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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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Has anyone else noticed if you click on the "more videos" tab where the on ride simulation is on the hershey website, there are "construction videos" selectable? I clicked on the link, but nothing happened, but video updates of the construction would be sweet!

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Has anyone else noticed if you click on the "more videos" tab where the on ride simulation is on the hershey website, there are "construction videos" selectable? I clicked on the link, but nothing happened, but video updates of the construction would be sweet!


There's been a problem with the videos. Hopefully they'll get fixed soon.

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Hershey wasn't allowed to let anyone under a certain age do the preview thing for the fahrenheit. Ohhhh well cangrats to those lucky 11! Im just as excited for you as i would be if i got to ride it! I don't really know why... i just think it's cool how Hershey did that!


Ohh yeah and does anyone here like the new logo? I think its cool but i still think its odd how they're going to keep the pinwheel on the ferris wheel.

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I kinda like it, but since they've used the pinwheel since back in 1970 I've gotten used to seeing the logo and knowing it's HP's.


I think the new one is here to stay since I got the Hershey High Meadows brochure and it has the logo in it with "the official resort of HP".

IDK why, but I'm starting to get the feeling that HP is trying to be the Disneyland of the Northeast. Maybe it's because I'm a "local". lol


But think about it, Xtreme Cup Challenge in 2006, the Boardwalk in 2007, all the recent area upgrades (examples:)

-2003 Upper Pioneer Frontier and Upper Music Box Way with the Theatre.

-2004 Middle Pioneer Frontier with the food court being remodeled and SR being added.

-2005 Carrousel/ Founder's Circle

-2006 Music Box Way (kinda)

-2007 The Boardwalk

and now...

-2008 Fahrenheit in Midway America. Given the station's location, MA maybe expanding up the midway. I wonder why Rodeo wasn't included since it's on the same midway?

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I don't chime in much, but at least on TPR constructive comments aren't deleted (I still follow and love this site):


Modified Storm Runner or ...



I still don't get the parks current choice with so many great options like mini-hypers. It's good to see a new roller coaster, but look at the buzz this baby hyper is creating compared to HP's new one. Hyper's are much more appealing to the masses: GP and enthusiasts, for the long term.


A quick check of any steel coaster poll (and Golden Tickets) tells the tale. If you feel those are skewed a bit, then look at lines when you're in the park. Steel non-loopers are popular = more people who don't like going upside down willing to "risk" a ride ... and they love'em.


Multiple wood coasters are a great decision (i.e. Holiday World and of course, Hershey), but similar steel coasters with the large variety of steel options available ... it's an odd choice.


The first drop looks good, but it's really not much different than storm runners first drop (given SR goes over the top at a slightly higher speed). The new drop is just out in the open.


I'd take these baby hypers over the 200/300 footers or most loopers any day. More bang for your buck with similar non-lift ride times.

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I'd take these baby hypers over the 200/300 footers or most loopers any day. More bang for your buck with similar non-lift ride times.


If Fahrenheit is a major success like Storm Runner, perhaps Hershey will continue to work with Intamin. ...and a Mega-lite coaster could be next. You never know.

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I'm still surprised Hershey is even building something on the scale of Fahrenheit after the CEO (or someone) said in an interview last summer that you won't be seeing anything huge for awhile because that's not the market they are aiming for.


I'm also skeptical of how the public will react to Fahrenheit. Most probably won't even compare it to Storm Runner, but it seems so strange for a park to build two really similar sit down looping steel coasters within a few years of each other. Going to be interesting!


Obviously 2009 is a Boardwalk expansion year. I guess i'm old fashioned and still dont understand why they built a waterpark in the middle of a relatively landlocked park! But.. it's obviously very successful!


Hopefully in 2010 we'll get to see something that competes (at least in height and airtime) with Steel Force, Superman:ROS, and Phantoms Revenge!


By no means am I dissing Fahreheit by the way! I just hope it offers something that Storm Runner doesnt.. plus it'll hopefully make the line for the Comet shorter


Still waiting on that drop tower too!


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^I don't really see a whole lot similar between Storm Runner and Fahrenheit, other than Intamin track, upside down track, and vertical track. Storm Runner always seemed to be like an "Xcelerator on crack" style ride, in that I see it as a launcher more than a looper. Fahrenheit seems like a "Euro-fighter on crack" style ride because of the fairly tight layout (another difference between the two), the lift and drop, and a few inversions. Obviously, it is more than a Euro-fighter, as it's bigger, faster, more inversions, the like. I just tend not to compare one to the other and view them as similar because they are sitdown Intamin loopers.

Regardless, this thing looks great. I love Maverick's first drop, but oh...my...

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The airtime hill is in and it looks like it will offer some awesome ejector airtime. I can't wait for this thing to open is should be great!


I'm thinking about making a trip on April 6th for Springtime in the Park. How are the lines for Storm Runner, Great Bear, and Lightning Racer during this event? It's not confirmed yet but I am just curious.

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I'm still surprised Hershey is even building something on the scale of Fahrenheit after the CEO (or someone) said in an interview last summer that you won't be seeing anything huge for awhile because that's not the market they are aiming for.


I'm also skeptical of how the public will react to Fahrenheit. Most probably won't even compare it to Storm Runner, but it seems so strange for a park to build two really similar sit down looping steel coasters within a few years of each other. Going to be interesting!


Obviously 2009 is a Boardwalk expansion year. I guess i'm old fashioned and still dont understand why they built a waterpark in the middle of a relatively landlocked park! But.. it's obviously very successful!


Hopefully in 2010 we'll get to see something that competes (at least in height and airtime) with Steel Force, Superman:ROS, and Phantoms Revenge!


By no means am I dissing Fahreheit by the way! I just hope it offers something that Storm Runner doesnt.. plus it'll hopefully make the line for the Comet shorter


Still waiting on that drop tower too!



I think the reason why the park is getting FH is because Knoebels and Dorney are getting coasters. It's always good to try to be one step ahead of the competition.

Parks mostly put out that info to pacify people and us coaster fans. That's kinda why I don't really go by those details.

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what was that guy talking about the preview for fahrenheit and the age thingy?


Yeah, I thought his comment was kind of out of the blue since no one else had mentioned it in awhile. I'm not entirely sure who he was responding too...


Anyway, part of Hershey's viral marketing campaign was to award the first official ride on Fahrenheit to 11 people (I dunno who will be in the 12th seat. The ashes of Milton Hershey? A bag full of Rolos and Kisses? Your mom?). So, that's what he was randomly talking about...

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Anyway, part of Hershey's viral marketing campaign was to award thefirst official ride on Fahrenheit to 11 people


Is that really what it is? Because I rmember I was part of that, except it was when I used the username Wildside. And I lied about my age..my dad told me too.Whats going to happen then?

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Looks like you wont be riding Farenheit this year. You have to be at least 18 to have been chosen because of insurance restrictions. it's probably a media event too, so they don't want to have to go through getting permission from your parents to ride the ride

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^Probably an Alvey they are so special.


I have to agree it is an unusual choice for a new coaster given that Storm Runner is roughly similiar, especially in the eyes of non coaster enthusiasts. Still, it should be a good coaster.

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^ I don't really think that "non" coaster enthusiasts see this ride as really similar. The fact that we as enthusiasts are making the argument that it is similar is because we are nerds and analyze different aspects of the rides. Most people will see a new ride being advertised and be excited to get to it. After they ride they can give a fair assessment of it, but chances are they will just see it as another different ride.


Who will be the 12th rider? A high ranking official? Someone from the design team? A celebrity? Who knows?

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I dont even think we know who the 11 are.. let alone the 12th!


I dont think its a media day thing though because in the letter it says we can bring a friend but the ride portion won't be open to them, but they can ride with the general public later in the day.


Hershey tends to open up new coasters early.. At least in 2000 they opened up Lightning Racer for a company buyout/picnic a few weeks before the actual opening day! I was lucky enough to be there and ride it! It wasn't racing very well though then..


I work for a local news station out of York, so I'll let you know if there's a media day for it!

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