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Twister II

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^ yes it is very gay. lol.


I'm not one for marching in the parades and stuff like that, but I've participated in some events pride events. I went to the local festival last year (after being dragged there by a friend), that was cool. Basically the festival was like any other festival/fair you can think of with shopping, food, games, performances, etc. Its kinda cool because you run into people you know or havent seen for a while...that may or not be gay.


The main events I have attended are just the after parties at the night clubs. They are fun just because they bring in big name Dj talent and theres a lot of people from out of town, etc.


The most fun I have had was Orlando Gay Days, just because of people coming from all over. The creative shirts at the parks are fun. Vegas' pride is small compared to most places. Our city is very conservative though.


Overall, im not really into the whole scene of things, but I do like to dance and go clubbin and pride is a good time for that.

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Well, I'm not one to go to one of these events... but Orlando does have one downtown every year.


I'm gay... Sure I think it's great that they're having events like these, but you probably wouldn't see me out there. I'm fine with being gay, but gay is about 1% of what I am... I don't let it become me.


My friends that have gone said that it's fun, there's a lot to do... but then there are those "Stereotypical" ones that act it all out just to be outrageous, that irks me, puts a label on me.


If you want to attend one to see what it's like, I wouldn't see why it would be a bad idea.

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These days pride events are mostly gatherings with music, entertainment and in some cities, carnival rides! There are also booths with various gay resources, like youth groups, social clubs for people that don't like to frequent bars, health information, etc.


Depending on which city you go to, your experience will be different. The bigger cities, such as San Francisco, New York, and even Chicago have some of the best events. I've been to a few in Chicago and I've always had a great time and met some interesting people. One year in Chicago, I remember my best friend and I wore matching black shirts that said "Looking for something in black?", and we spent the rest of the day walking around talking with cute guys that responded "Oh yeah. I'm looking for something..." I may try to go to New york this year, since I know a few people up there.


The biggest surprise one year was finding out my boss at one of the companies I used to work at was gay. I saw him at the event with his "husband" of 10 years.


Of course the biggest part are the parties. You do get at some of the largest events world-renowned djs spinning; it's not so much a big deal in South Florida (besides most prides in FL suck a$$ anyway), since we get them most of the time but other places would be a be draw.


Of course you have you outrageous ones there that you have to stare and laugh at. But I got irked when a straight toothless old woman tried to hit on me! Why does the weirdest stuff happen to me?


I would suggest at least once in your life to go to one of bigger cities for a pride event, it's almost like going to gay mecca!



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Philly pride was a parade leading to a street fair like event that charged admission so I never went in there. Im not big on gay pride really, Pride is something that is gained through achievement, I never achieved anything to be gay in the same essence straight people never achieved anything to be straight, or I never achieved anything to have blue eyes. I guess its cool for those who are into, I just personally don't really go for the whole thing. I think in some instances it brings some un-needed bad perceptions of gays with some of the over-the-top/wild street fairs and such, one example with guys walking down the street flashing the crowds during the parade at pride (I really, really did NOT need to see that lol) It kind of goes against how they tried to incorporate family things into the whole thing...

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^umm, not to sound like "whatever", but I think Twister was asking those who actually went what they thought.


It sounds like a few people are, whether they admit it or not, aren't really happy with their gay lives and themselves because of it. Pride is in a sense achievement--the fact you have the opportunity to come out and say, "ok I'm gay" without being ridiculed or bashed is an achievement. You know in other parts of the world, gays are killed and hung by their goverments because of their preference.


So some may not be fond of the event, but you know what... consider it an achievement that you can even be gay relatively in public without some of the ramifications that the ones that came before you had suffered...


And people that go are saying hey I may or may not like this event, but this is who I am and I'm not ashamed to go out in public and be who I am; whether it's dancing, talking to others or if you feel "free" enough, throw on some silly outfit and have yourself a good time.



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It sounds like a few people are, whether they admit it or not, aren't really happy with their gay lives and themselves because of it. Pride is in a sense achievement--the fact you have the opportunity to come out and say, "ok I'm gay" without being ridiculed or bashed is an achievement. You know in other parts of the world, gays are killed and hung by their goverments because of their preference.


So the only way gay people can be happy with their "gay lives" is by going to some street fair?

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^umm, not to sound like "whatever", but I think Twister was asking those who actually went what they thought.

Yes and no. I mean, I want to hear peoples experiences.


I'm NOT one for the rainbow. That's why. I agree though with the over the top parting.


I get extremely uncomfortable around this.

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^While you're busy being stupid, read this:


Iran Executes Two Gay Teens In Public Hanging


I'm being serious, so let's not work my nerves with Borat.




...and my few gay friends wonder why I am so for the war in Iraq and wouldn't mind if it expanded to Iran. Muslim extremist would kill everyone of us (gays and anyone who wasn't also Muslim) if they ever got the chance, would rather kill them first!


Sorry to get off topic.


As for the pride stuff, just can't get into it. Went to the small one here in Dayton last summer just to check it out. Not my thing. It seemed over the top on the stereo typical gay lifestyle and I don't fit into that.

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^While you're busy being stupid, read this:


Iran Executes Two Gay Teens In Public Hanging


I'm being serious, so let's not work my nerves with Borat.




I'm not trying to give offense. I'm well aware of human rights violations in the Middle East, and it extends far beyond abusing gays. The world can be an insane place. And there is not a thing we can do about it. I find that laughing at idiots like that helps me deal.

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So the only way gay people can be happy with their "gay lives" is by going to some street fair?


Of course not. Don't be silly.


But when I read some of the comments where people make excuses, or assume an event is a certain way and they haven't even experienced it firsthand is a problem. When I lived in Missouri years ago, I wouldn't go to any pride events, not because I didn't want to associate with certain groups within the gay community nor not wanting it to define who I am, but because they were just plain snoozefests. Go back and re-read some of the posts and look at the reasons... it sounds more like the negativity is more pointed towards themselves than the event. And i can understand people not wanting to go out, especially in smaller communities where you got different groups lumped together in one bar... it makes it difficult to meet anyone with the same interests. The last year i was in the midwest, I stayed at home because I was fed up with the people I met when I went out... I had more fun with my friend in a grocery store than going out. But instead of wallowing, I decided to do something about what I needed to make myself happy and moved. Now I have a bigger cross section of friends and aquaintances, both gay and straight: those I volunteer with, go to dinner with, drink with, ride coasters with, bowl with, etc. I only hang out with people that I'm comfortable being myself with, you see so many people self destruct because they lie to others and try to be what others want them to be (or think that's what they want).


Also when you're under 21 and living with your parents, you're in no position to fly the rainbow because you haven't experienced life on your own terms to really make that assessment. There are exceptions though, such as one of my exes that got put out of his house at 16 and lived own his own since. But he's done well for himself.. He bought his own house last year and is putting himself through school; he doesn't go out to pride events because he's dedicated to school and a lot people got on his nerves.


Like I said before, different cities have different experiences and I would imagine going to an event in Dayton (or doing anything in that town) would make me yawn. But at least in south florida there places and things to do for the gay community that doesn't involve flashing lights and loud music... My friend and I almost joined the softball league eariler this year to do things outside of the "bar life", but he threw his back out moving so I may do it by myself next year.


Life is what you make it, and whoever you are, you should be happy with yourself and your life at the end of the day.



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Pride is so stupid.


The whole thing that gets me is that the "gay community" is striving to be accepted as normal.. Yet it's clearly not normal to ride a bright pink float in nothing but a thong.


You and Joe can do me a favor and don't bring your ignorance into the conversation. If either of you were old enough to go to New Orleans during Mardi Gras, you'll see straight people on floats doing the same EXACT thing, combined with flashing everyone their private parts for a string of 50 cent beads. But I'm sure you'll accept that, right. 'Nuff said.


Now with that out of the way, most people that are gay does not fit the flamboyant, flaming image that the entertainment industry and media wants to portray gays as. Heck, I have, as a black man, endure the sterotype of being an ignorant and part of the hiphop mentality when I go about my daily routines. People generally want to treated like they treat others and this is no different. As people that contribute to society and pay taxes, want to be able to enjoy the same benefits and protections; such as if your spouse was in a coma, you'd be able to visit them without being turned away.


Now I keep hearing all this B.S. about gays marriage being a threat to the institution of marriage. Gays isn't the biggest threat. Divorce is. The US has a divorce rate over 50%, and I'm sure it's not because Adam and Steve wants to get married. You want to save the institution of marriage? Make it harder for everyone to get married and divorced. Make sure people complete pre-marriage counseling. Better yet, outlaw divorce. If you're standing before God and saying your vows, you don't have a need for divorce right? It's until death do you part, but people get married and divorces so quick it's ridiculous, but yet when gays want the opportunity all of a sudden marriage is in jeopardy.


Now personally if someone came up to me with a petition for gay marriage I wouldn't sign because the community is so divided; and if the community can't come together, whether it gays, lesbian, transgendered, leather, transvestite, black, white, etc, then they need to work on that before asking for acceptance from the outside... especially when I went out over Thanksgiving and gay white man called me a "N" word to my face in a bar. Somebody tell him the KKK doesn't have a gay chapter.



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You and Joe can do me a favor and don't bring your ignorance into the conversation.

you know... I really had not problem with your dribble here until you got onto somebody for making a joke. Quit acting so goddamn serious and lighten up a bit. are you the new shepp?


oh, speaking of ignorance, I wonder if you know that Ed is gay...

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You and Joe can do me a favor and don't bring your ignorance into the conversation. If either of you were old enough to go to New Orleans during Mardi Gras, you'll see straight people on floats doing the same EXACT thing, combined with flashing everyone their private parts for a string of 50 cent beads. But I'm sure you'll accept that, right. 'Nuff said.


So a gay guy makes a comment on what he thinks about pride festivals, and Joe makes a joke...and their ignorant? But saying, "you guys aren't 21, you obviously don't know anything about Mardi Gras" isn't?


I won't even comment on how 2/3 of your post really has nothing to do with pride festivals and is just a very loosely connected tangent, but that seems to be OK, yet a simple joke a site with a disclaimer about having a sense of humor isn't OK (or a comment on topic that you don't agree with for that matter)...


Keep on partying like a rhinestone cowboy and enjoying Pride festivals. If you think it's fun, great! But realize that just by the nature of those events, not everyone is going to think the same way about them.


Just lighten up dude. Don't get upset when someone else doesn't share the same interests or opinions as you...


(this is why you can't talk about religion, politics, or sexual orientation on a message board)

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You and Joe can do me a favor and don't bring your ignorance into the conversation.

you know... I really had not problem with your dribble here until you got onto somebody for making a joke. Quit acting so goddamn serious and lighten up a bit. are you the new shepp?


oh, speaking of ignorance, I wonder if you know that Ed is gay...


Besides terrancew_hod, this is not your thread to begin with. So please stop with the "I can say what I want and you cant" attitude. Its starting to get annoying. Also you pretty much made your point of your view on the whole gay pride thing. So please give other people a chance to speak their mind aswell.


Mike" Going to go and create a straight pride event with men having sex with women on floats" Black

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Do I have to remind everone that flame wars aren't permitted here?


If you're going to argue with each other or tell people they are being ignorant, please either do it in PM or email.


I don't need to see it on the forum.


Thank you!



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