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The American Idol Audition Thread


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I'm pretty sure everybody has heard of American Idol, launching the careers of many has-beens and teh definitions of ghey, Clay Aiken and Ryan Seacrest. Responsible for giving us crap such as William Hung and From Justin to Kelly and so on.


Right now, we are at the only part of the show worth watching. The audition episodes, giving us what could potentially be comic gold or the next bad pop singer that would crap up the airwaves faster than Jew's White Castle farts.


Tonight's epsiode was alright. We had "emo kid that goes 'OMG THATS MY DREAM AND SIMON COWELL RUINED IT! WAAHHH!'" and "I think I'm a country star guy."


Tomorrow's episode has potential and will make Seattle look like Freak City USA, we have Brian Peppers and Down Syndrome guy (no offense).


Discuss American Idol auditions here!

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Fatty lion-purring-singer girl was by far the best last night.


Are you talking about the girl who randomly made that chewbacca (Sp?) noise? That was probably the funniest thing I have seen in my life.

I didn't know if that's the girl you were talking about...

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Oh my god, Down Syndrome guy was amazing...




Oh yeah Kenneth "Brian Peppers" was funny.


"Go back to England!"


EDIT: Oh god... another "Soul Patrol" wannabe Taylor Hicks guy.

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Did anybody else think that the weird blonde chick singing "Dontcha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me" was possibly one of the funniest auditions ever?


Wait...scratch that, for me it's between the guy that sane "Unchained Melody" or the last guy that sang "Bohemian Rhapsody."

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Can I ask a question really quick?...




... I mean, seriously! What is it about this that makes you tune in every week?! It really escapes me and I would LOVE to know!!!



The auditions are like a small consolation for Fox taking away Arrested Development. It helps ease the pain, if only for a little while. Then it's back to still hating Fox for taking away Arrested Development.

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