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Happy Birthday TPR Forums

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Happy B-Day TPR forums! Maybe this upgrade could have been officially launched today in celebration of it's 5 years...so count the new upgrade as an early celebration? I still remember stumbling upon the forums the day after it's initial launch, which also happened to be my birthday (Feb 15th). A great present for a coaster nerd to come across for his 20th birthday I'd say. So yea, once again, happy birthday TPR forums!


And in reference to that fire, I'd say that the fire was TPR's big candle to get blown out...too bad it wasn't on a giant cake instead!

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  • 11 months later...

Happy birthday and congratulations Robb and Elissa, and everyone else involved. TPR started, like I guess everything does, as a relatively small forum. I remember sometimes googling the word roller coaster, and I ended up here I guess when it was first starting in 2005. Then a year later I had to look up a video for a project about things we like to do. I chose amusement parks, saw a TPR pov, and the rest is history. TPR is an awesome example of how a group of awesome people can start an awesome site, make it relatively popular, and create a business that we are all happy to support and love to see thrive.


The forums are the heart and soul of TPR imo. I have "met" so many awesome people, seen so many awesome places, and have made quite a few friends, even if they are on line. Once again, happy birthday forums, each year you get better and better as the site gets bigger and bigger as new members join.

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