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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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bonus points if you guess where that particular seat is. ... Until then, more awesome airtime for me & less for you

I'm going to say... facing towards the Antique Carousel, just slightly to the right of the North/East support. I've had some holymotherofgod moments in that spot.

That's not the one I was thinking of, but I'll have to try it next time I go. My fav seat that I've done is probably the one directly in front of the exit.

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I hope WMG is a success because I am loving what the new management is doing with the Cedar Fair Parks, adding dark ride or refurbishing their old gems at Knott's. As with any prototype, if The Guardian is successful we would likely see CF purchase more from Triotech, with possibilities for greater capacity , more elaborate theming and I'm hoping each one of the rumored creations has a different story.


Just day dreaming but what I would like to see is...


CP build a classic haunted house in the Coliseum (as rumored) or a throwback dark ride to their old pirate ride.

KI has the old crypt building but it is quite small for a dark ride.

Knott's should do a dinosaur ride right where the old one was at the arcade.

KD would have a hard time squeezing something else into Volcano but a jungle themed dark ride would be cool.


I see great potential with this concept and as an avid marksman I'm hoping to get my picture up at the exit.


Wonderland has always been one of my very favorite parks and I just love Canada and Canadians in general, so looking forward to this weekend!

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WMG UPDATE: According to reports on CW Mania, bags are NOT ALLOWED in the queue line anymore (apparently this is the result of a cell phone falling onto the track in the station while a bag was being handed over to a ride attendant). Apparently, this has caused literally no line-up for the ride!!!


Do you have a Cedar Fair platinum pass? There are some days where you can go into the parking hour early with a platinum pass to ride wonder Mountain Guardian or other select rides. That's what I'm doing this Sunday so I can ride it without waiting in line.


I do, and realistically, even if the capacity was far exceeding 300 an hour (which is what I'm hearing It maxes at), that would be my likely plan of action. I just expect the ride to undergo a lot of changes and tweaking to get it to a better state, and I'd rather ride it in that form than what's presently there.


I've heard they've been hitting over 500pph and the theoretical max is 640pph.

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Also, after hearing about the capacity troubles for WMG (apparently it has to sit in the station and charge batteries? LOLOLOL)


There is a bus bar that travels along side with the train throughout the entire dark sections of the ride (You can see where the trains connect to the bus bar in pictures showing its left side and the actual bus bar in pictures of the brake run). This provides power to the trains so there is no need to charge batteries in the station.


Bus bar is on the right

Right under the left wheel assembly is the connector.


Pics from rollin_n_coastin

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Quick Wonder Mountain's Guardian Update and it's not good. After a mechanical/weather breakdown, maintenance decided to pull the train into the station without rotating the vehicle back to the load/unload orientation. One of the vehicles smashed into the concrete platform and there appears to be some minor damage to the vehicle. I was able to snap a few pictures which I will post shortly.

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A word of advice from your friendly neighborhood site moderator: TPR does not support Coaster Force, as most of their videos are obtained without the permission of the parks. Please do not embed their videos or link to them.


Thank you.


I now return you to the Canada's Wonderland thread, which is already in progress.

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I have an upcoming trip to Toronto. I am thinking about going to Wonderland on Tues 6/24.

I know it gets really busy in July and August, but It looks like the local schools are still in session. Last day is 6/25.

So do I just break down and get a fastpass ahead of time, or just go and evaluate once I arrive.

Thank you in advance.

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Introducing Dimensions: A Cirque Experience

An All New Theatrical Acrobatic Show

Opening Today



It was exactly one week ago that I was at Kings Island enjoying the new monster B&M inverted roller coaster, Banshee. I’ve heard that it’s a fantastic replacement for Son of Beast, the wooden roller coaster that used to occupy that parcel of land. Sometimes replacements are a massive improvement over what was there before, as is clearly the case with Banshee over Son of Beast. Sometimes, the original is missed immensely and you wonder how anything else could top it. I thought about this as I entered the Kings Island Theater after a few incredible rides on Banshee to check out their new show, Cirque Imagine. Cirque Imagine (Cirque Ambiente) is the 2013 IAAPA Brass Ring winning live show, which made its way down to Kings Island this season after a very successful two-season run at Canada’s Wonderland from 2012 to 2013. Cirque Imagine is almost identical to its original 2012 production with the familiarity being a great thing in this case. The show was just as exciting and engaging as I remembered it. The audience cheered throughout and the finale was met with a big standing ‘O’. The audience seemed to really appreciate a show that shot well above seasonal theme park expectations, which is a testament to Cedar Fair taking the initiative to enhance family entertainment options at its parks. It really was a pleasure re-living the experience and audience reactions. Even if you’re a theme park goer who is not “into shows”, myself included, this show was well worth seeing, more than once even! So, now that Kings Island has taken this show away, what was happening back at Canada’s Wonderland? Would any new show be as good at filling the theatre to capacity a few times a day, all season long?


Theme Park Review was invited to an exclusive sneak preview of Canada’s Wonderland’s Cirque Ambiente replacement on Friday, which is the all new show, Dimensions: A Cirque Experience. If it’s even possible to imagine, Dimensions ups the ante of what can be done at seasonal parks when it comes to offering quality family entertainment. Dimensions: A Cirque Experience, builds on the successful formula first seen with Cirque Ambiente and takes it to a new level of polish and refinement. The show is different yet just as, if not more exciting. The higher production value is evident as soon as you see the great sets, costumes, video projection and lighting technology.


Upon entering the theatre, the audience is treated to a pre show featuring the show's two hosts, performed by Tom Cholot and Lysanne Richard. These skilled performers interact seamlessly with the audience and if you’re lucky, you or your kids may instantly become part of the show. During the show, the acrobatic and gymnastic routines are set to distinct dimensions that our two hosts lead us through, travelling to and re-surfacing in each new setting. Each dimension hosts a new set of acrobatics and tricks that have no problem leaving the audience mesmerized. Although at times the pulsing soundtrack, “out of this world” sets and lighting may be a little frightening for only the youngest of family members, the show is above all very family friendly.


The talented performers, acrobats and gymnasts in Dimensions are primarily from Quebec, with a growing number coming to the show from international origins including the USA, Brazil, France and Cambodia.


After experiencing Dimensions, it is safe to say that the show successfully builds on Cirque Ambiente and is most definitely a worthy replacement to what was here before.


At first, some of us may have only gone in just for the air conditioning, but I guarantee that next time you’ll go back into the theatre just for the show during each visit to the park. There’s no doubt that Dimensions will be a huge draw all season long.


Dimensions: A Cirque Experience officially opens today at the Wonderland Theatre in Medieval Faire.



About the Creators/ Producers

Dimenions: A Cirque Experience is created and produced by Les Productions Haut-Vol (PHV) of Lévis, Quebec, Canada. The company was founded by Hugues Aubry and Joel Norton in 1995 with a focus on high diving and trampoline acrobatic shows. 2012 saw the company create their first theatrical acrobatic show, Cirque Ambiente. Cirque Ambiente won a 2013 IAAPA Brass Ring Award for Best Live Performance in the category of Production between $200,000 and $400,000.


Other PHV shows at Cedar Fair parks include Cirque Imagine (Kings Island 2014 to present, Canada’s Wonderland 2012-2013 as Cirque Ambiente), Acrobatic and High Dive Shows (Canada’s Wonderland 2002 to present), Skeleton Crew Halloween Acrobatic Shows (Canada’s Wonderland 2011 to present, Cedar Point 2012 to present), The Under World Halloween Acrobatic Show (Canada’s Wonderland 2012 to present).


A great way to start off the weekend.


A picture perfect day at the park.


Media were able to bring up to three guests. All Canadian outlets were checking it out. :)


Heading over to the Wonderland Theatre






After the media was let in, there was no trouble with filling up the theatre with eager park guests


Lysanne Richard


Tom Cholot


Pre show antics











Someone's dad will be sent off to some random dimension first to you know..test out the way and such.


Looks safe, off we go.


















The performers. Oh...it looks like someone's dad found his way back.


All the cool projections and lighting wouldn't happen without our friends back here.


Post show Q&A. From left to right: Hugues Aubry (PHV Founder), Sam Softich (Performer, Seattle, WA) and Joel Norton (PHV Founder)

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Glad to see a new Cirque show at CW as well as one being introduced to KI this year. I can't wait for the Q&A and show at Banshee Bash like we had at Behemoth Bash a few years ago - that was really cool.


I would really love to see CP get one of these Cirque shows in the next season or two as they really are lacking in that department compared to what they used to have for shows & attractions. Although I was really glad to see Lusty Lil's reopen!

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Very cool! Were the street performers outside of the theater just for the preview or will that happen all season long? I love the music, even if it's just for a pre-show. I'm still dreaming of the day they retheme Drop Tower and Riptide.


I'm also looking forward to seeing what's new for Starlight Spectacular. I'm just waiting for some videos of it to surface now.

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^^^Couldn't agree more. Cirque shows really seem to pack thrills into a stage show in a great way. Agree about the Q&A. I missed the last one so it was definitely a treat to talk to the PHV owners. I honestly can't remember if Cedar Point has a facility the size of Wonderland and Kings Island Theatres? If so, I think this type of show would do well.


^^ I think the street performers were there for the preview to let people walking by know that a preview show was about to start and to join the line.


^If you loved Cirque Ambiente, you'll love Dimensions. The shows seem well balanced between the Cirque Shows, outdoor acrobatics/ diving shows and traditional song and dance at International Show Place.

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