with this one.

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I havent ever been on this thing but I was watching a video of it, and on the first drop people were saying "go,go,go!" And on the second drop everyone started yelling "Shiz!shiz!shiz!" I was laughing so hard! But seriously that ride looks like something Id build in RCT that no one would ride. And on another note, after the second lift hill, your moving forward and theres a chain there, that pulls you along, thats how slow your going!



EDIT: Haha, you cant say the S word anymore or it turns out to be poo-poo.


poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo poo-poo!


EDIT AGAIN: Haha it works~!


You know what isn't included in the word filter? Bantron. Please keep your posts on topic, relevant to the discussion, and appropriate or you will be introduced to bantron.

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^^^I think that scenario "Katies World" is a replica of Lightwater Valley with the mine train representing the Ultimente, the underground coaster representing the Rat Ride, The Suspended coaster representing the Batflyer, and park areas look similar. (At least that's what it seems from watching Lightwater Valley videos.)

But anyways, The Ulteminte looks like a very f*ked up coaster that looks like it wants to kill me, but yet, I have a strange desire to ride it. Hopefully Lightwater Valley never takes it down so I will actually get to ride this f**ked up coaster someday.

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I've been on it about 10 years ago, it was mighty rough but fun. The 1st 1/2 of the ride is ok and not 2 exciting, the 2nd 1/2 is where it goes mad, dives into the woods and you smack your knees into the side of the cars or seat dividers.


Great ride, hope the Park can improve the roughness and get some somewhere along the track. i've heard it might get extended to reclaim the "Worlds longest coaster".

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I too have a love hate relationship with this ride.


I hate that i love it.... maybe im a sadist or something


I remember first riding it on a CF trip there with about 40 other entusiasts and no one told me about the 2nd half. i was completely lulled into a false sence of security by the first half and the sloooow lifts

Then all hell broke lose and it all goes a little blurry. its just something you have to experience.

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