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I'm sorry, but you "play to win the game" as some idiot once said. They have a week to rest during the wild card weekend, how often do teams lay eggs after not playing their starters for 3 weeks? I'm a believer that there is definitely such a thing as too much time off (hard to believe my lazy butt is saying this)

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^ LOL.


C'mon guys, it's not like they're not getting any playing time at all, or not even practicing during the week. Reps during the week are still just as important to maintaining timing and execution.


The head coach just can't win anymore. I mean, you guys are telling me that if Indy loses its first playoff game, you'll blame rest????? And plus, I think we're all getting a bit hung up on the whole "rest factor." Let's say Caldwell plays Manning every minute of each of the last two games. Does risk of injury not figure in here?


One freak play resulting in a blown knee, a dislocated shoulder, etc., and then you're definitely screwed, and Caldwell STILL GETS RIPPED A NEW ONE!


As said before, sure, even limited action still provides risk of injury to any player. But being the gambler that I am, I'm playing the odds on this one. Less playing time equals less risk of season-ending injury when all you're trying to do is set a record.


And furthermore, personally, I don't buy into what happened in the past. I'm still playing the odds and resting my stars.


Of course, then again, no one's offered me a head coaching job yet either.

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^ Holmgren still hasn't contacted you in regard to the Browns job? I'm sure the call is coming.


You are right though, either way, Caldwell gets hammered. The only way he doesn't get his nuts grinded is if they win the game.


The only thing that kind of bothers me is if they take a slight hit to the moral. You could really tell that Manning wanted in, and wanted to win. I just hope they keep playing hard and practicing hard until the first playoff game.

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^^ You could always come coach for the Buffalo Bills? Heck, you could come up this weekend and take your pick of a starting job at:


* QB

* Tight end

* Offensive line (pick a spot)

* Defensive end

* Linebacker (OLB or ILB)


And if you wait till the 2nd half of the game, you might even be able to play in the secondary, special teams, wide receiver or running back...we usually only go three series (and five false starts) before someone gets hurt!

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So, how about them Panthers last weekend? We completely DEMOLISHED the Giants! I only have one more thing to say, Saints, prepare to meet revenge!


So be it. My feeling is the starters will play the first half then get pulled.


At least they have a shot in the playoffs. Tell John Fox to enjoy watching the playoffs on his HD TV.

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So the Dolphins have a slim chance to get in We really needed to (and should've) won the last two games, but that's in the past. Now with a win over the Steelers, we have a slim chance with other loses (not looses). So go Cincy, KC, Oakland, and NE. But I can never root for NE, so they can go lose it, I really don't care about them. So go other teams, 2 of which are under .500 teams!

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So happy Dallas Clark got into the Pro Bowl for the first time ever. Too bad him and the other 5 Colt players won't be playing in it. They will be playing the week after.


After last weekend there is now a little clearer picture in the AFC, but still far from clear as to who is in. Also, NFC is done. The teams that are in are in, no one can get in. I believe seeding is still up for the NFC, though.



1. Saints (13-2) (HFA and bye)

2. Eagles (11-4)

3. Vikings (11-4)

4. Cardinals (10-5)

5. Green Bay (10-5)

6. Cowboys (10-5)


What is interesting here is that the Cowboys can go from the #6 seed to the #2 seed this weekend from what I heard. The only given is that the Saints are the #1 seed.



1. Colts (14-1)(HFA and bye)

2. Chargers (12-3) (bye)

3. Patriots (10-5)

4. Bengals (10-5)

5. Bronco's (8-7)

6. Jets (8-7)


In the hunt

Ravens, Texans and Steelers all have a 8-7 record and stand the strongest chance of getting in. There has been some talk that the Bengals might lay down and rest players this week and if they lost, the Steelers would not get in the playoffs. And since the Bengals are a division rival to the Steelers, it could happen.


Dolphins and JAgs are both at 7-8 and have a chance to get in, but a slim one.


I think this is the first time there has been so many teams playing for something in week 17 in regards to the playoffs in years. The Jets/Bengals game has been flexed to the Sunday night game just to heighten the suspense.




One last thing, if you haven't seen this. A 12 year old Patriot fan went into the pro shop before the last game they played and bought a Randy Moss mask. Apparently, this fan has seen quite a bit of Moss and knows his celebrations. The jumbotron at the Patriots stadium caught one of the times this 12 year old did this and put up there. And since there was a challenge replay going on. They showed it a few times. Randy Moss seen this and found it funny and had a little interaction with the fan. I like when players have interactions with fans. I almost can say with 100% that is a Patriots and Moss fan for life now.






this post has been checked and rechecked for spelling and any other errors.

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The Jets/Bengals game has been flexed to the Sunday night game just to heighten the suspense.


What suspense? It looks like the Bengals may do the same thing Indy did and play the back-ups for at least half the game. Talk about a team getting lucky two weeks in a row.

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loses (not looses)

Losses (not loses).


Dang! I didn't even realize that! Don't hurt me Robb!


I don't get how if the Ravens win on Sunday they are in the playoffs yet if the season ended today, they wouldn't be going to the playoffs despite beating the Bronocs who are seeded as a Wild Card team with the same exact record.


Anyone know why that is?


Because of the tie breakers. There are many that come before head to head, like division and conference records. Even though Baltimore beat them, they may have not done so well in the division or conference.

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Actually head to head is the first tie-breaker, but that one usually only works when there are two teams involved. In this case there will be more than that and the head to head probably won't matter, so they have to go somewhere else. I believe the first one after that is conference record.

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The Jets/Bengals game has been flexed to the Sunday night game just to heighten the suspense.


What suspense? It looks like the Bengals may do the same thing Indy did and play the back-ups for at least half the game. Talk about a team getting lucky two weeks in a row.


Suspense for the Steelers.......no one will no what the Bengals are going to do until sunday night.

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