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Moreys Piers Discussion Thread

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  boldikus said:
I enter a park knowing that I'm going to be riding things where I shouldn't have loose items on me. I don't see the point in a fanny or back pack. Does one really need a bunch of junk to carry around all day? Unless you have kids (and need to bring stuff like diapers, bottles etc), why would you take anything else with you besides wallet/keys/phone? In WW I'm within walking distance to my folks home so I don't bring anything but those three things and maybe sunglasses. At SFGav same and if I have anything else on me (like lunch, which I cant take in anyway) I leave it in the car and run out to the lot if I need to.


I always carry a bag. I do not like things in my pockets - but I am weird. Also I carry meds, a towel, sun screen, etc. All of this won't fit in my pockets Now keep in mind this is for parks that have water rides and a traditional amusement/theme park. Something like this - a beach park. I would keep all of that in my car granted I get a close enough parking place.

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As promised, just in time for TBT, here's a shot of my Dad and I on my first ever coaster.


"The Flyer", Hunt's Pier, Wildwood. Photo is dated 1982.


Sure looks like we're riding in the back, some things never change. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

In town for the weekend and took a brief solo stroll up to the boardwalk yesterday afternoon for some amazing Macks Pizza, some Kohr Bros custard, and of course took a ride on the "big three" coasters we have here. Weather was gorgeous - very warm, upper 70s with a great sea breeze coming in off the ocean.


The Great White (woodie) hasn't been opened the other few times Ive been in town this year so I did it two times yesterday, my first and last ride of the day. It was great! Both of my rides were in the back seat, both times were walk ons, and it ran super smooth and really fast and was the highlight of my day (beside the pizza and custard). Some nice airtime going over the drop in the backseat and a few nice pops on the bunny hops toward the end. Directly in front of me was a guy my age with his young son (maybe 6-8 yrs old?) who was riding for the first time. Its always fun to witness this, especially how scared the kid seemed during the ride but then how stoked he was after we pulled back into the station.


I continued down the boardwalk and felt up to a bit of torture in the back seat of the Sea Serpent (boomerang) after which I officially denounced all boomerangs from now on and forever. It's been real, but that's where this relationship ends! Then down further to the Great Nor'easter (SLC) which was running insanely rough in the back row to the point I actually was a little worried the train was going to tear apart mid-ride. Note: I was once again "wanded" while boarding this ride, but not on either of the other two coasters.


After a stop for some of my favorite pizza I did the Great White again followed by a delicious custard and headed back home. The Great White is a great little coaster and a great way to end the day.


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  • 3 weeks later...

With the constant delays of the new coaster, I wonder if the park is looking to other manufacturers; cough RMC cough. The bridge between two piers screams for a zero g stall like on Goliath. Being totally inverted over people walking to the beach would be amazing. Also, theoretically, it would require less money to maintain. The salt air is not kind to rides and for Morey's an RMC over a GCI would be a better bet. It would also set the ride apart from the great white.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ACE members right? ^


I'll be back in town this weekend to visit my folks as its my Mom's b-day. Stoked to get some more rides in on the Great White, it is a fantastic coaster! Last time I was there I got two rides in on the back and they were two of my best rides ever on it.


I also officially denounced the boomerang last time I was in town. While I have serious nostalgia for it (my first ever looping coaster), it has killed me too many times. And with the metal detector "wanding" on the SLC, and the fact that it felt like train was about to rip apart last time I rode, that leaves the kiddie coasters. So maybe, even though I have all the credits, I'll run around and ride those and do a little report come Monday on Wildwoods smaller coasters.


Excited to get back down. I visit WW quite a bit every year, just not usually in the summer, so I'm itching right now. Just wish they get going on that new woodie they've been hinting at for a decade now.

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Nothing particularly newsworthy, just a nice article here about the piers. I'll have a photo trip report from when I was down this last weekend up in a day or two. Haven't had a chance to go through the few photos I got.





The Sea Serpent climbs slowly, clacking its way up 120 feet to the top of the roller-coaster's first hill - and then suddenly, shockingly jolts downward, kicking up a scream from many of the riders.


But as the first car roars into the first turn and snakes its way into an upside-down loop, 13-year-old Jonah Mikulski isn't just shouting wildly. He's making a statement - at the top of his lungs:


"That's fast!" he screams. "That's the best thing ever!"


His seatmate admits later, though, that he wasn't so specific, or articulate.


"I was screaming," says Aaron Caldwell, 14, another member of a youth group from the Shawnee Baptist Church, in Shamong Town-ship. The seven teenagers from the church group visited Mariner's Pier in Wildwood - the home of the Sea Serpent - last week.


"My favorite part was going up backward," he says, with the adrenaline still pouring out of a shaky voice, "and then your feet plummet and you're going really fast down that slope."


It's a sparkling July afternoon and Ken Clements, a senior supervisor and six-year veteran of Morey's Piers - which owns this and several other Wildwoods amusement piers and attractions - doesn't even need to see where he is to know where he is on Mariner's Pier.


He can tell just "from the sound of the ride," says Clements, including the screaming that often - OK, always - comes from the Sea Serpent's passengers, especially when they start straight down at speeds that will hit 55 miles an hour before they get off this "boomerang" roller coaster. (It gets that name because the riders go through the whole loopy, curvy track, then do it all again backward, which obviously spurs a whole second round of screams.)


If you blindfolded Cle-ments, he could still tell the sound of the carousel from the old-time music it plays, or the sound of the Musik Express ride from the definitely more modern tunes it cranks out at a cranked-up volume. He'd know when he was near the Whac-A-Mole game booth by the constant promise of the amplified operator's voice, "Always a winner, always a prize. Always a winner, always a prize. ..."


And on and on the pledge goes as the people parade by on the way to the classic Giant Wheel, or this year's brand-new ride, the Wave Swinger, or the wild whale of a ride called Moby Dick.


Ed Peak, of Cape May Court House, has been a ride operator for four year, so he's sure he could pass that blindfold test too. Peak has also been there long enough that he can automatically tick off the top four questions that workers on this pier hear.


"Where's the bathroom?" Peak says, starting the list. "Where is guest services? Where's the entrance to the Sea Serpent? And where's the entrance to Can Am" Raceway?, he finishes, meaning a popular attraction that lets riders do the driving, in racy-looking go carts.


Peak's own favorite ride to run is the Moby Dick, because it lets him have fun talking to a whole lot of visitors at a time. For one thing, that legendary whale also runs in two different directions, and Peak can sometimes see disappointment on the customers' faces when they feel their ride slowing down after their first set of swings.


"I tell them, 'Don't get sad. The ride's only halfway over,'" says Peak, who then gets to see smiles breaking out on the faces lined up on his ride - on heads securely strapped inside over-the-shoulder harnesses that he, as operator, fastened himself.


But when she got off the Moby Dick the other day, little Norah Hauber, 7, of Falls Church, Va., was happy - because the ride was over. She found and hugged her mom, Megan, who was standing safely in front watching while an aunt took Norah and her 9-year-old brother, Will, on the ride.


While the daughter was near tears, the son, Will, was all speed as he also rushed up to his mom - with an urgent message of his own.


"I'm going again," he said, then running off again toward the line for the same ride. "I liked it."


Robert and Liz Esposito, of South Philadelphia, also liked Moby Dick with their daughters, Dylan, 6, and Casey, 5. But a spectator pointed out to the girls that he heard a whole lot of screaming coming from the Espositos' end of the row of riders.


Little Dylan smiled shyly, and explained everything in just four words - and not just about her own riding experience, or her family's:


"It was fun screaming."

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OK so I think I've stated on here before my mom works for the city of Wildwood so I have her asking around always.


(THE FOLLOWING IS ALL HEAR-SAY so take it for what its worth)


Over the weekend she told me she recently overheard an inspector she works with saying that the coaster is totally back on track with construction expected to start very soon AND that Morey's is now working with a European company on the rides design. I kind of freaked when she told me this since I knew it was originally to be built by GCI ("Are you sure?? Can you find out more from him!?!? Can you find out the company name?!?!") so she is going to let me know what she can dig up. Again, ALL HEAR-SAY.

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  boldikus said:
ACE members right? ^


I'll be back in town this weekend to visit my folks as its my Mom's b-day. Stoked to get some more rides in on the Great White, it is a fantastic coaster! Last time I was there I got two rides in on the back and they were two of my best rides ever on it.


I also officially denounced the boomerang last time I was in town. While I have serious nostalgia for it (my first ever looping coaster), it has killed me too many times. And with the metal detector "wanding" on the SLC, and the fact that it felt like train was about to rip apart last time I rode, that leaves the kiddie coasters. So maybe, even though I have all the credits, I'll run around and ride those and do a little report come Monday on Wildwoods smaller coasters.


Excited to get back down. I visit WW quite a bit every year, just not usually in the summer, so I'm itching right now. Just wish they get going on that new woodie they've been hinting at for a decade now.


per the moreys website

All registrants (including Season Pass Members) must be card-carrying members of amusement park related clubs.

If you do not belong to a club, then you must register as a guest of a club member at the same time he or she registers.

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  boldikus said:
OK so I think I've stated on here before my mom works for the city of Wildwood so I have her asking around always.


(THE FOLLOWING IS ALL HEAR-SAY so take it for what its worth)


Over the weekend she told me she recently overheard an inspector she works with saying that the coaster is totally back on track with construction expected to start very soon AND that Morey's is now working with a European company on the rides design. I kind of freaked when she told me this since I knew it was originally to be built by GCI ("Are you sure?? Can you find out more from him!?!? Can you find out the company name?!?!") so she is going to let me know what she can dig up. Again, ALL HEAR-SAY.


Hopefully that's the case. I had emailed Morey's last year (August) after my trip about the new coaster and the response I got was from Dino Fazio, Morey's Director of Operations. He said:


"The wooden coaster we are planning is still in the planning stages. Unfortunately, the investment level is so great that we have not yet been able to finalize construction start and opening dates. I would not expect to see the ride built and operational until 2016 at the earliest. The most important thing that can happen to help us move forward is for it to stop raining. "

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I'm not a beach goer, though ironically Wildwood really is my favorite, rides aside, so yeah a GCI would be a little extra motivation!

My glorious farmers tan could use an evening out as well.

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Just so everyone is aware, the Lockers for Great Nor'Easter are free for 30 minutes but you have to swipe a credit card in advance to open one.


I went to Wildwood on a road trip for the great annual Beach Ultimate Tournament, and caught the rides while I was there.




-The Great White surpassed expectations. GLASS smooth, no real airtime but a nice layout and a fantastic view.

-Better Flats than the other Shore Parks.

-The suprise hit of the trip, the Flitzer. If I owned a park, I would snap one of these up as my kids coaster in a heartbeat. Much better than a Wacky Worm/Rollerskater/Wisdom coaster or any other and I bet with the age they are cheaper to acquire.

-The Ghost ship was waaaaaaaay longer than I was expecting, and I also liked the "Childbirth simulation" portion. LOL

-The Pirates Ride: Watch The Tram Car Please

-Any and all Boardwalk Pizza. I tried Sam's, Joe's, and Mack's.

-What a huge and amazing beach. A sight to see for sure.



A few Negatives:

-The Vekomas were both Awful. Thank god for the restraint change at Nor'Easter.

-Also, the Mouse and Rollies Coaster were meh. So the coaster collection as a whole is really unremarkable.

-55 Bucks or 9 dollars for a single coaster ride...I understand it's not really a ripoff for the shore but when Morey's is more expensive than SFGADV I know where I'm more likely to pay again.

-The distance between piers became annoying when Doo Whopper opened late, Ghost Ship opened at 5, and Great White was the only coaster worth rerides.


Overall I would be likely to return to Wildwood for the Frisbee, but only go on the rides if there was a new credit.

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Been a few years, but I recall it being a good time and the Great White was indeed surprisingly fun. I really liked that ride.

Won't touch the Vekoma unless I was paid to do so!

So agreed, I really wouldn't go for the rides, just the Great White if want a break from the beach.

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I too am NOT a beachgoer but since my folks live in WW year round I'm there quite a bit. Lucky for me there are lots of rides to keep me occupied when everyone goes to the beach! Except off season of course, then we just sit around and drink in my folks hot tub lol, tho the boardwalk is fun to visit when its a ghost town in january/february. Its kind of torture and a bit eerie but also pretty neat.


Fun fact for those that don't know: the giant Gateway 26 arcade right across from Morey's is open 365 days a year, so there's always ski-ball/crane machines to be played! Also, so is Fudge Kitchen. Its pretty weird when they are the ONLY things open on the entire 5 mile stretch of boardwalk.

Edited by boldikus
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  MagnumFreak25 said:
I didn't think that Nor' Eastern was considered that bad. Is it?


Honestly I just avoided it entirely, I figured why even bother? (I'm not really a cred whore, quality over quantity!)

Depending on the price, even if it wasn't that bad, I doubt I'd ever go on it.


Hey drinking, hot tubs, and strolling the boardwalk sound pretty great!

Sadly I am viewed as normal by my friends so I can't ride stuff solo like that, have to work a park/rides into the plan somehow. Otherwise I'd do the same as you!

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^ Ive ridden the Great Nor'easter *hundreds* of times, no exaggeration. Both with the old trains and new. Since I'm there so often they are the coasters Ive ridden more than any others. GN'E I always considered my fave of the "big" three on the piers, until this year. The new trains were a huge improvement originally and made it totally ride-able, even rerideable. Ive been on twice this year and both times the train had a seriously mean rattle and the 2nd time I was legitimately frightened as it seemed the entire train would tear apart mid-ride. With the "wanding" they are doing before the ride this year, I've avoided it since that 2nd ride. I'd say the Great White is my favorite now as it's running so freaking great this year.

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So as I said I was down this past weekend and the missus and I ventured up to ther boardwalk after dinner and drinks for a late evening stroll and ride. We avoided the 'Sea Serpent' & didn't even venture down to Surfside Pier for the 'Nor'easter', even though I was itching to the ride their 'Atmosfear' drop ride to compare it to my recent 'Zumanjaro' experience. We are closer to Wildwood Crest (southern part of the island) so the closest pier is Adventure Pier, home to Wildwood's modest yet amazing woodie, 'The Great White'. I've always been partial to steel coasters but this thing is running so amazing this year I can't gush about it enough. Like me, most Philadelphians spend their summer vacations in Wildwood, so just about anyone who has mentioned they were headed down has had to deal with me demanding they ride The GW while in town.


Me and the missus arrived on the boardwalk at around 10pm and jumped right on for a nice nighttime roll in the back seat. She hesitated to ride in the back as she hasn't been on any coasters since SFGAdv opening day, but the smile on her face on the brake run said it all. Great airtime over the drop and some nice pops on the bunnyhills toward the end. So smooth, only some shuffle on the turnaround before the bunnyhills.


We then made our way down to Mariners Landing for their new Riptide ride that replaced their old Sea Dragon that had that accident a few years ago. This one seemed to go way higher and the op let it run for a really long time. We sat on the end for maximum airtime. Lots of fun. I don't like most flats as I can't do spinning stuff. So what next? The "clam" themed 'Tilt-A-Whirl' of course, lol. The missus insisted. Fun but woozy. I made it out alive. We jumped in the weirdo 3D pirate boat ride for a mellow laugh. One scare actor inside running up to us and staring. If he was trying to be creepy it worked. Skipped the 'Sea Serpent' and 'Rollies coaster'. Meh, not in the mood for OTSRs.


Quick stop at Macks pizza (the only pizza to eat in Wildwood, no question) just as they were closing and got our favorite slices (me: pepperoni, her: green pepper). Delish, always!


We slowly strolled back toward Adventure Pier to head home as it was after midnight and most shops and the rides were beginning to shut down. BUT The Great White was still running! Down the pier we hustled and walk on to the front row. Empty train save for another couple in the back row. Not as fun as our first ride earlier as this train crawled and lacked the airtime we got in the back. After exiting the missus asked me for one more ride (you don't have to ask, love!), so we walked around and did the back row again. AMAZING. Had a few more folks on this ride so we were hauling ass. Just as we were exiting the platform the pier announced on the loudspeaker they were closing. GREAT way to end the night.


If you are close by stop in town to ride this and eat Macks pizza. Thank me later. I'll be back in town with some other folks in a few weekends. Didn't take many pics but here's a few - my camera takes shitty pics at night. Very blurry, sorry.


Our view upon coming up the ramp off my folks street. :)







Mariners Landing


New elevated Waveswinger and the Great Wheel seems to have a new light program (and a very long line @11pm Saturday night)


Crap shot of the Riptide from just below in the queue. I meant to get another when we got off but...


Looking at the Great White from the Riptide. (Yes I had my camera out on the ride - just for a second during loading!) Til next time...

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Wonderful pics! Those are spectacular, and though I rarely hit "the beach" it reminds me why I do love walking the shore...

I hear Great White is also running great this year??


Shoot...it's been years, I gotta make a stop at Morey's me thinks!

I'm with you, always loved that ride. Figured it was just nostalgia/home feels for me but maybe not!

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  • 3 weeks later...

After my all day trip to SFGAdv on Friday the 15th, my coastermania weekend continued with a ride down to Wildwood on Saturday morning, with the missus and two of my closest friends. We stayed with my folks and actually went up to the boardwalk three times over the course of Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday we stopped up around dinnertime to eat some MACKS pizza (the best in town) and to walk down the beach to dip our feet in the ocean. Strolled the boards a bit but no rides.


Later on we made a trip back up around 10pm and right on to the back seat of the Great White. Line was out of the station and down the steps, first time Ive seen that long of a line in quite some time. Full train, and hauling ass. After all of our rides this season we've decided we prefer the red over the blue train as the restraint sits higher on the blue train and sort of leans into your stomach while the red trains restraints sit over your thighs making for a more comfortable ride. Great air on the first drop and the bunnyhills. The turnaround before the bunnyhills needs to be retracked, its so bumpy. But otherwise a great great ride.


We made it down to Mariners Pier and did the Riptide (the new Sea Dragon/ pirate ship ride). Sat on the end for great air, super fun. Ride cycle is easily 4-5 minutes. Love that they run it so long. We got some boardwalk eats (more Macks pizza, some Khor Bros custard, yum!) and were on our way home around midnight.


Sunday afternoon we headed back up for a few more rides - another back seat on the Great White, very stoked to walk up and see that only the red train was running! And we got a ride with another almost full train so we had another great ride on it. My buddy and I also did the Screaming Swing ride which was a ton of fun. After doing Zumanjaro a few times recently I was determined to do Wildwood's Atmosfear drop ride, so I did it alone. Felt more forceful of a drop but so much shorter than Zum. All in all a great weekend with tons of quality riding.


The Great White x2

Screaming Swing x1

Riptide x1

Atmosfear x1

Tram Car x1 (so bumpy its a ride all in itself!)


Blue train coming in off break run.


Let a father/daughter in front of us so we could avoid the blue train.


Lift shot.


You can kind of make out the red train ascending the lift.


At the crest...


Sunday afternoon, only the red train running! Yay!


Sea Serpent (boomerang) in the distance.


Break run.


Once we boarded the entire train filled up nicely.


Who knew you could get healthy food on the Wildwood boardwalk?


THIS thing looks insane. It also costs $20 to ride. Skip!


The Great Wheel/Sea Serpent.

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