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Dracula Untold, Cheesey silly not scary enough, but still a crap load of fun


Gone Girl, WOW what a film, darkly funny, a moment that is so shocking it draws the breath out of the cinema, two amazing lead performances.

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^Nice, checking out Gone Girl tonight.


I saw The Skeleton Twins earlier this week. Not sure if it's everyone's cup of tea but I thought it was great. Fantastic performances from Kristen Wigg and Bill Hader, including one hilarious, very memorable rendition of "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now". I love films that have a decent script, and this one was extremely well written.


Also in the "saw it at the local indie cinema" category is Boyhood. I wasn't sure to expect from this one and had suspected the "12 years to film" thing might be a bit of a gimmick, but it was actually really good. Despite the film's long running time it didn't drag at all. Don't want to share the plot as it kind of spoils the film, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it pick up an Oscar for Best Picture.

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Gone Girl is amazing. Movie of the year.




I know there's been a ton of amazing films by now but i'm still amazed that Ben Affleck went from movies I would actively avoid to movies I generally look forward to seeing him in. It's like he woke up one day and became a whole new actor. Not quite as many movies as Ben but the same could be said about Matthew McConaughey, I used to actively avoid his movies too. I'm still waiting for the moment Keanu Reeves wakes up and decided to be a whole new actor.

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I decided to start watching some horror movies during October. I've only gotten to two so far:


The Evil Dead (Original) - This is a fantastic movie. A totally unsettling feeling of dread is created and it is maintained throughout the movie. I loved this movie and loved everything about it. 10/10


Evil Dead 2 - The follow-up removes some of the dread and replaces it with some of the funniest stuff out there. Bruce Campbell shines once again as Ash and Evil Dead 2 is definitely a movie to remember. 8/10


I am planning on finishing out the trilogy with Army of Darkness soon enough. Also planning on checking out Night of the Living Dead, The Thing and doing my second annual Halloween viewing of The Shining.


Other than horror, I also watched Glory for the first time. Great and powerful film with a lovely score from James Horner, nice cinematography, a great story and a slew of good performances. 8.5/10

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I decided to start watching some horror movies during October. I've only gotten to two so far:


The Evil Dead (Original) - This is a fantastic movie. A totally unsettling feeling of dread is created and it is maintained throughout the movie. I loved this movie and loved everything about it. 10/10


Evil Dead 2 - The follow-up removes some of the dread and replaces it with some of the funniest stuff out there. Bruce Campbell shines once again as Ash and Evil Dead 2 is definitely a movie to remember. 8/10


I am planning on finishing out the trilogy with Army of Darkness soon enough.


Judging by your thoughts on the first two, you will love Army of Darkness. Such a great movie.

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I thought it was pretty good. Combining some of the silliness of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the scope of Jason and the Argonauts and the Evil Dead aspects from Evil Dead II.


Bruce Campbell just gets cooler and cooler as the series goes on. Awesome one-liners, lots of fun, nicely shot, and a nice battle sequence. I thought it didn't really feel complete. I wish it was longer and had more to it. 80 minutes felt like too little. I also thought a little too silly for its own good (Evil Dead II's level was probably the extent I would've preferred), but it was still a lot of fun.

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