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Matt Damon's TPR Mid-West Photo Trip Report!

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Great TR so far! Mt Olympus is such a fun place, and with Hades, Cyclops, and Avalanche, it's full of agonizingly awesome rollercoasters, too.


Keep up the great work and keep having an awesome time!

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Six Flags Great America...Day Seven.


Another sleep deprived night...another update.


Six Flags Great America was an alright experience. My group's Q-Bot died twice, so that slowed us down big time and caused some missed credits. It also astounds me how difficult it is to find decent vegetarian food in a Six Flags park as well.


On the plus side ERT rocked. Raging Bull was butter smooth...but really doesn't do a whole lot. Viper was good as well, very decent for a Six Flags woodie. Of course a great time was had, it's impossible not to enjoy yourself on these trips.


A big thanks to Erik Penders for allowing me to use his pictures in this update.


Picture time...


And to finish off the update...


When in Chi-Town, do as the Gangstas do.


Vertical Velocity, the holding brakes really surprised me.


photo: Erik Penders


Scooooby Doooby Doooo!


photo: Erik Penders


Headbanging Wolf


Great America made me feel right at home!


The Gold Q-Bots that were the only reason we were able to do so many credits!


photo: Erik Penders


Obviously taken BEFORE she rode the Vekoma!


photo: Erik Penders (interestingly enough a mechanical engineer for Vekoma!)




photo: Erik Penders


Sleeping Bull


Double Carousel, can't do a Great America update without a picture of it.


photo: Erik Penders

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Nice pics, it's a shame you were let down by the coasters at Mt O as I have grown to LOVE them.


Just out of curiosity, what rides does the Q Bot at SFGAm allow you to "virtually queue"? It wasn't there last time I went and I am going next week, I'm trying to decide if it's worth buying or not. Thanks



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Cool. I always did want to go to SFGAm. Does Iron Wolf have that B&M roar?


The only thing you hear from Iron Wolf is screams of agony.


As for that last picture, I had no idea you could buy gimp suits at SFGAm. I better go pick one up!

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^ Raging Bull, Batman: The Ride, Superman: Ultimate Flight, Iron Wolf, Vertical Velocity, Whizzer, Giant Drop, Roaring Rapids, and Logger's Run.


Thanks a lot! Qbotting Whizzer and the Bull will give me time to wait for Viper and Deja Vu

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Coasterkid! Awesome update man. This used to be my Admin/Moderator people (RCT Town for life!). I can't tell you how proud I am of seeing him do updates hahaha. I'm frickin jealous your getting some coaster action. I've been deprived. Hope you continue to have a good time!

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coasterkid - nice to meet you. Im Anthony, met you by the Corkscrew and talked with ya till ya went to eat.


I thought Id see more, could have just seen alot of you, but I got a ton of looks from people reading my Gravity Group hat. I had the huge tripod and the camera bag - not many of us around.


Anyways, after I went back to eat I actually fell asleep in my car and when I woke up had no inspiration to finish the day out. Just way too tired from this weeks work.



Give him and Robb a break on the updates. Ive done a trip like this, and anyone who has, knows it sucks when you cant just ddie in your bed every night and get some sleep.

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Hey Matt, thanks for those updates, it's good to see all the pictures that I'm actually on (you don't get as many pictures of yourself as your friends and family may like).


Keep 'em coming!


I just had a great day here in LA in Universal Studios Hollywood (VIP Experience was AWESOME) together with Thomas.


We'll fly back in about 6 hours so I should go and get some sleep, but not before mailing the girlfriend ofcourse.


Love you mr. Damon



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^ AJ...are you my first fanboy!? I LIKE!


Alright, it's time for the Cedar Point update! I had been to Cedar Point before and only needed the kiddie coaster credits along with Maverick. Because of this I took refuge in the hotel and TGI Fridays the first day during all the rain along with a few of the Hooters Crew and only went to the park after the rain had cleared out. Yes, I missed out on the 8 hour wait for Maverick! Ah well...I had other "credits" to earn, lol.


I had a blast at Cedar Point as always, did every coaster except for Jr. Gemini. I just can't bring myself to steal a kid to ride a coaster. Maverick was awesome, took over my #1 steel coaster spot stealing it away from Millennium Force. MF is still a good ride, I love the speed, but it is just lacking air. Dragster doesn't give me as much of a rush as it once did, but it still rocks.


This picture update is a bit coaster heavy...our group got really spread out at Cedar Point so you'll just have to deal.


Finished Cedar Point off with a TGI fridays hangout!


Kennywood up next


Cowboy Divv!


Down boy!


Do the Dallas queue dance!


Maverick time! I seriously love this coaster.


Someone was shameless enough to steal a kid!


insert Derek gets a woodie over a vertical loop caption here


Mantits: The Ride!


The other beach coaster...


If you stare at this picture long enough...you can actually watch it Magnum sink into the beach!


Dragster upskirt


The closest swedish meatballs got to any women all trip! ;)


The crazy TPR members who waited 8 hours (alot of it in the rain!) for first rides on Maverick!


Can't have a Cedar Point update without corkscrew going over the mid-way


The "Alvey and Family Group" takes over Cedar Point!

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Day...I've lost track


Hooray for Kennywood! I love the oldschool feel of the park combined with classic rides, friendly staff, and the best food on the trip! I got my first actual racing credit since the Racer was running both trains (Gemini should take note) and there was lots of hand slapping to be had! Thunderbolt was interesting, but a bit too rough. The Jackrabbit totally owned! You actually get lifted out of your seat (practically no restraints!) and plunked back down into it. That's the true meaning of airtime. Phantoms Revenge was great too, just be sure to ride towards the front!


The dark rides were really cool too. Garfields nightmare felt like an acid trip gone wrong. And the mine train is rumoured to be closing real soon! Glad I got to check it out before it's gone for good!


Picture time!


And now for the scariest part of Garfields Nightmare...us in the glasses waiting to ride!


Kings Island report tomorrow FTW!


extreme hairtime!


photo courtesy: Andrew Janes


Maaaattt Daaamonnn


photo courtesy: Andrew Janes


Any coaster that involves strapping a jet pack to a rabbit is cool with me!


WTF!? Who buries a fire hydrant in cement!


We just couldn't pass on this photo-op


Poor TRP Shawn...he never did get that 10th consecutive ride, or the kiss from Nadia.


Wicked trains! Love the diner feel to them.


It actually races! YAY!

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