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Evolution or Creationism


Evolution or Creationism  

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  1. 1. Evolution or Creationism

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A friendly reminder to keep this thread civil. Any hint of it turning into arguments or a flame war will result in a lock on the thread.


I'm giving it two days.


2 days? wow thats long:p



on topic: I believe in evolution, I don't believe in any kind of god

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I believe that God created the Earth, but I alos believe that things evolved over time.

If only the narrow-minded could tolerate that open-minded idea.


Personally, I believe in the Proccess of Evolution by means of Natural Selection.

(Couldn't resist using the book name)

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Can we believe in some form of both? A coworker asked this question yesterday at lunch.


I said I believe in a higher power, yet I think so many people evolved from monkeys. But the monkeys still are more intelligent and well behaved!




That's exactly what I believe. I mean, I think something must have put monkey's on earth, but I also think we evolved from them.

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In all seriousness, I was brought up athiest by a chemist and a palentologist. My mother things religion is silly and/or crazy and my father, while well-versed on the Bible (every Christmas he tells us the story of Christ, and Easter, and so on), is also pretty anti-religion. I'm more just sort of "spiritual" (read: I obsessively eat my M&M's in clusters of four).




Fun section!


I'm from the Church of Scientology and I believe the world was shat out of Tom Cruise's heiney.


Apparently, this also applies to many other religions:


Eat it or go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks!

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That's exactly what I believe. I mean, I think something must have put monkey's on earth, but I also think we evolved from them.


There's no reason to stop at monkeys. According to Biology, evolution goes all the way back to the most rudimentary prokaryotes, bacteria if you will.


So, the question then becomes where did the bacteria come from. This part is where science falls short. There are no good answers to this yet. The Miller-Urey experiment hypothesized that the lack of oxygen in the early atmosphere created an environment conducive to reduction reactions, which means that conditions were favorable for the spontaneous synthesis of the macromolecules necessary for life. But, this is just the beginning of the answer to the question of how life originated.

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There's no reason to stop at monkeys. According to Biology, evolution goes all the way back to the most rudimentary prokaryotes, bacteria if you will.


So, the question then becomes where did the bacteria come from. This part is where science falls short. There are no good answers to this yet. The Miller-Urey experiment hypothesized that the lack of oxygen in the early atmosphere created an environment conducive to reduction reactions, which means that conditions were favorable for the spontaneous synthesis of the macromolecules necessary for life. But, this is just the beginning of the answer to the question of how life originated.


Oh wow...I was totally just going to say that.

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Can we believe in some form of both? A coworker asked this question yesterday at lunch.


I said I believe in a higher power, yet I think so many people evolved from monkeys. But the monkeys still are more intelligent and well behaved!




That's exactly what I believe. I mean, I think something must have put monkey's on earth, but I also think we evolved from them.


Isn't the theory that we are closy related to monkeys, and that we have a common ancestor? I don't think it was that we actually evolved FROM monkeys.

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That's exactly what I believe. I mean, I think something must have put monkey's on earth, but I also think we evolved from them.


That's not what I meant.


Monkeys are smart than a lot of people I know; including the coworker.




Oops. I just read your sentence "can be believe in some form of both" and forgot to read the rest.

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This may be the in between explanation that some of you are looking for.




That page is long and complicated, but basically it means that during creation, God wasn't using the 24 hour days that we know now. A "day" could have been 24 hours, or 100 years, or a million years. And God gradually created and tweaked everything during those time frames. Seeing as how some aspects of evolution are absolute facts, I think it's the best explanation I have found.


A few years ago, my church did a class about creation and evolution, and what I found so funny was that, no matter how hard they tried, they could never provide hard facts for creation. They tried very hard to cite the Cambrian Explosion as being creation, yet it's been proven that there were single celled organisms and whatnot before the explosion. If the explosion was creation, why was there life before creation? And if creation was right as the single celled organisms appeared, how do you explain the explosion if it wasn't evolution?


Both theories are unproveable, and will be debated until the end of time. And I personally don't think it's worth arguing about. Lets just all agree to disagree



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Both theories are unproveable, and will be debated until the end of time. And I personally don't think it's worth arguing about. Lets just all agree to disagree


You are absolutely correct in that evolution cannot be proven. But, that is because the word "proof" is an overly strong word. Only mathematical theorems can be proven. Nothing in science is proved. It's always open to new studies, new data, new hypotheses, etc.


Most of the debate about evolution among biologists centers around how it happened. They don't really debate whether it occured or not, because the overwhelming majority agree that the preponderance of evidence says that it did. What makes science differ from religion is that science is falsifiable. If overwhelming evidence appeared supporting the idea that evolution didn't take place, then the consensus opinion would change.


Evolution v. creation is really a political/theological debate more than a scientific one.

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My head is spinning. There are two things I don't discuss, politics and religion.


...with that said, a song just popped into my head.


Why are we here, what is life all about?

Is God really real, or is there some doubt?

Well tonight we're going to sort it all out,

For tonight it's the Meaning of Life.


What's the point of all these hoax?

Is it the chicken and egg time, are we all just yolks?

Or perhaps, we're just one of God's little jokes,

Well ca c'est the Meaning of Life.


Is life just a game where we make up the rules

While we're searching for something to say

Or are we just simple spiralling coils

Of self-replicating DNA?


What is life? What is our fate?

Is there Heaven and Hell? Do we reincarnate?

Is mankind evolving or is it too late?

Well tonight here's the Meaning of Life.


For millions this life is a sad vale of tears

Sitting round with really nothing to say

While scientists say we're just simply spiralling coils

Of self-replicating DNA.


So just why, why are we here?

And just what, what, what, what do we fear?

Well ce soir, for a change, it will all be made clear,

For this is the Meaning of Life - c'est le sens de la vie -

This is the Meaning of Life.

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Permit me to point out that scientists do not "believe" in evolution. They observe facts, posit explanations, then test them against new evidence. That's not "belief." That's the scientific method. There is, however, no more evidence in support of the Seven Days hoo-hah than the "the-Universe-is-the-dream-of-Vishnu" myth, the Gnostic idea that the physical universe is the creation of an evil demiurge, or any other creation myth - Shoshone, ancient Egyptian, whatever. (In fact, Carl Sagan pointed out that the Hindu creation story had a lot more in common with what we actually know about the universe than the Judeo-Christian one does.)


It's one thing to say - quite without any evidence - that the universe came into being through the acts of a self-aware, separate creator, something unknowable, unimaginable in fact. But that's not what most folks mean when they talk about creationism. I bet most people who believe in creationism believe this all came about through the actions of their particular sky-god (and, most likely, their parents' one, too), one who looks after them, will prevent them - if they Behave - from being in a plane crash or facing bankruptcy, and will somehow keep their ego from ceasing to be once they die. This may be reassuring, but it is, when applied to other spheres of life - winning the Publishers' Clearing House Sweepstakes, for instance, or getting a bigger organ through something ordered on the Internet - known as "wishful thinking."


Oh, and Wes - am I to assume from Robb's cheerful defense of racial slurs in the queue-jumping thread and your veiled threat to shut down this one that ethnic insults are okey-doke, but religion is a sacred cow? Cause if not, I have some choice words to say about fundamentalists, while urging them not to get offended...

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