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JZ's Ongoing Kings Island Update Thread!

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I think it'd be cool to have a coaster with that look. Just raw. I'm sure it can't be done because it needs a coat of this to protect it from that and yadayda. I think for like...an industrial or ..something! theme, it'd be awesome.

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^You know what's funny is that I had JUST started thinking about riding stand-ups right around the time King Cobra was taken out. I wanted to ride it, but missed out each time I was near it in its last operating year (2001 I believe).


Back to the new coaster talk, I would LOVE if they had a speeding-through-the-woods section as close to the ground as possible.

I really hope they take advantage of the hilly terrain back there.

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^You know what's funny is that I had JUST started thinking about riding stand-ups right around the time King Cobra was taken out. I wanted to ride it, but missed out each time I was near it in its last operating year (2001 I believe).


Back to the new coaster talk, I would LOVE if they had a speeding-through-the-woods section as close to the ground as possible.

I really hope they take advantage of the hilly terrain back there.



Yeah, that's what I am hoping for, too. Just 'unique' sections to the ride. I'm really hoping for something like Apollo's Chariot.


What's everyone's opinion on those 'pre drops' to the B&M hypers? Like the little section where there's a small drop, then a straight away....then drop!


I think it's an awesome idea, it looks like you get a nice speed for the drop. Also looks like you get a nice feeling of how high up in the air you are. Does this work for better airtime? Opinions on this?



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^Like the pre drop on Apollo's Chariot? I think thats a good idea as long as they don't brake it (I think Apollo's pre drop is braked if I remember right). I don't know how hilly the terrain is back there but a unique ride is definitely what we should hope for. Then again I would love anything new in KI!

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Yeah, I like them, too. It gives a nice surprise for the people in the backseat.

Think about it. You can't see the drop in front. You get spooked by the pre-drop, relax, then WOAH! big drop!!! It gives the train an opportunity to have some good speed down the drop.


Just a quick heads up.

I'm headed to KI this weekend, and hope to get some pics and post them. It will be interesting seeing all the changes.

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I think B&M actually did away with the pre-drop. I believe there was a discussion on it in the Behemoth thread with a quote from a B&M spokesperson. The pre-drop was used to reduce stress on the chain lift, as the train picking up speed down a drop would pull the chain faster than it goes. Pre-drops let the chain pull the train over the hill, then down the drop. However, they recently decided to just speed up the chain lift when it reached the top, thus saving money on all the extra stuff up there. Thus, some of the more recent B&Ms don't have the pre-drop--actually Raging Bull and Apollo are the only two hypers to have it. Hydra, Led Z, etc are following this trend.


Not to completely shatter any hopes of it, but it seems like B&M is moving away from the pre-drop. I've never experienced one, but it seems like it'd be a cool experience.


Pre-drop or not, though, I've really got my hopes up for this new baby!

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There will be a helix, and the ride will come very close or interact with the helix finale of The Beast. Again, my source is very creditable, but more will be known once the pictures start pouring in.


As far as the Crypt is concerned, there are plans in the works to improve the show building, in terms of lighting and such. Both Huss AND (interestingly) intamin people were involved in the reprogramming of the ride, and they were overheard talking about how the theming of the old ride (The ice field and the lava pit) and how the ride had to hit certain areas in time with the show, really limited what they did with the program. This explains why the new one is so much better! Who needs themeing when the ride is better?


I'll let you know more if it isn't revealed before I double check my facts. I don't want to be giving out unverified information


-James Dillaman

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As far as the whole question of when track work will begin a couple pages back, as far back as I can recall, Cedar Fair has always waited until footer work was basically completely done before starting vertical construction, so you probably won't be seeing anything of that sort for several months still. Track/supports may start showing up in as soon as a few weeks though, depends on how quickly B&M gets everything fabricated.

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As far as the whole question of when track work will begin a couple pages back, as far back as I can recall, Cedar Fair has always waited until footer work was basically completely done before starting vertical construction, so you probably won't be seeing anything of that sort for several months still. Track/supports may start showing up in as soon as a few weeks though, depends on how quickly B&M gets everything fabricated.


Yeah I figured it would be awhile I was just curious...B&M can take their sweet time for all I care, as long as they produce a good ride.


As for the interaction with the Beast's helix though, I think this could sort of be a bad thing. Because isn't the whole point of the Beast is for it to be hidden in the woods where the "Beast" lives? I think this helix could mess up the Beast's theme some...IMO I would stray away from this if I was KI but that's just me.

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There are two helixes on the Beast. Both are covered. I really don't care about the Beast any more as far as if I could see it from the ride. As long as this coaster is going to be kick ass, I don't care what they do to other exisiting rides around it! Who knows, maybe they will use tunnels to block views.

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Dang, the east coast already has so many hypers, I'd love it if California got something that was at least like Goliath at SFOG. As for the unpainted track look, I know that there are indoor rides that have that look, but obviously they don't have to contend with the elements.

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^^Not only is the big helix covered, but that isn't the part that is made to be flying through the woods. The first half of the ride is the part they better not touch. The helix is just forces, not nature, so I agree that it wouldn't be a huge deal if they get it close to that.

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