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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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The newest rumor on Screamscape is that Sky Rider is next on the chopping block, as part of this Great Purge that the whole chain is supposedly going to do in the near future. Personally I hope I can get up there again before it disappears; I was too little to ride it last time I went (1997), and I'd hate to leave that open-ended like that.


I'm torn about this. Skyrider actually isn't too bad, especially for a TOGO standup. It has some enjoyable pops of standing airtime that you can't really find on other rides. However, it's a capacity nightmare with extraordinarily long dispatch times. I guess taking it out in favour of a higher capacity ride would be advantageous for the park.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"amba" was trademarked by Cedar Fair on the Canadian Governments Trademark database for use at Canada's Wonderland. The Trademark became registered on November 9th 2012. We know there really isn't anything coming next year as advertised or worthy of an announcement in 2012 operating season. So could this be the rumored 2014 wing rider? http://www.cipo.ic.gc.ca/app/opic-cipo/trdmrks/srch/cntnBscSrch.do;jsessionid=0001joFmi5UIxIiZRt1CJNoozHr:-1B0PLHD?textField1=Cedar+Fair&selectField1=ownname&useblg=bscSrch.do%3Flang%3Deng&languageDirection=f&lang=eng&submitButton=Search

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"amba" was trademarked by Cedar Fair on the Canadian Governments Trademark database for use at Canada's Wonderland. The Trademark became registered on November 9th 2012. We know there really isn't anything coming next year as advertised or worthy of an announcement in 2012 operating season. So could this be the rumored 2014 wing rider? http://www.cipo.ic.gc.ca/app/opic-cipo/trdmrks/srch/cntnBscSrch.do;jsessionid=0001joFmi5UIxIiZRt1CJNoozHr:-1B0PLHD?textField1=Cedar+Fair&selectField1=ownname&useblg=bscSrch.do%3Flang%3Deng&languageDirection=f&lang=eng&submitButton=Search


Who said we weren't getting anything in 2013? You do know something is coming to Splash Works in 2013, just the scale of it is unkown. The rumour is that a new waterslide will open in 2013 and now with the Mamba trademarked and the description of what the trademark is for, it sounds like we could possibly be looking at a water coaster similar to Riverrush going to Dollywood.

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The newest rumor on Screamscape is that Sky Rider is next on the chopping block, as part of this Great Purge that the whole chain is supposedly going to do in the near future. Personally I hope I can get up there again before it disappears; I was too little to ride it last time I went (1997), and I'd hate to leave that open-ended like that.


No its not, this was asked at the Q&A at Leviathan bash and they said the coaster was one of the cheapest to run in the park. They also said that if they were going to take one out, it would be sledgehammer because it has numerous problems and is not actually that exciting.

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^Hmmm...I don't remember them saying that they were thinking of taking out Sledgehammer because it broke down a lot and wasn't exciting. I do remember them talking about their disappointment about it's reliability, but I didn't recall them stating that they were thinking of removing it.


Personally, I like the ride despite it's obvious glitches. Yeah, it could go a bit faster and have a better program, but I still think that it's a very fun and original flat. But, it would make sense that if they didn't get the bugs eventually worked out of it after several years in the park, it could end up on the chopping block.


Although...I could think of about six or seven roller coasters there that I would rather see removed before Sledgehammer.

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Dom, it's not going to be a water coaster as Mamba is the fastest land snake... Don't see how Mamba ties into water ride.. This is my take on it, the trademark was filed November 9 2012, to prepare for teasers and a 2013 announcement for a 2014 coaster. Trademark it in late 2012 to assure they have the rights to the name for a 2013 season announcement. I've listened to all of the conference calls for Cedar Fair and they always mention how Canada's Wonderland remains top for attendance and the last conference call they mentioned how for the first time ever Canada's Wonderland made more revenue then the other parks.

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Dom, it's not going to be a water coaster as Mamba is the fastest land snake... Don't see how Mamba ties into water ride.. This is my take on it, the trademark was filed November 9 2012, to prepare for teasers and a 2013 announcement for a 2014 coaster. Trademark it in late 2012 to assure they have the rights to the name for a 2013 season announcement. I've listened to all of the conference calls for Cedar Fair and they always mention how Canada's Wonderland remains top for attendance and the last conference call they mentioned how for the first time ever Canada's Wonderland made more revenue then the other parks.


I'm not saying you're wrong here, but a King Cobra isn't a "water snake," either--yet that's the name of the new water slide at Six Flags Great Adventure, So, as long as a water coaster is long and "snakelike," it wouldn't surprise me if Canada's Wonderland went with "Mamba" as a name for it.


Just throwing that out for consideration. I have no idea what CW may have in store for next year.

Edited by cfc
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Dom, it's not going to be a water coaster as Mamba is the fastest land snake... Don't see how Mamba ties into water ride.. This is my take on it, the trademark was filed November 9 2012, to prepare for teasers and a 2013 announcement for a 2014 coaster. Trademark it in late 2012 to assure they have the rights to the name for a 2013 season announcement. I've listened to all of the conference calls for Cedar Fair and they always mention how Canada's Wonderland remains top for attendance and the last conference call they mentioned how for the first time ever Canada's Wonderland made more revenue then the other parks.


I'm not saying you're wrong here, but a King Cobra isn't a "water snake," either--yet that's the name of the new water slide at Six Flags Great Adventure, So, as long as a water coaster is long and "snakelike," it wouldn't surprise me if Canada's Wonderland went with "Mamba" as a name for it.


Just throwing that out for consideration. I have no idea what CW may have in store for next year.


I just feel like if "Mamba" was meant for 2013 it would have been trademarked much earlier then November 2012.. I really feel like this name is for a 2014 coaster, obviously biased but yeah aha

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During our Coasting for Kids tour, it was mentioned that Sledge Hammer Is getting a full overhaul in the off-season to hopefully address the majority of issues. The program was a bit different this year-- a bit more intense than in past years. It's such a fun ride.


I think during the Q&A that the GM made it clear that if it was his choice, his top priority would be to put a flume back in. He also said that it may not happen right away since it isn't the most practical ride at a seasonal park.


A water coaster would be amazing! Given that they cost as much as a roller coaster that probably wouldn't happen so soon. Chuck, a Wildebeest would totally make Water Country even better than it already is

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Dom, it's not going to be a water coaster as Mamba is the fastest land snake... Don't see how Mamba ties into water ride.. This is my take on it, the trademark was filed November 9 2012, to prepare for teasers and a 2013 announcement for a 2014 coaster. Trademark it in late 2012 to assure they have the rights to the name for a 2013 season announcement. I've listened to all of the conference calls for Cedar Fair and they always mention how Canada's Wonderland remains top for attendance and the last conference call they mentioned how for the first time ever Canada's Wonderland made more revenue then the other parks.


Ummmm do you know when knotts and cedar point trademarked their roller coaster names? On the day of the announcement, therefore when the trademark was filed has no influence when the name will actually be used. It still disagree that we're getting a 2014 coaster, 2015/16 sounds more reasonable.

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I really don't see the park getting a coaster in 2014. Leviathan was a massive capital investment and probably the only major attraction we'll get for a while. I can see the park doing what they did after Behemoth was built. Focus on park improvements, family stuff and potentially a flat/water park addition.


But hey...I would love to be wrong.

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If you look at Cedar Point's coaster history, they got 3 major roller coasters in less than a 5 year span (Millennium Force in 2000, Wicked Twister 2 years after, and TTD 1 year after that). Seeing as how Cedar Fair seems to be willing to put a lot into Wonderland, I could see something similar happening here. Maybe I'm off base, but I could see Mamba being another coaster. Fingers crossed!

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Dom, it's not going to be a water coaster as Mamba is the fastest land snake... Don't see how Mamba ties into water ride.. This is my take on it, the trademark was filed November 9 2012, to prepare for teasers and a 2013 announcement for a 2014 coaster. Trademark it in late 2012 to assure they have the rights to the name for a 2013 season announcement. I've listened to all of the conference calls for Cedar Fair and they always mention how Canada's Wonderland remains top for attendance and the last conference call they mentioned how for the first time ever Canada's Wonderland made more revenue then the other parks.


When does Cedar Fair's names actually make sense?

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  • 1 month later...
If you look at Cedar Point's coaster history, they got 3 major roller coasters in less than a 5 year span (Millennium Force in 2000, Wicked Twister 2 years after, and TTD 1 year after that). Seeing as how Cedar Fair seems to be willing to put a lot into Wonderland, I could see something similar happening here. Maybe I'm off base, but I could see Mamba being another coaster. Fingers crossed!


The administration running Cedar Fair now is VERY different from that of the late 90s/early 00s. I don't think you'll see too many major coaster additions in similar timelines any time soon. Heck, the last major coaster for Cedar Point was Maverick in 2007.


Something is coming to Splash Works for 2013 (I think people may be a little "off" with the waterslide idea though...). Apparently something is happening with the fountains now as well. I would expect to see general park improvements and additional "premium experiences" that will continue to bring in additional revenue.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

It's time for an update of some of the new things around the park for the 2013 season. Check out all the pictures here:





International Street has been spruced up with lots of paint and new signs.



New funnel cake sign.



If you remember, this corner use to be a sci-fi themed shop back when Paramount owned the park. It`s been completely repainted and looks great.



The entire store has been opened up. You would walk through a "portal" from the main gift shop to the sci-fi area that is shown in the far end of this picture.



Speaking of paint and freshening up, Time Warp has been repainted. The supports are a solid dark blue from the bottom to the top with the track being painted a darker yellow. No more faded teal up top.



It's a little hard to tell from this picture, but Silver Streak's supports are being repainted a light gray colour. The pictures make it seem like it's a white primer.



Sledgehammer's overhaul is ongoing.



The main shaft is still missing. Hopefully we'll be able to give you all an update soon.



SkyRider has gotten some paint-love too. Notice the retro logo on the bottoms of the trains. A FastLane path has also been added for this season.



Brand new seat coverings and lap bars for Minebuster. It actually wasn't too bad today, although we did ride in the front row.



From Minebuster to Behemoth...



Behemoth gave us LOTS of airtime as usual. The sunny, warm spring day and no trims made for a great ride. We did notice that the vibrations are still there like previous years. It doesn't seem as though the repairs were made as mentioned last fall.



Behemoth gave us LOTS of airtime as usual. The sunny, warm spring day and no trims made for a great ride. We did notice that the vibrations are still there like previous years. It doesn't seem as though the repairs were made as mentioned last fall.



A FastLane path has also been added to Timber Wolf Falls so you can cool off without the wait this summer.



A few of the parks old trees had to be removed but they were replaced with this nice area along with a new sitting area for the near-by restaurant.



You can still check out a piece of the removed trees in the Starbucks. All you need to do is pull up a chair.



The new movie playing in the Action FX Theatre.



And the pricing for the above mentioned new film.



This has replaced "You Go Grill" in the Action Zone. And right beside it is one of the new locations of Beaver Tails!



The other location is in KidzVille near the antique cars.



In case you're curious, here are the flavors available and associated prices.



Mmmmmm.... Delicious!



They've also added options to roll your ice cream cookiewich in at the Cookie Cafe.



Dose anyone know what's missing in this picture? Oh, a bottle of Coke will now run you .00! And vitamin water is .75!



The wax candles made from your hand mold have returned to the park. This is located in KidzVille near Taxi Jam.



Behemoth vs Leviathan!



Leviathan was running great today. FAST with no trims!



TV's have been popping up in queues around the park like this one in Leviathan's queue. None were playing anything today.



A countdown clock has been added to the front of Leviathan's station.



The clock counts down from 45 seconds as soon as the restraints open after the train returns to the station.



There are two of these. One for the left 2 seats and one for the right 2 seats. It shows when the restraint has been pulled/pushed down at least 2 clicks.



WindSeeker was testing.



And eventually opened for us to enjoy a great view of the park.



And here is the new evac-platform in case we get stuck 300 ft in the air.



Once attached around the tower, the arms can rotate all the way around on these wheels.



Here is the basket you`ll hop in to and be lowered down in 2 at a time.



And the controls for the evac-platform.



And finally, the fountains! The bottom of the fountains has been painted black. I`m not sure I really like it...



The original fountains are all still there along with the new LED lights that were added last season.



There are 3 sets of 8 ``water canons`` that have been added down the middle.



This picture really gives a good perspective of how big these new fountains are compared to the much smaller original one (on the right side of this picture).



Cirque Ambiente returns June 22 in the Wonderland Theatre.



And don`t forget about Victoria Day Fireworks on Sunday, May 19!

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Thanks for the update...definitely like the idea of an evac on Windseeker.


After all of reports of people getting stuck I was somewhat reluctant to ride another one. Not that you still wouldn't be stuck hanging for a while if they can only evac two at a time!

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