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SheiKra's got wasps!

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Yesterday I went back to Busch Gardens for my second visit to the park since SheiKra opened (and my fifth overall ride on the coaster).


We got in line, went up the lifthill (man, that 45 degree angle freaks me out more than the 90 degree drop), and then at the very top the whole trainload of people starts freaking out. Not because of the ride itself, but because the semicircle between the lifthill and the drop, but because the whole place was swarming with wasps!


At first I thought it was just a couple, but once we got to the dangling portion, I saw at least 10 flying around in front of me (I was in a third row seat). I was afraid I'd have mushed wasp on my face, and perhaps a nasty sting for the rest of the day.


Fortunately I did not. The wasps were just muddobbers -- scary looking, but rarely do they sting. Still, it was freaky as hell and Busch Gardens really needs to do something about it. I've never seen anything like that before at any other parks -- anybody else ever seen swarms of stinging insects at the top of a lifthill before?

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There is a sign on Top Gun at Carowinds that states that the ride has problems with bees/wasps on the lift hill in late summer/early fall.


There are bee catcher things on the lift hill as well.


I guess this shouldn't be a big surprise as they like to build their nests high off the ground.

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The top of the S&S Towers at Visionland had bees attacking us! The Turbo Drop would get to the top then I was screaming hoping we would fall to avoid the bees.


I've heard about these Wasps on Shakira from other people as well. Busch says that they get rid of them everyday, and they just keep coming back!


Elissa "I guess it's better than Geese!" Alvey

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i have only seen this once, when i was at the now departed Opryland. i was loading wabash cannonball and while going up the lift noticed not wasps , but hornets swarming, not on the lift hill but on the back side of the ride station where the coaster went down the hill and ran along the botton of the station house. when we got to the top before you dropped you could see the nest. after a painfull ride, and 3 stings on me not to mention others on other people. they closed the ride to remove said hornets. it was not nice.

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The top of the S&S Towers at Visionland had bees attacking us! The Turbo Drop would get to the top then I was screaming hoping we would fall to avoid the bees.


And so the "So Many Bees" song was born...


Last place I remember seeing bees on a ride was on the second lift of Twister. Adds a little excitement to the ride!



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When I worked for Busch Gardens Williamsburg, we had MAJOR bees/wasps that would congregate at the top of the dive tower at the Dive Show at Water Country. Every morning, one of the divers would have to climb the tower with a can of spray and try and kill off the bugs up there. Glad they didn't ask me to do it!

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Well I really havn't run into bee's but birds.


At Disneyworld in Magic Kingdom over by the McDonalds fry cart. Birds were attacting everyone! They flew down and took the frys right of of your hand! It was crazy!


The birds were very scarry.


In this pic, there arnt that many. But it was mostly those black birds. Ugg, I hated that.


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Yeah, Disney's seagulls are also a well known gang. I've seen them sit and wait for their victim to get a tray of food they just paid for at an outside stand, then as soon as they turn around, they ATTACK!


Swooping down, knocking the tray over and spilling the goods for them to eat....viscious creatures they are

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Yeah they have wasps there to sting the rednecks and know it all hippie's....But the nest is on the right side of the track, near the little reverse chain control box. Also, Kumba has bees on the lift too!! Silly know it all hippies and rednecks!!!


Colin"release the wasps!"C

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