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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Who here remembers my unfortunate finale to my previous Disneyland visit in May? Anyone? Well, in a nutshell, four of the major attractions shut down at the same time and stayed down for the entire night, on top of many other attractions being down for scheduled seasonal maintenance. It wasn't a good way to end the trip.


Anyways, we were given two free 2-Day Park Hoppers as an apology, which is AWESOME! Basically we saved $220 per person. That being said, we're gonna be in the LA area anyway for West Coast Bash and decided that we should totes use the passes. So we are. Because we can. Monday and Tuesday, September 8th and 9th, we'll be partying hard at Disneyland. And I mean hard. Like, when we visited in September last year hard. As in the parks are ghost towns and you can ride everything 50 times without FastPass hard. Also World Of Color right up front getting soaked to the bone and loving every second of it hard.


Maybe this time we'll be able to get more than one ride on Big Thunder before it breaks 20 times throughout the day!


That being said, anyone else planning on visiting? I know a lot of us will be in town for WCB. Let me know!

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sorry to hijack right after your post KB...


Does anyone have any idea when they will release Halloween/Octobers schedules? I am trying to plan a trip with 9 family members and they haven't even released the PARK HOURS, let alone any kind of entertainment schedule for October 3/4 when we plan on visiting.


Does anyone know if Fantasmic (SP?) runs on the nights of Mickey's Halloween Party? I hear the lines for rides die significantly during MHP? Is that true?


Thanks for any insight guys...

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^^ What this dude above me said. As for park hours, Disneyland tends to release hours about a month and a half in advance. Since you're going on October 3rd and 4th, they should be getting posted sometime this week.

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From the Disney Parks Blog


Elsa & Anna’s Boutique and More Thrilling Transformations Coming to the Disneyland Resort

posted on August 19th, 2014 by Michelle Harker, Manager, Merchandise Marketing & Communications, Disneyland Resort


Like Olaf, I’m a big fan of summer. However, like you, I also enjoy experiencing “Frozen” fun all year long. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce the introduction of the newest location to the Downtown Disney District, Elsa & Anna’s Boutique. Currently home to Studio Disney 365, this location will undergo a transformation starting August 25, and will re-open in mid-September. I’ll be back soon with details on the new transformations, inspired by beloved characters like Anna, Elsa and Olaf, as well as details on some of the product offerings that will be available. In the meantime, here’s a look at the art for the logo that will grace this “cool” new location.




Here are a few other things to prepare your crew for if you are planning to visit the Disneyland Resort this Halloween. Set sail in the direction of Halloween Carnival at Big Thunder Ranch Jamboree from September 12 through October 31! Here, a world of themed offerings await you, including special Halloween entertainment and activities, pumpkin carvers, yummy treats and the return of The Pirates League. Recruits three and older can chart their own course, choosing from a selection of pirate-inspired looks that are both swashbuckling and spooky.




Now, Halloween Time wouldn’t be same without a little help from our Fairy Godmother, or in our case our Fairy Godmothers-in-Training at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Keeping with their simply sweet tradition, we welcome back the Halloween Minnie Mouse-inspired transformation through October 31. Just a quick reminder, transformations at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in Fantasyland at Disneyland park are only for our younger fans, ages 3 – 12 years. Quick Tip: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique will offer extended operating hours on Mickey’s Halloween Party nights for any Trick-or-Treaters in need of a royal transformation.

So if you are planning a visit to the Disneyland Resort to take part in some of these festive Halloween Time experiences through October 31, or if you can’t wait to check out the newly-transformed Elsa & Anna’s Boutique and take part in new experiences they will have to offer, call 714-781-STYLE (7895).

For those of you planning a trip to the Walt Disney World Resort this Fall, be sure to make your appointments for Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at Magic Kingdom park or World of Disney Store in the Downtown Disney Marketplace, as Halloween packages will go fast. If you ‘arrgh’ hoping to take part in The Pirates League at Magic Kingdom park, chart your course now. Call 407-WDW-STYLE (7895) today!

Reminder: Separate theme park admission is required for transformations venues located inside Disney Theme Parks.

- See more at: http://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2014/08/elsa-annas-boutique-and-more-thrilling-transformations-coming-to-the-disneyland-resort/#sthash.dEaOLukA.dpuf

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^ Considering just meeting Anna and Elsa gets a 4+ hour line, I'm all for more things to keep people busy elsewhere and out of line for the rides. The less FastPass I need to depend on, the happier I am.

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Good morning my friends!

I will spend two days at Disney World and I’ve a doubt about the best day to go.

My first day at the park will be Friday, august 29th . I’m not sure yet if I should go on Saturday(31th), Sunday(31th) or Monday (1th). Considering the holiday of Labor’s Day,

what is the day that the park will probably be less crowdy?

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^ You're screwed no matter what day you go. Labor Day Weekend is the final hurrah at the end of summer, also a 3-day weekend for (most) jobs and schools.


Might I suggest a lovely visit to absolutely anywhere else?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checking in again if anyone is gonna be heading to Disneyland on September 8th and/or 9th following West Coast Bash. The girlfriend and I will be at the resort all day on both days hopped up on Starbucks.

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They are currently working to get the OBA up and running on all trains w/ better reliability.


I wonder if this has been resolved (California Screamin' onboard audio) or if it'll be addressed during it's scheduled downtime beginning the 9th. I guess I'll find out on the 8th!

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While the OBA does function on all 5 trains, sometimes throughout the day the OBA on a particular train will develop SYNCing issues. The operators will reset the trains a few times and then eventually will just leave the OBA off if the SYNC issues continue. My recommendation is to ride early (Before noon) to ensure you get a train with functioning OBA.

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^ Thanks for the update!


And now for a word from Screamscape -


Meanwhile, DisneyDose reports that Disneyland has added a new FastPass style “Character Experience” ticket system this week for the Anna & Elsa character Meet & Greet in Fantasyland. Having one of these new tickets is now the only way to meet these characters, which removes the 2-3 hour long line in favor of a brief 15 minute FastPass style wait time instead.


NOOOOO!!!! I depend on the psychotic families wasting half of their day waiting in an endless line to meet two people in costumes so they're not in line for the attractions I want to do! Dammit, Disney!


Also, it's reported that Pirates is using the last row again, so, you know, hooray or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im looking at taking a trip to SoCal in early December. What are the crowds like at the parks during that time? Im thinking DEC 2-10 time frame. Any help and advice would be much appreciated.

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I'm coming to DLR next week. First time visiting the original park (plus DCA) after 20+ visits to WDW, so needless to say, I'm through the roof in terms of excitement. How are crowds at the two parks this time of year? My assumption is that they'll be light, am I correct?

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Im looking at taking a trip to SoCal in early December. What are the crowds like at the parks during that time? Im thinking DEC 2-10 time frame. Any help and advice would be much appreciated.


Thanksgiving through New Years day is the busiest time of year. Crowds could drop a little after thanks giving, but not much. But I think for this time of year, your dates are pretty good. Fridays and Sundays are the busiest.


I'm coming to DLR next week. First time visiting the original park (plus DCA) after 20+ visits to WDW, so needless to say, I'm through the roof in terms of excitement. How are crowds at the two parks this time of year? My assumption is that they'll be light, am I correct?


The crowds right now aren't terrible, but the parks are by no means empty. Mickey's Halloween Party is going on right now, so lots of guests come all day and then stay for the Hard Ticket event that evening. Make sure to look at the calendar to see when the park closes early.

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^ Thankfully we already have. The original plan was to do both parks on back to back days (Tue-Wed), but DL is closing at 6 for the party on Wednesday. So instead that Wed we're hitting Knott's, and will visit DL on Thursday bc it will be open until 11. Ample time to see everything the original Magic Kingdom has to offer, hopefully.

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