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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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It could be a media day thing. They could have the media day portion in the morning and then open up the ride in the afternoon. I would have to assume that they would have a thing for first riders as a promotional thing that will be followed by the media.

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The construction videos on Hersheypark.com are functional now, and they look great. The concrete building that someone mentioned was a elevator shaft for the ride may very well be the hydraulic building for the hydraulic motors that power the lift.

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^I think there's going to be a rope that the riders pull themselves to get the train over. Since it's in Pennsylvania, they're trying to make it Amish-friendly - you know, no electricity and all. Plus, it fits in to the whole "Going Green" trend.

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I'd imagine a chain lift, there's no real reason I'd see them using a cable lift. Plus, the Eurofighters use chains and this is pretty much a Euro-fighter rip off.


I usually wouldn't equate a chain lift to down time, I think that there's probably other reasons if Superman has a lot of downtime (like poor maintainance)

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Most probably won't even compare it to Storm Runner, but it seems so strange for a park to build two really similar sit down looping steel coasters within a few years of each other. Going to be interesting!


Exactly for the second part. I’m not discrediting the roller coaster with this post. It’s just a very interesting decision and peaks my curiosity being a multi-million dollar decision.


I don’t think guest are as ignorant as most enthusiast would think they are. It may seem so when you hear the few ‘clueless’ people in line. I listen and/or ask what people think. I’ve also worked in a couple of parks many years ago.


I’m looking at this from a non-enthusiast point of view. I ask family and friends … some who don’t ride roller coasters and others only ride non-looping rides. I’ve used them as a litmus test for years. Trust that I don’t skew the question to get the answer I want.


Modified Storm Runner …


I’m only comparing apples to apples in terms of these looping steel roller coasters vs. the many exceptional steel options available for equal or less investment.


Example: I see it similar to building Wildfire (Silver Dollar City) in the same park with Hydra (Dorney Park). There are differences, yes, but they are far more similar than different.


In an effort to show how similar the two are … this is just for kicks … I put this together for this post. I knew it before, but this physically solidifies my opinion (and it’s just an opinion; debatable fun, no big deal).


Large Version Here



I think it’s a modified Storm Runner w/out the launch … or … Storm Runner / Maverick hybrid. The Storm Runner similarity is the only reason I don’t understand the decision. I predict park guests will notice, but most probably won’t care at the time. They’re having fun. I also predict Storm Runner’s launch will give it the advantage as the favorite.



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I also predict Storm Runner’s launch will give it the advantage as the favorite.


Oh, I dunno. Some might find the slow climb to the top while completely perpendicular to the ground just as exciting. I think it just depends on what one finds more nerve-wracking/adrenaline-producing. I for one love the rush from launches, but I still get more nervous on basic lift hills than on a launch track. Heights get me more so than high speed, y'see.

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The lift is going to be a chain. I will check my sources to determine whether or not that is an elevator shaft or not. As for this ride being a modified storm runner, I have to disagree, because it is not true. The design of FH is considered Intamins standard design for their new verticle lift hill coaster. This is actually not the first one operating. FH is actually a clone of the first one operating somewhere in south america, although I actually don't know where. Don't believe me? just look back at the orginal posts I made concerning the ride. I knew exactly what it was before the announcement.



(I'm not trying to brag, just trying to put all the speculation to rest)

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In an effort to show how similar the two are … this is just for kicks … I put this together for this post. I knew it before, but this physically solidifies my opinion (and it’s just an opinion; debatable fun, no big deal).


While I can understand some of your view points, I feel like you're stretching your argument a bit. The POV pictures you compared are taken completely out of context. For instance, your comparison between the norwegian loop and the snake dive. Yeah, you pinpointed a section where the twisting of the track is kind of similar, but the nature of the inversions are completely different. None of the inversions on either ride are similar. Yes, the first drop is a "modified" version of SR's vertical degree drop. However, I think beyond vertical drops feel nothing like straight vertical drops. It's a unique experience. Lastly, I don't think I even need to argue the "ending" comparisons. Again, the nature of the two are nothing alike.


I'm sure others, and maybe you, think I'm stretching things. Maybe. But again, this is just for fun debate.

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^I agree, I think these rides are pretty different (although I think don't think this will be as good as Storm Runner)


As for the drops, in Storm Runner's case the drop is preceded by a pretty forceful launch that is far more intense than the drop. I think the launch is a much bigger highlight of Storm Runner than the drop is. The drop on FH is like the launch on Storm Runner, in that it will probably be the most intense part of the ride and it will also be the most memorable part.

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KFConcepts your argument is almost as weak as me saying CP shouldn't have added Maverick because TTD and it both have a launch, MF and it both have steep drops, Mantis and Raptor and Corkscrew and it all have corkscrews, and MF and it both have highly banked turns.


I know your argument is just for fun, but I really don't think it was worth your time. The rides are clearly very different.

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^Well, he did say that he was looking at it from a "non-enthusiast" point of view. Most of the GP couldn't tell you the difference between a vertical loop and an immelman, let alone describe a Norwegian loop or a snake dive, etc. etc.


I think what he's saying is that the GP is basically going to see Storm Runner with it's vertical up and vertical down portion and a few "loop-de-loops" or "upside down parts" or whatever they like to call them, and then they'll see Fahrenheit with it's vertical up and down portion and a few more "loop-de-loops." I'm sure they won't complain about another awesome coaster, but I can see why a lot of people would find the two rides highly similar.

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I agree with you for the most part KFConcepts..


For example.. imagine if Islands of Adventure built Kumba in Jurassic Park. They are both very similar rides and you can easily compare the two with the exception of one having a launched lift and the other a standard one. That's how I see this.


Has any other park built a same style ride back to back recently? You could say Wildcat/Lightning Racer.. but the Great Bear mixed that up.


Again. I don't think anyone here is bashing Fahrenheit. I think it's a great addition to Hershey's already great line up of coasters...(and those new pictures are damn sexy!) but I would love to have been there to see what the process was that led to Hershey to decide on another sit down looper as opposed to the tons of other coaster types out there.



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Whatever the process may be, Hershey has always done a great job adding new rides to their portfolio. Even though it may seem odd to add another Intamin looper so soon, I'm sure they have their reasons. I wonder if they took all the ideas from the RCT3 contest a few years back to help their decision. The only bad addition to the park as of late is Reeses Xtreme Cup challenge. (although the kids to like it)

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^Hey, RXCC is a great ride. It's a lot of fun trying to get the most points in your car (I always do). When you get a block brake stop it's even better!


Going Back on topic, you're right, HP must certainly pay attention to what they add each year or it isn't good.

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