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What's the worst song you ever heard?...

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whatever rap song that contains the following lyric: I got money in the bank shorty what you drink? gah that song sucks.


Yea thats pretty much why all rap songs suck now. Everything is done and said, It should just die already!

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Hinder-Lips of an Angel


I curse the radio and the radio station that plays it every time it comes on. I find it funny that women think this song is soooo romantic and beautiful, yet it's about a guy and a girl, exes, talking to each other behind their current boyfriend and girlfriend's backs. This is romantic how? Anyone who's ever been cheated on or left for another person should find this song disgusting. Yay, lets romanticize cheating? Puke.

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Hinder-Lips of an Angel


I curse the radio and the radio station that plays it every time it comes on. I find it funny that women think this song is soooo romantic and beautiful, yet it's about a guy and a girl, exes, talking to each other behind their current boyfriend and girlfriend's backs. This is romantic how? Anyone who's ever been cheated on or left for another person should find this song disgusting. Yay, lets romanticize cheating? Puke.


It's funny my ex g/f loved that song. Then again her taste in music was always crap her fav. artist is Justin Timberlake.

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