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Six Flags Magic Mountain's New X2 Trains Photos & Video!


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Someone over at C-Buzz mentioned that all those holes may make for interesting dynamics, I take it all that engineeering has been worked out.


Actually, they just decided do it anyway and see what happens. Who cares about all that "engineering" and "safety" crap anyway.



Anways, sounds awesome.

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The manual restraints will now open and close pneumatically by the push of a button...


So... worst, worst case scenario... if an object (I'd wager a bird) were to hit the button during the course of the ride, the restraints would stay closed, right? (i.e. The buttons would have to be manually pushed in-station?)


Look, I don't know crap about coaster engineering, it just struck me as odd.


"Those are some sexy trains right there."


"Yeah, but what about the trains?"


Thanks, Robb.

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The manual restraints will now open and close pneumatically by the push of a button...


So... worst, worst case scenario... if an object (I'd wager a bird) were to hit the button during the course of the ride, the restraints would stay closed, right? (i.e. The buttons would have to be manually pushed in-station?)

Here is my guess: That in the station, a circuit would have to be closed for the restraints to open. So when the train is in the station, it would park over a sensor of some sort completing the circuit making it possible for the restraint to open. Just a guess. Also, Im sure these new trains will be keeping the seatbelt on the restraints.


Also, with these new trains, it raises a question. These trains are lighter weight than the previous trains. So wouldn't these new trains be flying threw the course much faster than the older trains? It would cause for a more forceful ride and quicker ride time, meaning 'stacking' of trains could occur more often. Is there going to be any type of trim breaks installed to slow down the train?

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These trains are lighter weight than the previous trains. So wouldn't these new trains be flying threw the course much faster than the older trains?


Perhaps with a decrease in weight comes a decrease in overall momentum as well, and not that drastic of a changed speed.


Dan "I feel like I'm back in the Behemoth thread of physics!" Smith

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^^ i was under the impression that less weight meant less speed... which is why you needed a set number of riders before they would let psyclone run...


Interesting because X even had some vallying problems at one point...


But i'm sure they have this all worked out.


can't wait.

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I'm surprised at your disregard for "engineering" and "safety" considering your home park is Worlds of Fun, who had one of the most insanely so-not-safe coasters of its time and an engineering marvel at one time (XtremeRoller for the former, Orient Express for the latter.) When I rode XTR, you could see the cars jockey back and forth, from the ground, ervous chihuahuas as they went through the corkscrews.I guess I'm getting old and gronky, but safety is key for me. Theming..I can take or leave.

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Hi Guys!

I think the new trains look absolutely fantastic, even if they do have massive holes in them... but hey, if it makes for a smoother ride we can't complain. My sister went to SFMM last year on her explorers san diago trip and said that X gave her a headache, hopefully this will change with the new trains (although I will probably necer get to ride it )


Anyway, I'm really glad to see Six Flags have changed for the better. I don't know wether I have posted this before but SFNE was great when I went, but that is ment to be their more better parks. I really like what you guys are doing to the park! Keep up the good work .




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TBH im' not a fan of X's new color...it's just like Eejanaikas, maybe the red track and the yellow supports.

I dunno. Outside of a group of coaster geeks, who's really going to know that? And personally, I thought the red and black looked GREAT on Eejanaika and I think it also looks great on X2.



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Someone over at C-Buzz mentioned that all those holes may make for interesting dynamics, I take it all that engineeering has been worked out.

We all know that everyong at C-Buzz thinks they are the "internet know-it-alls!"


Yes, I'm sure they have worked out the engineering over the many years they have spent working on the new trains.


Either that or Tim is right now on the other side of the screen smacking his head "DOH!!! We didn't even think about that!"






Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny, too!


I just love your comparison photos, it's like night and day. It was only a few years ago when these trains were the most advanced things on the market, and now look at them... even better!

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It seems sort of odd that they built the entire ride in less than six months, and now it's supposed to take six months just to paint the ride, add new trains, and add tunnels with some effects.


Granted, I'm just frustrated because it's not going to be open when I'm there this spring. Still, it seems a little ridiculous. Nevertheless, I'm still glad that SF is actually making such an effort to improve an existing ride.

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