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Disney to Allow Same-Sex Fairytale Commitment Ceremonies

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Something I could never figure out was......If I am not mistaken, Ellen's show is run by Disney, then WHY does she do so many shows on location at Universal Studios? She has her own ride at Disney for god's sake..


Ellen is actually a warner brothers show and tapes at nbc/universal studios in burbank, so i guess that is the connection. Plus i am sure Universal throws a lot of money at the show for taping at there theme park

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I personally think all gay marriages and unions should be banned, but that is because it says it multiple times in the bible that homosexuality is not allowed.


This is just Disney's way to confirm to the new way people are thinking.


All that said, 8k for a wedding, at disney. I haven't even thought about getting married yet, and that seems high. I would rather have it at a church. Plus, as someone said, if a child at a young age sees two people of a similar sex kissing, that is going to bring up questions and some parents might want to wait to explain some things to kids.

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I don't see anything wrong with allowing people to have the kind of relationship they want to have. Just like people who condemn porn, no one is forcing you to watch it or be involved with it.


Considering that most companies now allow insurance for same sex couples, more and more places are doing commitment ceremonies, etc, it would seem that same-sex couples are more socially acceptable than even smoking these days!


And to those people who say "it's disgusting" to see same-sex couples in public, OMG....H-E-L-L-O.....have you seen what some hetrosexual couples will do in public?!?! How many times have you walked past a couple and thought to yourself "get a room....no....wiat.....get a backseat of a car because you won't make it to the room!!!"


If you don't like same-sex couples, don't hang out with them! I hardly see what harm they are doing to you, regardless of what book you've read that says it's not allowed.


--Robb "$8k for a wedding is nothing. Our WDW wedding cost about 3 times that amount." Alvey

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--Robb "$8k for a wedding is nothing. Our WDW wedding cost about 3 times that amount." Alvey


Hell, our wedding in Long Beach was more than that!


I personally think all gay marriages and unions should be banned, but that is because it says it multiple times in the bible that homosexuality is not allowed.


I think internet trolls should be banned, but we can't all get our way...sigh. And you say you won't be getting married anytime soon, can't imagine why!

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I personally think all gay marriages and unions should be banned, but that is because it says it multiple times in the bible that homosexuality is not allowed.


If homosexuality bothers you that much, you could always move to one of the fine countries where it's completely banned- Iran for example.

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I personally think all gay marriages and unions should be banned, but that is because it says it multiple times in the bible that homosexuality is not allowed.

The bible also says you are the result of inbreed. Do you believe that to?


I don't want to insult any religions or anything, but I think some people take theirs way to seriously.

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why is it that the most ignorant among humanity scream the loudest.


After this popped up I was watching the local orlando fox station's blog and one for some of the other local news outlets watching people cry out for boycotts and the like... personally i welcome the boycotts. It was great for business last time.


To add to your point robb... Homosexuality SHOULD be more socially acceptable than smoking. Homosexuality hurts no one. Smoking hurts you and the people around you. I would rather see a child with a gay parent than a child whos mother lights up while driving down the road with him.



Now we just need them to allow Hobosexual marriages.

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Oh! I got one!


RE:Bible banning homosensual marrige


While it may condem gay sex, does the bible not also extol the virtues of marrige? What if the gay couple takes of vow of chastity, would that be ok for you spaceace?


BTW, love the LeSaber in your avatar!

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I personally think all gay marriages and unions should be banned, but that is because it says it multiple times in the bible that homosexuality is not allowed.


The bible also says interracial marriages should not be allowed. Should there be a law against that too?


Not to mention wearing clothes made out of more than two types of fabrics, shaving, cutting your hair or keeping it long, or even planting two types of crop on a single plot of land. Honestly, no Christian I have ever seen follows the Bible, why should everyone else have to?

why is it that the most ignorant among humanity scream the loudest.


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Not to mention wearing clothes made out of more than two types of fabrics, shaving, cutting your hair or keeping it long, or even planting two types of crop on a single plot of land.


It also says eating shellfish is an abomination. I hope to GOD no kid accidentally wanders into a Red Lobster and sees all of those sinners! How will I explain it to him?

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I also says that a man must never uncover a womans vagina during her period (refered to as "the sickness") as that is her blood fountain. If he does then they are both to be cut off from the people.


18: And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.


Moses sure was thorough! There's even a few lines about beastiality!

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Yeah Disney is cheap compared to weddings in big cities! Try getting married in New York!


Yep, when Leanne's brother got married in New York 3 years ago, the wedding was close, if not over, 70 grand. Too bad the marriage only lasted 9 months...

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the most disgusting thing i have seen is the Orlando Sentinel's article on this.... now we know the OS loves to try to throw Disney under the bus... but seriously headlining the article "Adam and Steve finally can swap vows at Disney" is just beyond the pale. Not to mention if you want to read the biggest pool of ignorant inbred morons check out the comments on the article... wow...



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I personally think all gay marriages and unions should be banned, but that is because it says it multiple times in the bible that homosexuality is not allowed.


The bible also says interracial marriages should not be allowed. Should there be a law against that too?


Would you care to point that scripture out? I'm not here to espouse religion, but I don't like seeing people crap on ANYONE's beliefs.

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Would you care to point that scripture out? I'm not here to espouse religion, but I don't like seeing people crap on ANYONE's beliefs.


From what I remember, Exodus 24:10-16 and 2 Corinthians 6:14 were used as "biblical justification" for banning interracial marriage in the US for some time.


EDIT: I just did a bit of research, I stand a bit corrected. Those sections were more in reference to christians marrying non-christians, as opposed to being about race. I do know they were used in the past as a tenuous way to say that interracial marriage was not allowed.


My point is still valid, should we disallow people of different religion to get married because it is in the bible?

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Not to mention wearing clothes made out of more than two types of fabrics, shaving, cutting your hair or keeping it long, or even planting two types of crop on a single plot of land. Honestly, no Christian I have ever seen follows the Bible, why should everyone else have to?


Yeah it also says that anyone who is handicapped or disabled are abominations to God and that children who disrespect their parents need to be stoned by their townspeople.


But anyway, that's beside the point, I agree that $8000 is cheap for a wedding. Some women spend that on a wedding dress alone.

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Would you care to point that scripture out? I'm not here to espouse religion, but I don't like seeing people crap on ANYONE's beliefs.


From what I remember, Exodus 24:10-16 and 2 Corinthians 6:14 were used as "biblical justification" for banning interracial marriage in the US for some time.


EDIT: I just did a bit of research, I stand a bit corrected. Those sections were more in reference to christians marrying non-christians, as opposed to being about race. I do know they were used in the past as a tenuous way to say that interracial marriage was not allowed.


My point is still valid, should we disallow people of different religion to get married because it is in the bible?


The scriptures quoted in Exodus don't even REMOTELY advocate what you suggest.


Exodus 24:10-16 (King James Version)

King James Version (KJV)

Public Domain


10 And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.


11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.


12 And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.


13 And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went up into the mount of God.


14 And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come unto them.


15 And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount.


16 And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.


As for 2 Corinthians 6:14:


2 Corinthians 6:14 (King James Version)

King James Version (KJV)

Public Domain


14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?


This scripture instructs not to marry people with different religious beliefs. It is not suggesting that interracial marriage is wrong. Religious beliefs are deeply passionate issues. A Zionist marrying someone affiliated with Hamas certainly will have a hard time staying together (even if they can get past their issues, the families will compound the problems). I actually think this is good advice. Light with darkness refers to good vs. evil, a recurring theme in the bible.


The bible also advocates "love thy neighbor". Jesus suggested people do this above all else.

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Plus, as someone said, if a child at a young age sees two people of a similar sex kissing, that is going to bring up questions and some parents might want to wait to explain some things to kids.

You know, I never really understood this argument. What if a young child saw a man and a woman kissing or doing more than that in public? You'd have to explain things then wouldn't you? I know not everyone agrees with same sex couples, and that's their choice, but what's so hard in telling their kids 'some men like men and some women like women, but we don't agree with that'? Just because someone wants to shelter their kids from reality doesn't mean everyone should cater to their needs. That's just the way I see it.


Yeah it also says that anyone who is handicapped or disabled are abominations to God and that children who disrespect their parents need to be stoned by their townspeople.

I think we need to bring back the stoning one!!!!! Some kids today are horrible

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This scripture instructs not to marry people with different religious beliefs. It is not suggesting that interracial marriage is wrong. Religious beliefs are deeply passionate issues. A Zionist marrying someone affiliated with Hamas certainly will have a hard time staying together (even if they can get past their issues, the families will compound the problems). I actually think this is good advice. Light with darkness refers to good vs. evil, a recurring theme in the bible.


Good advice it may be, but that doesn't mean that we should make Law out of mere "advice".


I think what Wes might be saying, is historically, the text in the Bible has been manipulated to create unjust laws. It isn't very hard for a racist to read the Bible and use it to "prove" other races are "ungodly". Just as it isn't hard to read the Bible and use it to "prove" that Christianity is about equality between races. The truth is, it's a very malleable book!



But I feel the strongest argument, simply put, is sexual orientation and marriage is a very personal thing. The government trying to dictate these elements of individual's lives is wrong. Though anyone may personally disagree, society is not being harmed and therefore there really isn't any impressive justification for "banning" gay marriage.



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