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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^Plus there getting slowly re-tracked.

Yes, CW would definitely not retrack some of the ride if they are RMCing it next year. But on the other hand, they really only retracked a bit of the ride. I don't know normally how long it takes to do a whole retrack, but I wonder why they only chose to retrack a bit of the ride.


SFNE tried topper track on parts of the Cyclone the year before it was RMC-ed into Wicked Cyclone so it could happen.

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I've been to CW twice, and granted, it's been a handful of years now, since the last time was before they put in Leviathan. However, I found their woodies to be utterly unmemorable, other than a slight recollection of Minebuster being a bit rough. I have zero memory of the other one, even though I know I would have ridden it for the credit (heck, I rode stinking SkyRider for the credit!) An RMC'd version of one of them would be a great addition to your park!


Don't think I'm hating on CW though, as I quite liked the park for many other things! Behemoth is my favorite Hyper coaster, Vortex is pretty sweet, and the flat collection is awesome! I'm definitely going to be back once I get a Passport, one of these days!

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I found Wild Beast to be a pretty good coaster. It was really smooth up front and at least half the hills had air. Honestly it was the same as Kings Dominion's Grizzly minus the tunnel and setting.


Sometimes Wild Beast gives a good ride, and very occasionally a really good ride. More often than not though, I regret riding it, and end up pretty battered.


I decided to ride Wild Beast this year for the first time in nearly seven years since my first and only ride. The re-tracking that occurred over the past few off-seasons has greatly improved the experience of Wild Beast. I've been on it six times this year, although I've only sat in the second car all six times. It's much better than it was seven years ago, but I still prefer Mighty Canadian Minebuster as I enjoy about and back wooden roller coaster layouts due to the airtime. But, I would suggest anyone to give Wild Beast a try as the retracking over the past few off-seasons has greatly improved it.

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I'll try the second car next time. Don't get me wrong, I want Wild Beast to be good. The layout is solid, and it can give respectable airtime, but neither is good enough to offset the beating I usually endure.


I give it another shot from time to time because I know that it is entirely capable of giving a great ride when the planets align (or something).

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I found Wild Beast to be a pretty good coaster. It was really smooth up front and at least half the hills had air. Honestly it was the same as Kings Dominion's Grizzly minus the tunnel and setting.


See, to me, KD's Grizzly, minus the tunnel and setting, would be a pretty forgettable coaster. That's a big part of what I really liked about it. Must be why I don't remember riding Wild Beast...

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I remember watching some videos on YouTube ranking the top 10 worst woodies and most had Wildabeaste/Grizzly on the list, with some ranking it as the worst. I find them "too" battering and just don't enjoy them anymore. If I had to pick between Minebuster and Wildabeaste (yes I know that's not the name of it now) I'd give a slight nod to Wildabeaste.

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Our wooden coasters are far from the worst. Average and not overly memorable, sure I suppose, but definitely not horrible. We may get newer style wooden coasters (GCI, Intamin or GG) or an RMC topper track steel hybrid/ iron horse steel hybrid for a newer experience, but having fun classic wooden coasters in the mix, in addition to new rides, will only make things way more fun.

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A few years back, Canada's Wonderland had a really amazing projection show on Wonder Mountain at night that I absolutely loved. I was pretty excited to see a new version of it on this year's schedule...until I checked the date. Starting June 24th...the day after I'll be there.


So, I'm wondering, probably getting my hopes up for nothing, but do these sorts of shows ever "soft open" early, or is it pretty much June 24th, no sign of it before then? I know Bert had mentioned seeing a technical rehearsal of Cedar Point's Luminosity early, but that's a rather different sort of show.

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'In my opinion', once a wooden coaster is rmc'd . . .it can no longer be classified as a wooden coaster because of the steel elements. It will only be in the 'rmc'd' classification. So Wonderland would only have 2 wooden coasters and 1 rmc'd coaster, and 'in my opinion' that's just not going to happen. They don't need to modify Minebuster or Beast. They are still GREAT wooden coasters and they should stay classified as wooden coasters . . . 'in my opinion'.


Nobody cares about stupid crap like wood to steel coaster ratios. That's something enthusiasts just made up. I assure you that the park doesn't care, nor should they. I promise you that nobody is in a board meeting saying "We could invest in this coaster and make it a highly marketable ride at a great value while dramatically reducing maintenance costs but technically it wouldn't be a wood coaster then because it should be classified as a steel coaster. We should just let it continue to suck and draw zero gate while costing way more money to maintain because then we would technically have 3 wood coasters".


Think about how ridiculous that sounds...

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'In my opinion', once a wooden coaster is rmc'd . . .it can no longer be classified as a wooden coaster because of the steel elements. It will only be in the 'rmc'd' classification. So Wonderland would only have 2 wooden coasters and 1 rmc'd coaster, and 'in my opinion' that's just not going to happen. They don't need to modify Minebuster or Beast. They are still GREAT wooden coasters and they should stay classified as wooden coasters . . . 'in my opinion'.


Nobody cares about stupid crap like wood to steel coaster ratios. That's something enthusiasts just made up. I assure you that the park doesn't care, nor should they. I promise you that nobody is in a board meeting saying "We could invest in this coaster and make it a highly marketable ride at a great value while dramatically reducing maintenance costs but technically it wouldn't be a wood coaster then because it should be classified as a steel coaster. We should just let it continue to suck and draw zero gate while costing way more money to maintain because then we would technically have 3 wood coasters".


Think about how ridiculous that sounds...


While I agree with everything you said, Bill; I prefer this version:


Repeat after me...

































... God damn

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I've never made it to the Brew & BBQ Festival before, but hoping to go this year. Is it good? I'm worried the crowds will be nuts, and lines for beer and food will be out of hand (more so than usual for Wonderland), and that the food and beer will be ludicrously overpriced.

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coasterbill wrote:

Repeat after me...

































... God damn


Actually they somewhat do.

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Actually they somewhat do.


Allow us to sing you a song about how much Cedar Fair cares about park anniversaries where everyone expects major coaster additions...




As for the wood / steel coaster ratios thing where you guys don't think they would leave you with only one adult wood coaster and one kids wood coaster... Carowinds says hi. Cedar Point says hi, Knott's says hi, Dorney says hi. Every Six Flags park that's iron horsed a coaster says hi (especially Discovery Kingdom), I could continue...

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It was the same at Kings Island. I find it to be a minor inconvenience at worst, though being eco friendly is likely just the spin they're putting on lowering their costs.


For sure. I guess the good news is even though it is totally self serving it does end up being an eco friendly move though.


You're welcome, sea turtles.


... see, nobody can ever accuse me of not paying attention when I go to Sea World and ride Turtle Trek

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Actually they somewhat do.


Allow us to sing you a song about how much Cedar Fair cares about park anniversaries where everyone expects major coaster additions...




As for the wood / steel coaster ratios thing where you guys don't think they would leave you with only one adult wood coaster and one kids wood coaster... Carowinds says hi. Cedar Point says hi, Knott's says hi, Dorney says hi. Every Six Flags park that's iron horsed a coaster says hi (especially Discovery Kingdom), I could continue...


Could they have made those anymore penis-like.

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Actually they somewhat do.


Allow us to sing you a song about how much Cedar Fair cares about park anniversaries where everyone expects major coaster additions...




As for the wood / steel coaster ratios thing where you guys don't think they would leave you with only one adult wood coaster and one kids wood coaster... Carowinds says hi. Cedar Point says hi, Knott's says hi, Dorney says hi. Every Six Flags park that's iron horsed a coaster says hi (especially Discovery Kingdom), I could continue...


Busch Gardens Williamsburg says hi, even though the surrounding neighborhoods don't want a wooden coaster.

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